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Disney + streaming video recommendations thread

Haven’t watched the second episode yet, but loved the first one and so does everyone else, it seems. I think this is going to need its own thread, no?

Yeah of course it does.
* goes off to sort it out
excellent stuff. Looking forward to witchy Dathomir goodness.

Unlike Guardians vol 3 which i noped out of after an hour of what was utter mawkish shite
Have you watched Guardians of the Galaxy 3 yet? I thought it was decent and preferred it to the second film.
I saw that at the cinema a while back. I liked it apart from the bombastic cgi final battle. My brain switched off at that point.
What I like about GOTG is that they have stories. If you break that movie down to the dialogue and basic story it's still a fun film.

Quantumania is a complete mess. They should not have allowed it to get made. The reason it was made was because they needed some more kang bullshit because that's what everything is leading up to now. I'm so sick of multiverses. I'd rather see films with smaller problems, and a team up now and then. They don't always have to be saving the world/ universe / multiverse/ all of time and reality. It's just boring now.
Plus it was riddled with plot holes . . . he's got nine for a start. . . though perhaps Scott was happy just to agree rather than explain the other two.
I saw that at the cinema a while back. I liked it apart from the bombastic cgi final battle. My brain switched off at that point.
What I like about GOTG is that they have stories. If you break that movie down to the dialogue and basic story it's still a fun film.

Quantumania is a complete mess. They should not have allowed it to get made. The reason it was made was because they needed some more kang bullshit because that's what everything is leading up to now. I'm so sick of multiverses. I'd rather see films with smaller problems, and a team up now and then. They don't always have to be saving the world/ universe / multiverse/ all of time and reality. It's just boring now.
Plus it was riddled with plot holes . . . he's got nine for a start. . . though perhaps Scott was happy just to agree rather than explain the other two.
Like you I am getting increasingly tired of the usual green screen all-action, little character driven stuff Marvel produces for the most part. And I certainly agree GOTG is more enjoyable than many other sub-franchises.

For similar reasons I have similarly enjoyed the Thor ones. In fact I thought the most recent one was arguably the funniest Marvel flick ever. Kudos for producing a camp, almost Carry On-esque movie. Most people seemed to hate it, but all I know is that I laughed my head off and was thoroughly entertained. More than I can say for a great many other MCU films.
Like you I am getting increasingly tired of the usual green screen all-action, little character driven stuff Marvel produces for the most part. And I certainly agree GOTG is more enjoyable than many other sub-franchises.

For similar reasons I have similarly enjoyed the Thor ones. In fact I thought the most recent one was arguably the funniest Marvel flick ever. Kudos for producing a camp, almost Carry On-esque movie. Most people seemed to hate it, but all I know is that I laughed my head off and was thoroughly entertained. More than I can say for a great many other MCU films.
Yes. I didn't mind the last thor. Not incredible, but not terrible at all.

I still haven't seen the gotg holiday special. I felt I had missed / forgotten something at the start gotg 3.
Nah, you haven't. Very disappointing and the humour felt forced.
I mean I really 'missed something'. At the beginning of the film they were suddenly in a different place with new people, referencing in dialogue things I had not seen.

Though your comment is a bit disappointing. . . I was looking forward to that.
I mean I really 'missed something'. At the beginning of the film they were suddenly in a different place with new people, referencing in dialogue things I had not seen.

Though your comment is a bit disappointing. . . I was looking forward to that.
Sorry! It's not completely rubbish. Just disappointed compared with the films.
Sorry! It's not completely rubbish. Just disappointed compared with the films.
I've already heard Kevin Bacon was in it as himself (did I hear that, or was it mentioned / referenced in the third film?)
Slightly worried. I didn't mind Hasslehoff's insertion in the second film in context it was presented in . . . nut actually meeting celebs is a bit lame.
I've already heard Kevin Bacon was in it as himself (did I hear that, or was it mentioned / referenced in the third film?)
Slightly worried. I didn't mind Hasslehoff's insertion in the second film in context it was presented in . . . nut actually meeting celebs is a bit lame.

It's not as joyful as Tom Jones appearing in Mars Attacks!
It's not as joyful as Tom Jones appearing in Mars Attacks!
Just watched it. Pretty shite. Had a few good moments, but they were counted by far more cringe inducing moments. Basically looked like someone else trying to copy the movies with a much lower budget . . which is probably what it was. Mostly embarrassing.
The latest hulu series of Futurama is also pretty weak.

I did however start watching Mr Inbetween. Which looks like it is going to be decent.
I thought the brand new Goosebumps TV series was going to be either shite or a kids’ show , but it’s neither. The books author R. L. Stine has co-written this, and whereas it’s no Stranger Things (or tries to be) it’s still pretty watchable, in a pretty similar vein to Lock & Key. If you liked the latter you’re likely to like this too.
I am on season 2 of Loki. I didn't think I had to re-watch the first series as it's not particularly complicated. . . but after episode 2 I felt I was missing something and just whizzed though the first series again. Turns out I didn't miss anything, except Miss Minutes deeper involvement. So suddenly a lot of the ideas of what was happening in episode 1&2 seemed like it was all new. . . . . and it turns out it is. Loki season 2 was supposed to come out a long time ago and somehow quantumania has changed a lot of what Loki was about (as things need to be introduced in a certain order apparently).

Makes the set up for season 2 a little weird (the time jumping was a quick script fix). It does feel like someone else had to quickly come up with a new story to attach to the last segment (a la the new star wars films). I didn't quite know what was going on, or rather why it was going on. I wasn't something I missed, it was just not very well laid out.
Good in a way because I find the kang idea tedious for some reason, and that has apparently been dramatically scaled back (or at least saved for the avengers film down the line). I'm totally sick of marvel threats being world changing, universe changing, all existence in time an space changing, all existence across time and space in every dimension. . . Loki felt a little bit like it had fallen outside of all that shite. I guess it's not.

Brain fart . . . Loki and Mobius seem like great mates, but have actually spent very little time in each others company. Quantumania is a terrible terrible film.
. . . actually just watched series 2 ep 2 again and now I see why I was confused. Looks like this was an episode created to clear up some sort of script change, or maybe it was just bad writing. Everything seems to come out of nowhere and is explained in almost throw away lines where people are (tellingly) speaking off camera.

With absolutely zero set up, character X5 (who only appeared briefly in the previous episode), has gone awol and for no good reason loki and mobius think he knows where Sylvie is (explained in literally one off camera line). We find out later that about half of the Hunters have gone rogue and are not doing what they are not supposed to be (tracking sylvie) why does this one stick out when by this point he is the only one seemingly doing what he is supposed to be and not sneaking around? They even say they think he is working undercover (which is a normal TVA tactic). X5/Brads motivations seem muddled. He has left the mission he was on so he can't have been backing it, but he also won't turn the rogue hunters in. . . why? Turns out he did find Sylvie, but didn't approach her or tell anyone, so it's just a massive coincidence that Mobius and Loki's hunch is correct (one they are 100% certain to be true). Potentially he was given a modded tempad (by renslayer, Hewho, or Miss Minutes) that took him directly to Sylvie (which we may find out later) but nobody knew that before they went looking for him, and why would this be necessary anyway?

It's a flipping mess.

The interrogation and lime pie digressions were painful to watch, and it really didn't look like any of the actors hearts were in it.

Hopefully it will get back on track next episode.
Disney+ today set itself to Dutch English with Chinese subtitles on Samsung TV and I can't change the audio back to English for life nor money! The language in the main settings on the TV and on the Web is set to English, so this is some mad bug. I can turn off the subtitles. I even cleared the cache. It was absolutely fine yesterday.

I like to watch Grey's anatomy when I do my strength workout and was annoyed -> First World Problems
I seem to be the only mortal that enjoyed Quantumania, but i like the character of Kang anyway.

Loki is really enjoyable and completely different to what I imagined the show would be. Loving it.

Disney+ has come on leaps and bounds, so much so that I don't mind that I had forgotten it was due to renew and have now spent the money I probably shouldn't have :D
I have a £2 a month deal until mid december. I think I will have extinguished everything it has to offer by then.
I was sharing with my brother, but It looks like they have changed their 'family' rules. Netflix too seems to be sending me warnings not to share, and to be honest I was only keeping them on because we were all using it. If they send me a direct message / accusation I'll just quit (so far they have just been 'suggesting' I can buy a package that can include family members who live elsewhere).

Disney started logging me out every time my brother used it, then sent me emails about new terms and conditions.
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Yeah, I rejoined on the £2 deal but have no interest in keeping it past then. Even the £5 a month you can buy codes for isn't worth it for the amount of new content they put out. Unless you're a Marvel fan.
Yeah, I rejoined on the £2 deal but have no interest in keeping it past then. Even the £5 a month you can buy codes for isn't worth it for the amount of new content they put out. Unless you're a Marvel fan.
Aye. Every now and then I get a free month, a month or two for £1 or this. . . I'm always pretty much done with it in a month.
I'm currently just testing out a few shows.
The first month was worth it for Mr In-between alone, so it's already in credit. The second month is looking slightly worse.
Aye. Every now and then I get a free month, a month or two for £1 or this. . . I'm always pretty much done with it in a month.
I'm currently just testing out a few shows.
The first month was worth it for Mr In-between alone, so it's already in credit. The second month is looking slightly worse.
I like Only Murders, but it's too cheesy for the missus so it's certainly not for everyone. Loki is... nonsensical, but somehow still fun. They should be getting new WWDITS by December. I've already watched it, and it was great.
A new season of American Horror Story has started dropping. Though the last few have been distinctly inferior imo to the first 7-8.
I like Only Murders, but it's too cheesy for the missus so it's certainly not for everyone. Loki is... nonsensical, but somehow still fun. They should be getting new WWDITS by December. I've already watched it, and it was great.
Only murders is good quality mid level entertainment. I don't get excited about watching it but it does the job without making me angry.
Loki was fine, I don't think it was nonsense. . . but it's not logical anymore, well 'logical' as in the decisions that the characters make and their motivations and the reasons for events unfolding in the internal logic of the show. I am extremely disappointed. At leas the last two episodes had the cool visual aesthetic of the TVA.
Only murders is good quality mid level entertainment. I don't get excited about watching it but it does the job without making me angry.
Loki was fine, I don't think it was nonsense. . . but it's not logical anymore, well 'logical' as in the decisions that the characters make and their motivations and the reasons for events unfolding in the internal logic of the show. I am extremely disappointed. At leas the last two episodes had the cool visual aesthetic of the TVA.
It’s partly because my memory is increasingly shit and I can’t keep up with overall story arc, but for me faultless logic, or even anything complete sense in such genres as superhero, space opera sci-fi or other fantasy stuff, takes a decisive back seat so long as the overall product is enjoyable enough.

I’d much rather watch like Loki even when confusing or if it might conflict with pre-existing canon than any Marvel series that might be faithful and coherent with the wider MCU developing story arc but are an uninspiring bore fest- which most series to date have been.
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