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Diane Abbott suspended as Labour MP.

Too late now...but that's what they should have done -seat in the Lords...the vetting committee is about blocking cash for honours type stuff not blocking someone whose had decades in the Commons being able to continue to offer the benefit of their experience. [Not a fan of D.A. but this is a shitshow]
So you are a fan of shammer
I don't share the view that some posters do on here have that this is a blow to Labour's chances.
For us Wanky Centrist Liberal Reformists, the scalp was always Corbyn. It genuinely doesn't matter if he wins his seat (I think he will, with a stonking majority), it was about getting him out of the party.

DA was simply never on the radar - firstly because of her genuine achievements and the regard with which she's (rightly) held by X proportion of the party, but secondly - and this isn't a complement - she's no longer a threat to anyone.

I think she's been really badly handled on both a personal level and on a skulduggery level - if you want rid, get rid, and don't blanch at the sight of blood in the water, but this shitty lawyer-speak prevarication and self-defeating media briefing has shown a real LMF by Starmer, and very low competence levels by the people he delegates this stuff to.
I agree with your last sentence however I wouldn't want to cloud it over as just some poor management skills by Starmer. Regarding Corbyn, the ironic thing about Corbyns expulsion and this being the final chapter is the fact that the Labour Party leadership will still be talking about him now he's gone. They can't get him out of their heads.

On another note, whilst I am delighted to hear of your recent self-appointment as spokesperson of the Wanky Centrist Liberal Reformists and I look forward to hearing about future plans, cunning or otherwise. I am however somewhat saddened about the split from the original Wanky Reformists led by A380 but that's politics for you.
I'm excellent at sleeping through boring shit. :thumbs:
I too feel I have a great deal to offer my country in this regard. I have nodded off in meetings that would have driven lesser men into fits of homicidal rage.
Since I will be an actual pensioner starting tomorrow, I'm sure I am ideally qualified to kip for the greater good.
The BBC seem to have added a couple of sentences to the two day old story.

Later on the same evening, Ms Abbott called Sir Keir a "liar" in response to his claim he had respect for her. However, she rapidly deleted the social media post.

I wonder why they've chosen to add it now, rather than including it earlier - possibly it's only just been brought to their attention.

Looks like someone somewhere wants to reignite the story...
The BBC seem to have added a couple of sentences to the two day old story.

I wonder why they've chosen to add it now, rather than including it earlier - possibly it's only just been brought to their attention.

Looks like someone somewhere wants to reignite the story...
Reckon there's a spot of mileage in the story yet
Reckon there's a spot of mileage in the story yet

It's like the Jeremy Kyle show - it's all personal beef.

It's been sufficiently badly handled that she'll end up getting suspended/whatever after the last point at which the party can substitute another candidate in her place.

Either get rid, or play nice. The party can't seem to do either, and it seems she can't restrain herself in the face of an opportunity to say nothing.

Goat rodeo.
Why? She will still get the peerage as the first ever black female mp. Threatening her was really poor politics from the supposed grown ups.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Eh? That’s not how peerages word…and she said outright she doesn’t want one which shuts down that for future…really not a smart way of dealing with things…
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