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Diane Abbott suspended as Labour MP.

Eh? That’s not how peerages word…and she said outright she doesn’t want one which shuts down that for future…really not a smart way of dealing with things…

I interpreted what she was reported as saying as meaning she wasn't prepared to be bought off, ie to stand down now as an MP on the promise of a peerage, rather than saying she would never accept a peerage under any circumstances.
Eh? That’s not how peerages word…and she said outright she doesn’t want one which shuts down that for future…really not a smart way of dealing with things…
You have developed a penchant for talking the most absurd drivel, recently. Are you trying to gamble away all your money?

Saying she doesn't want one has precisely zero affect upon her likelihood of receiving one.
So, election on the 4th July and Dorham Miner's on the 13th. Wonder if the newly elected MP for Durham North will get an invite?
You have developed a penchant for talking the most absurd drivel, recently. Are you trying to gamble away all your money?

Saying she doesn't want one has precisely zero affect upon her likelihood of receiving one.
Right back at you, clearly you're clueless how the nominations system works and how being quoted in such absolute terms is reported and remembered. As an aside I note this has had zero impact on Labour's polling or Starmers so really just goes to show how niche and inside baseball this stuff is...
I interpreted what she was reported as saying as meaning she wasn't prepared to be bought off, ie to stand down now as an MP on the promise of a peerage, rather than saying she would never accept a peerage under any circumstances.
Lol ok. That's not what she said but you live by whatever head canon you need...
This is the thing with using procedural tricks to win a factional war within a ropey system, in theory you can then use the precedent of those same tricks back at the abuser, collapsing the whole thing. But it takes people prepared to do that.....the dominant "faction" in the LP is so dominant here, in numbers and in positions of power, there just isn't the fight back required.
Needs endless challenges like this

That's very strange. Is this something people standing for mainstream parties do these days? (It'd definitely make more sense if she was standing as an independent but that obviously mentions Labour.) :confused:
It's very common in the USA to solicit donations from supporters at every level.
Sure. It's not here though AFAIK.
I guess online crowdfunders are a recent thing so you couldn't do this a few years ago. But yeah, it does seem very odd. Surely if they want you to support a Labour candidate financially, they should direct you to join the Labour Party and pay your subs – plus any extra if you're that way inclined.
I guess online crowdfunders are a recent thing so you couldn't do this a few years ago. But yeah, it does seem very odd. Surely if they want you to support a Labour candidate financially, they should direct you to join the Labour Party and pay your subs – plus any extra if you're that way inclined.
Yeah, I mean it's more understandable with independents who don't have the party machine/money behind them and need to find 500 quid to stand then money for leaflets and stuff. Although raising 12p or whatever in a Crowdfunder doesn't exactly make you look like you've got much/any support...
Looking it up, there were noises about scrapping the deposit of £500 a few years ago. Instead of that, they doubled it to £1000. Fair enough for fringe candidates to ask for help with that as they're not getting it back.

Edited. Sorry, it's still £500. It costs £1,000 to stand for the London Authority in local elections! London. More expensive for everything, including democracy.

The deposit (Constituency member)
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Looking it up, there were noises about scrapping the deposit of £500 a few years ago. Instead of that, they doubled it to £1000. Fair enough for fringe candidates to ask for help with that as they're not getting it back.

Edited. Sorry, it's still £500. It costs £1,000 to stand for the London Authority in local elections! London. More expensive for everything, including democracy.

The deposit (Constituency member)
elections aren't democracy
I guess online crowdfunders are a recent thing so you couldn't do this a few years ago. But yeah, it does seem very odd. Surely if they want you to support a Labour candidate financially, they should direct you to join the Labour Party and pay your subs – plus any extra if you're that way inclined.

I might want to support Abbott's campaign but not give money to general party funds.
Just by way of contrast, the hideous Keith Vaz was still a party member till a few days ago, when he decided to stand for another party. That is, he was a party member after offering to buy coke for a sex worker and being found guilty of bullying a House of Commons clerk and, well, literally too many other controversies for me to even cut and paste from his wiki page:

Edit, to add that the lucky, lucky voters of Leicester East will also have Claudia Webbe standing again!
The SNP are £80,000 in debt*, a number of their would be MPs have opened funding pages, not with much success.

*This is very strange for a party that should have at least £600,000 in the bank.
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