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Dawn Butler MP closes office

London MP Dawn Butler closes office over race threats

Is this the result of anti-social media, Brexit, populist politics? It's a new low really. What is going on in this country?

Ruled by opportunistic lying bastards who enable bigotry with their silence and/or crocodile tears? Not to make light of DB's awful situation, but the lows have been there for quite a while. The murder of Jo Cox sadly springs to mind.
Dawn (she is my MP, and I know her) has been threatened on her way to Westminster on the Jubilee line. Other passengers intervened.
Willesden High Road, the surrounding roads and most of Brent is very diverse. One of the most diverse boroughs in the UK. Fascists keep a low profile, the only ones who openly display their racism are some Polish nazis. They put up some stickers and graffiti, and I occasionally see one wearing their skinhead gear.
Ruled by opportunistic lying bastards who enable bigotry with their silence and/or crocodile tears?

I read this as applying to the labour party, but it's still accurate. Starmer still hasn't got rid of the known racists in his party, and the only thing he's managed to muster up any actual passion for is chatting shit about BLM.
Ruled by opportunistic lying bastards who enable bigotry with their silence and/or crocodile tears? Not to make light of DB's awful situation, but the lows have been there for quite a while. The murder of Jo Cox sadly springs to mind.
MPs have always been targets I agree. Stephen Timms stabbing is another example but this current abuse to Dawn appears sustained and not just from one individual.
"My staff have been attacked in the office, verbally assaulted coming and going from work, bricks have been thrown through the windows and the frontage has been smashed," she said in a statement explaining the office closure. "
Dawn (she is my MP, and I know her) has been threatened on her way to Westminster on the Jubilee line. Other passengers intervened.
Willesden High Road, the surrounding roads and most of Brent is very diverse. One of the most diverse boroughs in the UK. Fascists keep a low profile, the only ones who openly display their racism are some Polish nazis. They put up some stickers and graffiti, and I occasionally see one wearing their skinhead gear.

Imagine being a “Polish Nazi“. Makes about as much sense as being a Stalinist Kulak.
At least she could call the police what happens if BLM get their way and there aren't any?
Some light reading for you
Key part.
"Defunding the police does not mean an immediate end to policing, but instead investing in social policies that prevent people from experiencing violence and harm in the first place."
Some light reading for you
Key part.
"Defunding the police does not mean an immediate end to policing, but instead investing in social policies that prevent people from experiencing violence and harm in the first place."
Similar to "tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime" then, except it's unclear from the slogan that it actually does mean this.
Imagine being a “Polish Nazi“. Makes about as much sense as being a Stalinist Kulak.
Unfortunately there are a lot of them in Poland, and some over here linked up with our home grown fash.
I went to Auschwitz in November 2018 and saw a couple of them there, complete with boots, black garb and black Stone Island bomber jackets. Apparently they go there on some sort of pilgrimage.
maybe urban needs a 'bollocks' button...

This smilie has done good service in the past:
You can fuck off too you pig ignorant cunt. This is 2020 not 1980 when you are bantering with 'the lads'

Fuck you you fucking dickhead.

The comment was perfectly reasonable, if you abolish the police service, then who will you call when something like this happens.

If The police cannot protect Dawn Butler now, who is going to do so if there is no police service.

Ideally there wouldn't be any police

Or MPs

Or racists

The police service is sorely in need of reform, that is indisputable, but without a police service of some sort there would be absolute anarchy.

MPs :hmm:

Racists have been around for ever, and will be around for ever going forward, unless something is done to stop it. Education is the answer, starting in nursery.
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