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Czech politics


Well-Known Member
There is already a thread covering a couple of past elections (Czechia elections), but I feel a more general thread is required.

Two recent and depressing articles:

ANO places first in STEM election poll, followed by SPD
ANO are populists led by a former agent of the communist era secret police, who is now one of the richest people in the country (old but good article here). They raise pensions and public sector pay but otherwise follow typical right-populist politics. SPD are far right, led by a TV chef.

Over 70% of Czech schools go on strike
Not just teachers, but also medics and workers at Škoda. It is said to be the biggest strike since 2015, and has been called in response to government austerity measures - the current government is led by ODS, conservatives who look to Thatcher as a role model.

In short, in response to cuts by the conservative government and marginalisation, poorer people and those outside the capital are inclining their support towards right populists and far right.

Edit for clarity and a bit more context: There are no viable parties on the left. The Pirates are diverse, encompassing centre left and social liberals as well as some who could be called free-market libertarians. The Social Democrats have little support, and are tainted by their association with vile former president and Putinist Miloš Zeman. Any party proposing left policies is branded communist by the middle classes.

I will write more later.
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