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Cyberpunk 2077


Fuck it, it's fine.
No thread for this yet?

The bit with the ricochet shots made me laugh. If they do this well then it could be amazing. I'd like the ability to customise my character and just walk around the city doing future 80s things.
This will definitely be amazing. I used to play the tabletop RPG with filthy squatters. There seems to be a table top RPG rinse occurring with Call of Cthulhu in the pipeline too

Call Of Cthulhu
both evolve the table top RPG`s ... this is the way .. if they could only nail the MMO side of things ..
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I was excited for it a year or 2 ago, but with more recent news it seemed like it was going to be more FPS than RPG and the spark fizzled out

This is sounding like it has some RPG elements, so am cautiously interested...
As Rab Florence pointed out in the latest Consolevania (which is the best show about video games by the way and you should totally watch it) nobody says "I've got news as big as my balls" except for characters in bad video games.

Which has kind of tempered my excitement. :)
I did find that interesting. Laura has an interesting perspective on things.
It is fascinating to think how a rule set up for a D&D style game designed to stop players turning into an over powered tank can run up against themes of identity.
Also how as a designer to you take rules from such a setting and adapt them for a new audience and environment.
The voodoo boys and the animals?!?

I mean, what the fuck. Is there the mime gang from Warriors as well?
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