I loved the Belgariad and the Mallorean and re-read them several times. I find them tedious now, the characters are very cardboard cut-outs for most of the story. I like the simplicity of the fight scenes. Not the crappiest, just a clumsy telling of a good story. They would make a good film
I have to defend the Stephen King's Darktower series, just a little bit. The worlds are good, especially in the later books. The characters are quite real, with depth and backstory. The thing that lets it down for me is the end. I do rate SK as a story teller, but he is crap at endings. Though to be fair, I wouldn't have a clue how to end it better. This leads me on to:
Stephen King, Dreamcatcher. I read it. I was waiting for the story to happen, then the book ended. Badly.