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Crap/Not Crap: The Cranberries

The Cranberries...

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Which continent? They were global... literally overnight. Huge everywhere...just didnt trek around the UK but at that time the early 90s Irish people were not so popular over there. They got a lot of grief actually. I remember being wity my fanily in London and only a kid mind...and being spat at for being Irish...
I lived in Liverpool at the time and Irish music and culture was hugely popular. The Pogues, U2, Cranberries etc were all massive and played to death in the bars. I had many a night out that would involve loud sing-a-longs to The Irish Rover or Fiesta. :thumbs:
Listened to a couple of their albums last night. A lot of the tracks are pretty bland with a few better ones. Also starting to get some of the annoyance with the vocals. Some of what others have called yodelling can be a bit grating after fifteen or twenty songs. Maybe listening to Zombie five times a day on the radio would be enough for it to get some peoples backs up about the vocals. Overplaying can ruin a song. I've done it to myself overplaying certain albums. Listening to it now Zombies ok but I don't really remember it standing out at the time.
I believe the great prophet Alanis had a word for caterwauling catholic fundies chucking epithets like 'zombie' around.
I lived in Liverpool at the time and Irish music and culture was hugely popular. The Pogues, U2, Cranberries etc were all massive and played to death in the bars. I had many a night out that would involve loud sing-a-longs to The Irish Rover or Fiesta. :thumbs:

Liverpool was and is little Ireland 😁😁👍
Listened to a couple of their albums last night. A lot of the tracks are pretty bland with a few better ones. Also starting to get some of the annoyance with the vocals. Some of what others have called yodelling can be a bit grating after fifteen or twenty songs. Maybe listening to Zombie five times a day on the radio would be enough for it to get some peoples backs up about the vocals. Overplaying can ruin a song. I've done it to myself overplaying certain albums. Listening to it now Zombies ok but I don't really remember it standing out at the time.

Technical term is keening.
She did it in Zombie for specific reasons...loss of life.
The rapid alternating pitch in other songs was different. She had a glitch in her voice between two ranges...and used that.
I seem to be trying to convince people that the Cranberries were not crap.
Their massive following stands to show that already...so I'll sign off thread. People seem to be reacting to my posts ... its a bit like negative reinforcement. So .... for now...
This thread is going on ignore for a while.
Listening to the first two albums today.

Still love Dreams, the youthful optimism of the song is beautiful. I first heard it on a plane from London to DC in the early 90s, there was only a 1 hour loop of music so I heard it 8 times. it always reminds me of the glorious 6 months I lived in Virginia in 1994.
rolling stone said:
And don’t count on O’Riordan as an ally in defending abortion: “I’m in no position to judge other women, you know? But, I mean, ‘Idiot — why didn’t you not get pregnant?’ It’s not good for women to go through the procedure and have something living sucked out of your bodies. It belittles women — even though some women say, ‘Oh, I don’t mind to have one.’ Every time a woman has an abortion, it just crushes her self-esteem, smaller and smaller and smaller.”


Eileen Gogan of The Would Bes a far better singer from around that time. They were very young so Lamacq or Peel or somebody advised them to sign for an indie label who didn't have any money to release an album instead of an indie label with money to release an album or a nasty major. So that was that for them. She's still about doing this and that.

Was she a fucking proper Catholic and all? Urgh.

Just chuckled at this episode from her wiki

On 10 November 2014, O'Riordan was arrested and charged in connection with air rage on an Aer Lingus flight from JFK to Shannon airport. During the flight, she grew verbally and physically abusive to the crew. When police were arresting her, she resisted, reminding them that her taxes paid their wages and shouting "I'm the Queen of Limerick! I'm an icon!", headbutting one Garda officer and spitting at another.
Was she a fucking proper Catholic and all? Urgh.

Just chuckled at this episode from her wiki

On 10 November 2014, O'Riordan was arrested and charged in connection with air rage on an Aer Lingus flight from JFK to Shannon airport. During the flight, she grew verbally and physically abusive to the crew. When police were arresting her, she resisted, reminding them that her taxes paid their wages and shouting "I'm the Queen of Limerick! I'm an icon!", headbutting one Garda officer and spitting at another.

You missed out the rest of it..... the court medical reports on O’Riordan,.. psychiatric report concluding that her actions “were of a person suffering a severe psychiatric illness”. She was in St Patrick's Psychiatric institution for weeks after and ended up in the care of her mum. Her 20 yr marriage had ended before the incident and she had not seen her kids or slept in 2 months. She also had become very dependent on alcohol.
Plus all the sexual abuse stuff from her childhood resurfaced at that time when her abuser turned up for a family funeral to sympathise with her.

Not excusing her air rage..or the assault.. just pointing out the parts you forgot to quote.

I guess it all affected her singing then? Or maybe her religion / faith / or lack of same had an effect on her voice and her band too? Do you think? Seeing as Catholics in your mind are all disgusting.

I wonder ... does your aetheism effect your singing voice ? Assuming you're atheist? Maybe it effects how you sound? Maybe it effects your empathy too and your humanity?

Just another troll trashing a dead woman who sang in a band....

Judgemental prick.
Seems to me there's a disctinct poking of a dead woman going on..its gone beyond critiquing the band.
And there is an anti Irish anti Catholic vibe creeping in too.

Can you see it? Is it just something people plan on ignoring? Sort of...let the views go wherever they go because that's freedom of speech type thing?

Not expecting anyone to stand up for her.

Keep on kicking her...
How would you like your dead relative trashed and made fun of?

If they were a celebrity? I'd probably avoid crap/not crap threads about them on urban for a start.

Do you think we should be polite about celebrities and politicians in case someone reading is related to them?
If they were a celebrity? I'd probably avoid crap/not crap threads about them on urban for a start.

Do you think we should be polite about celebrities and politicians in case someone reading is related to them?

I don't give a flying fuck what you do on this thread or any other.

But I will defend someone I knew personally who was not what people here think.
Do you understand what I am saying maomao ?

Do you get it?

Taking someone's good name and trashing them for a very sad time in their lives and making a feck of someone who suffered mental illness is not what I would expect of urban.

Get a fucking grip.

Did you not write..

Get to fuck yourself you ignorant prick.
Can you not see the disconnect between me saying "urgh" in response to learning that your best friend made some pretty shitty comments about abortion -- because she was a practicing Catholic -- and yes, I do think there is a correlation between Catholics and pro-lifers which I won't bore you with the evidence of... and you turning that into me thinking "all Catholics are disgusting"... ?

You've lost it. Ignore the thread like you said you would. Here we're allowed to think the cranberries are shit AND diss the dead lead singer for whatever reason.
Can you not see the disconnect between me saying "urgh" in response to learning that your best friend made some pretty shitty comments about abortion -- because she was a practicing Catholic -- and yes, I do think there is a correlation between Catholics and pro-lifers which I won't bore you with the evidence of... and you turning that into me thinking "all Catholics are disgusting"... ?

You've lost it. Ignore the thread like you said you would. Here we're allowed to think the cranberries are shit AND diss the dead lead singer for whatever reason.

Not at all.
I'm not ignoring this any more.
When I did...you decided to get pretty nasty about Dolo.
So ...nope.
Not leaving the thread.

Go right ahead with your shite.
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