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Crap/Not Crap: The Cranberries

The Cranberries...

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I never liked them although I remember when Linger/Dreams came out and it was refreshing in the same way as Boyzone were refreshing in an Irish scene that was pretty shit, it was nice not to have anything that was self important or bombastic. Out of the two I prefer Boyzone mainly because Stephen Gately had some story.

I think years of The Beatbox gave me a loathing of Irish rock.
I'm just surprised that this thread has been so busy over the last week. Like half the world, I had No Need to Argue and thought it had a few good tunes. I was aware that they were considered to be uncool, they were too earnest, too conventional and certainly way too popular to be considered cool. I didn't mind O'Riordan's singing style, as a Bavarian I quite like a bit of yodelling. :D
I don't mind it but tis obviously marmite. It's perfectly fair to comment on it in this thread.
Maybe chuck this thread on ignore. Given your personal connection maybe your not the best person to hear honest opinions on this band.

Honest opinions?
Listen ... most of the voters think theyre not crap.
But the ones making all the noises are the "they're crap" ones. And the reason they give is only that they hate Dolos voice.

Why the fuck would I put this thread on ignore? Those thinkig the band are crap gave their opinion
Those ripping the shit out of Dolores voice are not criticising the band...they're ctiticising one person.

The band exploded onto the music scene worldwide. They didnt have the connections Boy Bands had. They hardly understood what was happening to them. And they were amazing live.

Someone has to stick up for her.
Well, that's a bit like saying a Jimi Hendrix thread became all about his guitar playing. It's kind of what defines them as a band.

Well...she was extremely good at live performances. That was how the band did so well. They literally travelled the world playing live. And her voice was always spot on.

A small few are knocking the band because they didnt "like" what she did with her voice. They want her to sound what way? Like who? Who should she sound like?
She was herself and had her own unique voice and sound.

.....people are entitled to their opinions and to not like a band..we all are different. We have different tastes...but it trips into some sort of creepiness when a poster repeatedly trashes a singer who actually was talented and world renowned FOR ger voice and then openly go on to admit not having a clue what the band's songs were about. And then say they didnt listen cos their friends didnt listen.

But yeah..
Maybe I am invested somewhat. It's still very raw that Dolo died...and the way she died was very sad. And people who knew her knew she was the furthest from a "rock star" personality you could get. She was a soft hearted, kind, generous, quiet spoken person...very shy in real life... deep and sensitive .

Sometimes making fun of someone is ok.
Sometimes it just isn't. There's nothing about Dolores that can be criticised.... she never hurt a soul in her life. She lived for her kids and family. She grew up in what would be a working class home. And never turned her back on that.

I'll leave it there now.

Worth a listen.
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A small few are knocking the band because they didnt "like" what she did with her voice. They want her to sound what way? Like who? Who should she sound like?
I think they just don't want to listen to her rather than have her be something else.

I have no massive dislike for the Cranberries but I absolutely support posters' rights to slag off music they don't like without consideration for others' feelings. Passionately hating music is still being passionate about music.
I think they just don't want to listen to her rather than have her be something else.

I have no massive dislike for the Cranberries but I absolutely support posters' rights to slag off music they don't like without consideration for others' feelings. Passionately hating music is still being passionate about music.

Hey..I'm not stopping anyone
There's a difference though between slagging a group and calling her a Foghorn.
Completely passed my by bar knowing the name and they were famous, must have been out of the continent at the key time otherwise sounds like that was quite hard to do, did know Faye Wong's hit was a cover of them is all.
Completely passed my by bar knowing the name and they were famous, must have been out of the continent at the key time otherwise sounds like that was quite hard to do, did know Faye Wong's hit was a cover of them is all.

You should watch some of the clips of people watching / listening to Zombie for the first time.

The reactions are exactly how I remember people's reactions were in 94. Stunned..upset...crying...and in awe of her voice. And of course the brilliant lead in on guitar and drums.
...listen with brand new ears... to Zombie and watch the official video....its impossible not to be affected by the song.
Completely passed my by bar knowing the name and they were famous, must have been out of the continent at the key time otherwise sounds like that was quite hard to do, did know Faye Wong's hit was a cover of them is all.

Which continent? They were global... literally overnight. Huge everywhere...just didnt trek around the UK but at that time the early 90s Irish people were not so popular over there. They got a lot of grief actually. I remember being wity my fanily in London and only a kid mind...and being spat at for being Irish...
I'm not especially enamoured of them, but can't bring myself to vote "crap". More poll options would have been appreciated.
Which continent? They were global... literally overnight. Huge everywhere...just didnt trek around the UK but at that time the early 90s Irish people were not so popular over there. They got a lot of grief actually. I remember being wity my fanily in London and only a kid mind...and being spat at for being Irish...
Asia, obviously they made it here or Faye Wong wouldn't have covered them but passed me by.
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