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COVAX, the mechanism to spread vaccines to the world..


Well-Known Member
WHO established COVAX as a mechanism to spread vaccines to the rest of the world. WHO DG regularly states that we will not be free of Covid-19 until we are all free of Covid-19.

Many developed countries have ordered many more vaccines than they need for their own populations, the UK I believe ordered a number of hundred million doses which far exceed the UK population.

French leader Macron has dedicated many vaccines to COVAX and it is hoped others will follow.
What’s needed is the recipe and the technology for the vaccines, so production can happen at scale where it’s needed. The charitable giving of leftovers isn’t the answer. Covax a good thing obvs. 4 billion $ contribution from the US announced the other day but it’s not anywhere near enough. At this rate some people won’t get vaccinated until 2023, and more mutations will keep appearing. For self interested reasons alone this needs to be tackled better by the rich countries.
What’s needed is the recipe and the technology for the vaccines, so production can happen at scale where it’s needed. The charitable giving of leftovers isn’t the answer. Covax a good thing obvs. 4 billion $ contribution from the US announced the other day but it’s not anywhere near enough. At this rate some people won’t get vaccinated until 2023 .
I think that is a good point and I think I read somewhere discussion on it. So far the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine has stated it will distribute at cost. Perhaps they will be the first ..
At this stage COVAX is there as something we can point to to claim some moral high ground when the reality is quite the opposite.
I originally stuck this post int he worldwide thread but have moved it here instead:

I see the issue of vaccine distribution to poorer countries is receiving additional framing from France in the form of competing for international influence.

"We're not talking about billions of doses immediately, or billions and billions of euros," Mr Macron told the FT.

"It's about much more rapidly allocating 4-5% of the doses we have.

"It won't change our vaccination campaigns, but each country should set aside a small number of the doses it has to transfer tens of millions of them, but very fast, so that people on the ground see it happening."

Mr Macron said German Chancellor Angela Merkel supported a European vaccine-sharing initiative, adding that he hoped to win the backing of the US as well.

In the absence of such a scheme, China and Russia were filling the gap, "paving the way for a war of influence over vaccines", Mr Macron said.

Criticism about the moral aspect continues, as does my disappointment that it appears difficult to have a proper conversation about that on this forum.

On Wednesday, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres denounced the "wildly uneven and unfair" global distribution of Covid-19 vaccines.

He said just 10 countries had administered 75% of all vaccinations worldwide, while 130 countries had not yet received a single dose.

Richer nations have been accused of hoarding vaccines at the expense of poorer ones.

Some high-income nations, such as the UK and Canada, have ordered enough doses to vaccinate their populations more than once.

I believe the UK approach to dealing with such a bad look is to point to all the stuff we have pledged to do later, hoping that will shield them from the uncomfortable morality of the current phase. ie going for impressive pledge numbers but shit timescales. We've made various noises about this already and here is the latest:

Boris Johnson will pledge to donate most of the UK's surplus vaccine supply to poorer countries in a speech to a virtual G7 meeting on Friday.

French President Emmanuel Macron has told the Financial Times richer countries should send up to 4 to 5% of their current vaccine supplies to poorer nations.

But Foreign Office minister James Cleverly told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the UK would be "looking at a figure significantly greater than that".

He promised the government would be a "global force for good" in fighting the pandemic and, unlike "some countries", the UK would not use the promise of vaccine supplies to other countries as "short-term diplomatic leverage".

But it was" difficult to say" at this stage when the sharing would happen, Mr Cleverly added.

It's always been clear that this pandemic shines a light on all the horrors that were already there in our world, and the vaccination phase is no exception.
I keep getting confused by all the initiatives.

WHO | World Health Organization
The key body that is coordinating response to Covid-19 and other health initiatives. There was controversy when Trump withdrew America from the WHO, accusing WHO of giving China an easy ride. Weekly Covid-19 press conference videos are available on the WHO site.

The Act Accelerator
The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator (who.int)
The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, is a groundbreaking global collaboration to accelerate development, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines.
Launched at the end of April 2020, at an event co-hosted by the Director-General of the World Health Organization, the President of France, the President of the European Commission, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator brings together governments, scientists, businesses, civil society, and philanthropists and global health organizations (the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CEPI, FIND, Gavi, The Global Fund, Unitaid, Wellcome, the WHO, and the World Bank).

COVAX is the vaccines pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator
The ACT Accelerator is a ground-breaking global collaboration to accelerate the development, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines. COVAX is co-led by Gavi, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and WHO. Its aim is to accelerate the development and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines, and to guarantee fair and equitable access for every country in the world.

CEPI | New Vaccines For A Safer World
The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) is a global partnership launched in 2017 to develop vaccines to stop future epidemics.

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
With more than 180 countries and economies now involved in the COVAX Facility, the world recognises that our best hope of ending the acute phase of this pandemic and the only truly global solution is COVAX. It is also the only way to ensure that people in all countries get rapid, fair and equitable access once safe and effective vaccines become licensed. It also is trying to maximise the probability of success by having the largest and most diverse portfolio of COVID-19 vaccine candidates. The Gavi COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC) is an essential part of making this happen because it is through this innovative financial mechanism that the world’s poorest countries will get access to COVID-19 vaccines.
I think COVAX is the main initiative. The UK government has ordered enough vaccines to vaccinate everybody and their dog more than three times, some 350 million doses. 17 Million of those are single dose. This was done as some might have failed to work, one didn't. But vaccine technology is such most did.

So I fully hope we donate our surplus to a chosen country or two. Vaccinations are only effective if everyone gets one. Not a great deal of point in sending a few hundred thousand to lots of countries. All that does is vaccinate the politicians.

We are capable of making more pretty quickly, no point stockpiling.
I see the issue of vaccine distribution to poorer countries is receiving additional framing from France in the form of competing for international influence.

Yes, Macron seems to have been active on this, but I don't know how many vaccines he can donate as I don't think France has so many. Perhaps he intends to donate cash instead?

Criticism about the moral aspect continues, as does my disappointment that it appears difficult to have a proper conversation about that on this forum.
Oh, sorry if I have missed that, I am willing to give it a go.

I like the WHO DG statement that we can't be safe until everyone is safe. As concerns the production of variants of interest which can be produced by an infected population, I can see what he means. Everyone gets herd immunity or new variants mean borders have to remain locked.

I believe the UK approach to dealing with such a bad look is to point to all the stuff we have pledged to do later, hoping that will shield them from the uncomfortable morality of the current phase. ie going for impressive pledge numbers but shit timescales. We've made various noises about this already and here is the latest:

Will go back and take a look.

It seems though that our vaccine acquistion program sourced eventually 400m doses which is way more than we need so passing the excess on to COVAX makes sense sooner rather than later.

It's always been clear that this pandemic shines a light on all the horrors that were already there in our world, and the vaccination phase is no exception.
Biden has apparently pledged $2bn to COVAX with another $2bn somehow bound to other countries pledges.
Even the head of the WTO is willing to draw attention to the disgraceful situation, although they resort to appeals to self-interest.

Addressing the UK government's plans to donate its surplus vaccines to the developing world, Ms Okonjo-Iweala told BBC Radio 4's Today programme it was "welcome" - but cautioned against delay.

"I don't think we should wait to get surplus when other people have been served," she said. "I think that any donations that are coming must come now.

"The reason is very simple. It's in the interest of rich countries as well as poor countries to have equitable access."

The new WTO chief cited a study by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), which outlined the economic case for global vaccinations.

The ICC-commissioned research found that the world stood to lose as much as $9tn (£6.4tn) in GDP if, by the middle of the year, rich countries have vaccinated half their populations and poor countries have not vaccinated theirs, Ms Okonjo-Iweala said.

"Half of that cost will be borne by rich countries," she said.

"So we need to understand that it's in the self-interest of both rich and poor to have equitable access to vaccines otherwise all counties lose; all people lose."
It appears there are two versions of the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine.

COVAX Statement on WHO Emergency Use Listing for AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine

Yes they licensed production to the Serum Institute of India and the WHO has listed that version separately.

Although there does seem to be a potential twist in the tale of where vaccines produced there will go, which could lead to further uncomfortable questions about the fairness who gets the bulk of supplies during these initial phases.

British regulators are inspecting one of the drugmaker's biggest production partners, Serum Institute of India, which signed on to manufacture AstraZeneca's shot for its home country and other global markets. Sources close to the matter told Reuters about the manufacturing audit.

A green light from the U.K.'s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) could clear the way for AstraZeneca to import the India-made shots to the U.K. and EU, which has struggled to beef up vaccine supplies after AZ said it would cut first-quarter deliveries last month.

Covax vaccine-sharing scheme delivers first doses to Ghana - BBC News

Ghana has become the first country to receive coronavirus vaccines through the Covax vaccine-sharing initiative.
A delivery of 600,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine arrived in Accra on Wednesday. The first recipients are due to be healthcare workers.
The Covax scheme aims to reduce the divide between rich countries and poorer nations unable to buy doses.
The programme is planning to deliver about two billion vaccine doses globally by the end of the year.
Ghana, which has a population of over 30m, was chosen as the first recipient of the free vaccines after promising quick distribution and meeting the criteria set by Covax.
Further deliveries are expected to neighbouring Ivory Coast later this week, the Covax alliance says.

Sounds promising.
Yes they licensed production to the Serum Institute of India and the WHO has listed that version separately.

Although there does seem to be a potential twist in the tale of where vaccines produced there will go, which could lead to further uncomfortable questions about the fairness who gets the bulk of supplies during these initial phases.

I hang my head in utter disgust, it has happened, fuck fuck fuck.

he number of shots given is expected to top 4 million this week, nearly double what has been achieved per week recently, NHS sources say.

It should mean all over 50s will have been given at least one dose by the end of the month.

That would put the NHS rollout two weeks ahead of schedule.

The increase has been made possible by a large shipment of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine from the Serum Institute in India, which has arrived and passed safety checks.

These blood clot questions about the AstraZeneca vaccine aren't doing it any favours where distribution and confidence are concerned. They are likely to increase vaccine hesitancy in a big way.
Instead, I'll ask this question :

These blood clot questions about the AstraZeneca vaccine aren't doing it any favours where distribution and confidence are concerned. They are likely to increase vaccine hesitancy in a big way.

Are these questions being asked/raised worldwide then? Including in poorer countries/developing countries??

Or it mainly in certain EU countries, that the blood-clot "issues" are being focussed upon?? :confused:

Genuinely don't know ......
How Bill Gates Impeded Global Access to Covid Vaccines
April 12, 2021
Technically housed within the WHO, the ACT-Accelerator is a Gates operation, top to bottom. It is designed, managed, and staffed largely by Gates organization employees. It embodies Gates’s philanthropic approach to widely anticipated problems posed by intellectual property–hoarding companies able to constrain global production by prioritizing rich countries and inhibiting licensing.

Companies partnering with COVAX are allowed to set their own tiered prices. They are subject to almost no transparency requirements and to toothless contractual nods to “equitable access” that have never been enforced. Crucially, the companies retain exclusive rights to their intellectual property. If they stray from the Gates Foundation line on exclusive rights, they are quickly brought to heel.

When the director of Oxford’s Jenner Institute had funny ideas about placing the rights to its COVAX-supported vaccine candidate in the public domain, Gates intervened. As reported by Kaiser Health News, “A few weeks later, Oxford—urged on by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation—reversed course [and] signed an exclusive vaccine deal with AstraZeneca that gave the pharmaceutical giant sole rights and no guarantee of low prices.”
What a load of crap. Within a year of this virus being discovered vaccines are being produced on every continent and over one hundred countries have received shots already. How can that be described as a failed response.
As of this writing in early April, fewer than 600 million vaccine doses have been administered around the world; three-quarters of those in just 10 mostly high-income countries. Close to 130 countries containing 2.5 billion people have yet to administer a single dose. The timeline for supplying poor and middle-income countries with enough vaccines to achieve herd immunity, meanwhile, has been pushed into 2024.

These numbers represent more than the “catastrophic moral failure” the director general of the WHO warned about this January. It is a stark reminder than any policy that obstructs or inhibits vaccine production risks being self-defeating for the rich countries defending exclusive rights and gobbling up the lion’s share of available vaccine supplies. The truth repeated so often throughout the pandemic—no one is safe until everyone is safe—remains in force.
It’s more like 850 million doses in 154 countries now. Things are starting to get moving.

How this isn’t seen as a massive human achievement is beyond me.
It’s more like 850 million doses in 154 countries now. Things are starting to get moving.

How this isn’t seen as a massive human achievement is beyond me.

Aspects of the achievement can still be recognised without ignoring the disgusting aspects on vivid display.

Is it really hard to understand why the WHO head has said things such as the following?

"The gap between the number of vaccines administered in rich countries, and the number of vaccines administered through COVAX is growing every single day, and becoming more grotesque every day," WHO chief Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus Adhanom told reporters.

"Countries that are now vaccinating younger, healthy people at low risk of disease are doing so at the cost of the lives of health workers, older people and other at-risk groups in other countries.

"There remains a shocking imbalance in the global distribution of vaccines," WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a news conference on Friday.

"On average in high-income countries, almost one in four people have received a Covid-19 vaccine. In low-income countries, it's one in more than 500," he said.
It’s not hard to understand why he said that at all. He is fighting his corner and good on him, it’s literally his job.

It’s not hard to understand that countries who invent and make vaccines want to reach herd immunity themselves before focusing supply on other countries as well.

I prefer to focus on the positive but yes there is a good philosophical discussion to be had on this.
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