Hi Saffron. Welcome to Urban.
See ur using real name. Talked to one of your co- workers at the event.
She said something about using "deliberative" discussion. Used in South America. I may have got this wrong. Can u explain more please?
Also what will be purpose of the conversations and workshops? What is the intended end result? How do you think it may be used? Will it be discussion / background final report or are you intending to set out actual plans? What is the relationship with Brixton Green and the Council?
Not everyone can make meetings. In particular when there are to many at once. As is happening with the Somerleyton road project. Do you think you can use social media and internet more?
Also some of us have had a lot of "consultation" in the past and are wary of it. How will you overcome this?
Also the event today can u put up online somewhere your findings from event and how many people turned up. Also how u ran it?
That turned into big list. Hope u do not mind.