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Its been said somewhere that the staff member who tested positive did not see any patients during the period in question, they did one days admin work in the building. I dont remember where I read this right now.
Oh how I hate this shitty shit shit:

Fuck whoever it was that wrote that. For a start, the person at the heart of this particular cluster did nothing wrong, they had been in Singapore, not China, not Wuhan, and they did not travel around with symptoms, so they were not an irresponsible traveller.

I got the above shitty readers comment from Coronavirus LIVE updates as four new cases confirmed in Brighton - including GP
Looking pretty grim for passengers on the quarantined cruise ship Diamond Princess in Yokohama. A further 60 cases today, 40 the day before and now 130 in total on one ship.

This couple who are on the ship have been doing interviews with C4 news. First one nice and positive

Second one starting to look a bit more circumspect

I wonder if there will be a third and if so how they will look?
Stories of long shifts with no toilet or lunch break in China are likely related to personal protective equipment, how long it takes to remove it, whether you have to use a completely new set every time, etc.
Now there are fears of another Amoy Gardens type event in Hong Kong. Amoy Gardens was a housing complex where sewage pipework was implicated in the spread of SARS, and was one of the incidents I mentioned when the idea of faecal contamination was being discussed earlier in the thread.

Still find all this a bit much , though admittedly might be brazening it out a bit because of flight tomorrow. But 11,000 dead so far from Ebola virus, and nobody in UK or even Europe has died of this new one so why the massive difference in attention?
Stories of long shifts with no toilet or lunch break in China are likely related to personal protective equipment, how long it takes to remove it, whether you have to use a completely new set every time, etc.
Sure, I have read that there is only one set of protective gear per person per shift in China / Wuhan hospitals and that removing them to have a pee or whatever, invalidates the protective aspect of the gear requiring a new set. Still as mentioned 10 hours without a pee is going some. I suppose they are probably sweating lots of liquids off under their gear though so perhaps it isn't as straightforward as that.
Oh how I hate this shitty shit shit:

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Fuck whoever it was that wrote that. For a start, the person at the heart of this particular cluster did nothing wrong, they had been in Singapore, not China, not Wuhan, and they did not travel around with symptoms, so they were not an irresponsible traveller.

I got the above shitty readers comment from Coronavirus LIVE updates as four new cases confirmed in Brighton - including GP

I was joking about locking down Brighton, this guy seems fucking serious about it. :facepalm:
Still find all this a bit much , though admittedly might be brazening it out a bit because of flight tomorrow. But 11,000 dead so far from Ebola virus, and nobody in UK or even Europe has died of this new one so why the massive difference in attention?
NCP has already infected more people in 2 months than Ebola infected in its 3 year epidemic.
Sure, I have read that there is only one set of protective gear per person per shift in China / Wuhan hospitals and that removing them to have a pee or whatever, invalidates the protective aspect of the gear requiring a new set. Still as mentioned 10 hours without a pee is going some. I suppose they are probably sweating lots of liquids off under their gear though so perhaps it isn't as straightforward as that.

Reports have said they are wearing 'adult nappies', to avoid taking their suits off.
I am feeling a bit negative about the situation in the UK. This one guy that came from Singapore infected some Brits in a French ski chalet then came back to the UK and infected some more just shows how easy it is for this virus to travel.

And this individual is just one example, there could be many more travelling from Singapore for example to the UK - who could have been incubating the virus. We don't know anything about them and maybe never will but they could be spreading it just as easily as this person did.

I know that they are tracing his contacts but there will be people he was in contact with who are now spreading the virus amongst new groups of people. I don't see how it is possible to trace them all.

I think we have to accept that it is here in the UK now.
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That was what I was thinking. kalidarkone do you really not get the opportunity to have a pee in the NHS?
I'm allowed of course and have a right to 30 minutes break per 10.5 hour shift and 60 mins per 11.5 hours (unpaid break) and means I'm always in work for 12 hours + taking into account arriving and changing into scrubs.....
However I mentioned it because I recently had a shift that started at 7 and finished at 17.30. I had my break at 1600 and that is when I realised I'd not had a wee since leaving home at 6.15 :eek:
It's not like that all the time -but it is on the wards. We get a lot of UTI's. There is so much to do and so few of us. This should probably go on the work fustration or NHS thread.
supported isolation, or FEMA DEATH CAMPS?

Its worse than that.

Crew members on the Cruise of Doom are now getting sick - sounds like conditions are such that it could spread among them quickly.

Below decks, the situation is different. There, hundreds of crew members are eating, living and working elbow to elbow as they try to keep life as comfortable as possible for those above. They line up for simple buffet meals and then sit down together to eat. Bathrooms are shared by up to four people, and cabins often by two.

....at least 10 crew members have been infected, with five cases announced on Sunday and five more on Monday. According to employees, the infected crew members identified on Sunday had been eating in the mess hall alongside their co-workers.

Unlike the passengers they serve, most of whom come from wealthy nations, the ship’s employees are overwhelmingly from developing countries like India and the Philippines.

I think it's outrageous that even with the quarantine order, they are expected to stay on the ship working in close quarters and serving more privileged people - most of them should be transferred to a facility on land where they would have more personal space, and they should still receive full pay while there.

I'm not sure how that would work out with the quarantined passengers getting meals, etc., but if there's any country likely to have robots up to the task, it's Japan.
There have been so many outrages during these stages, I have highlighted a few but havent said anything like as much as I'd want and I feel bad about that. It's mostly because I am so focussed on the quickly evolving spread, and because it will be easier to go on about disgusting overreactions and counterproductive measures once we are safely past the point of finding out whether containment is possible.

Japans nuclear accident revealed how shit their (and everyone elses) robots were. That disaster has probably helped fuel development on the robot front, albeit in the direction of highly specific robots for particular tasks. The basics werent/arent there, eg they werent wireless so all manner of 'robot stuck in the reactor building' incidents occurred when cables got snagged. They did use a drone early on, but it crashed on the roof of reactor 2's building.
I think it's outrageous that even with the quarantine order, they are expected to stay on the ship working in close quarters and serving more privileged people - most of them should be transferred to a facility on land where they would have more personal space, and they should still receive full pay while there.

I'm not sure how that would work out with the quarantined passengers getting meals, etc., but if there's any country likely to have robots up to the task, it's Japan.

Trouble is, the staff are a risk too & need to be under quarantine, and there're several hundreds of them, so there's unlikely to be anywhere on land to 'warehouse' them all.
Trouble is, the staff are a risk too & need to be under quarantine, and there're several hundreds of them, so there's unlikely to be anywhere on land to 'warehouse' them all.
That's all very well not wanting to warehouse the crew as they are at the moment, but if they get infected they will have to be quarantined and considering the conditions they're living under it seems very likely many of them will be infected.
That's all very well not wanting to warehouse the crew as they are at the moment, but if they get infected they will have to be quarantined and considering the conditions they're living under it seems very likely many of them will be infected.

The whole ship is currently quarantined, crew & passengers alike.

You seem to be confusing quarantine with isolation.
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