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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

It affects 'accompanied freight,' which effectively means stuff that comes over on a lorry with driver, rather than a trailer that's left at one port and picked up at t'other.

e2a - of course freight and passengers aren't that segregated, though: they're using the same ferries.

And, containers being shipped without being on a trailer.
Why the fuck are we not all going into Tier 4? Surely if it's that badly transmissible we need to not make the same mistake as earlier in the pandemic by introducing measures too late and act now to slow the spread across the whole country? If the whole country that's not in Tier 4 follows the growth of the SE and London they'll be an entirely predictable fucking disaster in the coming few months?! And that's not even with the possible worse fatality/severity option that we're unsure about yet. Surely it's better to be safe and tighten things up now rather than after the horse had bolted?

Yeah Whittys attempts to justify this initial tier response to the new strain the other day was very poor.

As best I can tell the response so far is exactly the same sort of response as they were already used to belatedly coming up with in response to specific rates of rise in cases, hospitalisations etc in particular regions. If they had no idea that the new variant even existed, their response would still have needed to be about the same, based on the trajectory of cases and hospitalisations in those regions. And it is also true that this same sort of response has been applied to other areas. Lower tier locations where they are not quite as worried about the current trajectory of the data remain much as they were, so again this is just the same response as I would have expected if this new variant wasnt even on the radar at all.

Even the Christmas specific bits and the emphasis on staying local and avoiding travel do not really involve components that are a unique response to the new variant concerns. Areas that got placed in high tiers in summer or autumn were used to hearing such travel related messages, and although the tone of such messages may be a little different now, thats more to do with u-turning too lax Christmas rules than a proper response to the new strain.
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Earlier in the day he’d said was going to agree with Macron in a few hours to let freight drivers through, hence announcing the press conference, but obviously some issues came up and they couldn’t agree anything in time.
Macron: you've got enough tests to check all the drivers right?
Johnson: um, ah, well, no, we're world beating but, um, no.
Macron: imbecile.
That conference was chite even by their standards.
I think it's safe to assume their numbers gymnastics and obfuscation are not to be trusted.
Especially the reduction of lorries waiting, maybe not on the road, but probably in every abandoned pub car park and empty driveway in the region. Nobody asked, but I assume the consideration for the drivers will be a free bottle of water and maybe a packet of crisps.
The matter of hours thing with Macron is hopeful, but I read it as from all sides as a story about the virus, but also the negotiations, the deadlines, the fish, the brinkmanship (anybody see the look between the two Tory cunts as Peston asked his question?)...and maybe for the Europeans the new variation has arrived as an opportune opportunity to remind the UK that they ought to start thinking seriously about everything.
Shapps and Johnson had a 'bring it down on top then you bastards, we've got Manston you pricks' stance which I hope was posing, but knowing these Tory wankers they might actually believe that if you wave Manston around then it's ya boo sucks to you foreigners.
On the good side is the knowledge that a decent number of people have started getting the vaccine, we need to know a lot about this in coming weeks.
I was surprised nobody asked about the mothballed Nightingale facilities, but the journalist from the Mirror got under the Prime Ministers skin, and then that bloke who followed up with the overpromise underdeliver stuff pissed Boris off enough for his response to basically say, please love me, I'm doing my best.
At the stage where Johnson was blathering on about a solitary driver in their cab, I half expected him to claim that they asked the new variant and it said it doesnt like to travel by lorry
That driver packed all the goods being shipped too
What was Pippa"s question, I don't want to watch?
from the beeb blog:

Pippa Crerar of the Mirror asks why the whole country isn't in lockdown. She also asks why the PM keeps "over promising and under delivering".

Sir Patrick Vallance says it is the case that the virus will spread more and adds that "measures are going to need to be increased in due course not reduced".

Boris Johnson says keeping the country in perpetual lockdown would have been disastrous.

"We can look forward to a very different world from Easter onwards," he adds.
What was Pippa"s question, I don't want to watch?

According to the PM it was "children are horrible, lets not educate them and seal them away in cupboards for twelve months, does the Prime Minister agree?"

It was actually about him repeatedly overpromising things that weren't then delivered, and whether this is why so many people no longer believe the government.
At the stage where Johnson was blathering on about a solitary driver in their cab, I half expected him to claim that they asked the new variant and it said it doesnt like to travel by lorry

Communication with the new strain isnt easy, but Porton Down have been working on it.

Earlier in the day he’d said was going to agree with Macron in a few hours to let freight drivers through, hence announcing the press conference, but obviously some issues came up and they couldn’t agree anything in time.
Oh that would explain it.
Wonder how that phonecall went then. Please open your borders, we need the food, let’s just not mention brexit at all..?
According to the PM it was "children are horrible, lets not educate them and seal them away in cupboards for twelve months, does the Prime Minister agree?"

It was actually about him repeatedly overpromising things that weren't then delivered, and whether this is why so many people no longer believe the government.
I thought she let Johnson off the hook a bit, by asking a question to Whitty first - it gave Johnson a chance to come up with an answer. Or are the press questions notified in advance?
Johnson is just the real-life David Brent of politics, in that he tells the public what he thinks we want to hear for the sake of "popularity" rather than being straight with us. This Christmas bubble thing and reneging thereof reminds me of the episode where Brent erroneously promised the staff no one would be made redundant and then used "morale" to justify it to his boss. Jennifer then pointed out it was worse for morale if he lied to his staff. I wish there was someone above Johnson who could nicely explain that to him.
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With regards to Macron, it's also worth noting that Christmas Eve is the big day here and the traditional meal is seafood. Plus many of those drivers are French. Given Macron is about as popular as a cat turd in the bed at the moment, getting those drivers home is a massive priority for him. Any notion that his motives are Brexit related is bollocks.
With regards to Macron, it's also worth noting that Christmas Eve is the big day here and the traditional meal is seafood. Plus many of those drivers are French. Given Macron is about as popular as a cat turd in the bed at the moment, getting those drivers home is a massive priority for him. Any notion that his motives are Brexit related is bollocks.

It could even be because someone mentioned Jupiter being obscured (as part of the conjunction with Saturn) and he's come up with this to distract attention from it.
Having finally gotten through the press conference, probably all I learnt is that sections of the media have noticed that the tier-based response to the new strain seems at odds with protecting other regions from the new strain.

Vallance did the usual thing involving all the right noises about being proactive and getting on top of things early, despite that being one variant of action that has rarely been spotted in the UK in this pandemic.
Just noticed a useful change on the government's dashboard, using the postcode checker it used to give a figure for those admitted to hospital in your region, now it displays the figure for your local NHS Trust. :thumbs:

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