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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

The early closing of schools/moving leaning online -- mainly from Monday 14th December -- has already been announced here in Wales, as planetgeli said further up.

But look at this map (from above link) :


We in Swansea have the third-highest rate in Wales :eek: :(

And according to this other BBC Wales report, there'll be another lockdown (or "lockdown"? :hmm: ) in Wales from Monday 28th December ..... possibly for four weeks??, if various rumours are anything to go by.

That would take you to Monday 25th January -- at least.
The early closing of schools/moving leaning online -- mainly from Monday 14th December -- has already been announced here in Wales, as planetgeli said further up.

But look at this map (from above link) :

View attachment 242736

We in Swansea have the third-highest rate in Wales :eek: :(

And according to this other BBC Wales report, there'll be another lockdown (or "lockdown"? :hmm: ) in Wales from Monday 28th December ..... possibly for four weeks??, if various rumours are anything to go by.

That would take you to Monday 25th January -- at least.

That map is sobering isn't it William of Walworth

Llanelli got a local lockdown 2 months ago when its cases went over 100 per 100,000. Look at that map now. And barely nothing is happening. My county there has 350 per 100K. My local town is, if hearsay is to be believed, riddled with Covid.

I think the Welsh government has lost the plot. And it never really had much of a handle on the plot in the first place.

Waiting for Dec 28th is too late. Covid doesn't pack up for Christmas.
The early closing of schools/moving leaning online -- mainly from Monday 14th December -- has already been announced here in Wales, as planetgeli said further up.

But look at this map (from above link) :

View attachment 242736

We in Swansea have the third-highest rate in Wales :eek: :(

And according to this other BBC Wales report, there'll be another lockdown (or "lockdown"? :hmm: ) in Wales from Monday 28th December ..... possibly for four weeks??, if various rumours are anything to go by.

That would take you to Monday 25th January -- at least.


Given how hard Boris resisted Lackdown 2.0 I'm not entirely sure there will be one in England but there will probably need to be around first week in Jan.
planetgeli Artaxerxes : Grim, yes, I have to agree.

If there has to be another lockdown in Wales, which obviously no-one will be delighted about, the sooner the more effective ....

ETA : so long as it's a real/proper lockdown!!

Not sure when Drakeford's next announcement is due, but it should be a big one! :hmm:
My gut feeling is these figures will continue to creep up until until Christmas, and explode soon after, with another national lockdown in January. :mad:
Yep. The household mixing thing over Christmas will be just about the perfect scenario for spreading the virus - indoors, closed windows, more people in a house/single room than usual and a tendency to go round to visit the elderly. Quite simply it will kill a lot of people. The only sensible thing for government to have said would have been 'put Christmas off till next Summer' (along with things like making sure the elderly and vulnerable are okay, have access to technology and other ways of keeping in touch). The vaccine won't sort everything, but the risks of mixing will be much less in 6 months. The other thing is the '3 (?) households can mix' rule will itself be flaky and beyond policing, so those who want to will mingle with as many people as they want.
Yeah and whenever the hospital data is looking bad, I presume that action will eventually follow.

And Wales certainly stood out in a graph I just ened up posting in the worldwide thread but hopefully nobody minds me posting it here too.

This is for number of Covid-19 patients in hospital, using UK government dashboard data. By the way Northern Ireland has a somewhat different reporting methodology and so their numbers for days already announced are subject to change later, eg their numbers for the part of December thats already behind us will have changed again by the next time data is published on the dashboard. And I stuck England in its own chart because the scale of number is 10 times greater and would have dwarfed the other nations curves if I used the same scale for all nations.

Screenshot 2020-12-10 at 21.53.39.png
Its not good enough.
That is interesting - I guess now things aren't so open ended, it's gone from 'what purpose is there to life if I can't see my beautiful grandchildren' to 'actually we're getting vaccinated in a month or so, probably best not risk dying in the meantime'
Yes, that would be significant. My typically negative take was that the availability of the vaccine would lead to social distancing fraying even further and at a pretty rapid rate. How/whether that sentiment plays out through the age ranges will be interesting.
I'm not against it if it, when combined with other stuff like self-isolation payments via the app, increases self-isolation compliance. That side of things will be part of the scientific rationale, since any small benefits from having it at 14 days instead of 10 are easily outweighed if less people bothering to self-isolate at all under a 14 day regime.

I wouldnt call it a purely scientific decision because very few things in this pandemic are.

I was a bit late noticing the 'breaking news' and full news articles are already available eg Covid: UK isolation period shortened to 10 days
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Apologies for concentrating only on Wales right now :oops: .... but there's been a new announcement from Drakeford :

BBC Wales said:
A post-Christmas lockdown will come into force if Covid cases do not begin to fall, the first minister has warned.
Restrictions will be relaxed for the festive period but there is pressure for tougher rules from 28 December with more than 1,900 in hospital.
Mark Drakeford said that while stricter rules were not a "foregone conclusion" the NHS will "not be able to cope" if admissions continue to rise.
Outdoor attractions will be told to shut in an announcement expected later.

As in : The post-Xmas lockdown discussed a bit earlier for Wales isn't yet a nailed-on certainty, but could well be becoming ever-more likely ...... :hmm:
10 days rather than 14 in isolation.

eta I see it is already in the thread, apologies.

I suppose medics concur. 2 weeks is easy to see in a diary or not even.
The stats summary at the start of today's indy sage was really good (and depressing). Infact the whole thing was really interesting.

Up untill the last so called lockdown (One that was IMO too short and too limited in scope), I was comparatively happy with the WA's approach, but since then they have lost the plot and seem more worried about breaking promises than adapting to a rapidly accelerating situation, Wales in a right shit
this is interesting - my kids' school has moved to online teaching for the final week before christmas, claiming they didn't have full cleaning capacity. They also stayed closed for an extra day after a recent long weekend (there was inset days on the friday and monday), this time claiming the power to the school was off (they were somehow able to give lessons online from classrooms though).

Other parents have reported early closures too - are we seeing individual headmasters clandestinely providing additional firebreak style protections to their pupils and staff that the government is refusing to do?
this is interesting - my kids' school has moved to online teaching for the final week before christmas, claiming they didn't have full cleaning capacity. They also stayed closed for an extra day after a recent long weekend (there was inset days on the friday and monday), this time claiming the power to the school was off (they were somehow able to give lessons online from classrooms though).

Other parents have reported early closures too - are we seeing individual headmasters clandestinely providing additional firebreak style protections to their pupils and staff that the government is refusing to do?
It is interesting, as you say.

From the reported comments of the Headteacher featured in the piece, it seems that their primary concern was with the bizarrely ill-timed school- based mass testing that would ensure Xmas isolation for pupils testing +ive, and the staff's responsibility for passing on that news to the families affected:

Warren said he and and his senior team were now “dreading” having to call parents, particularly of younger pupils, to tell them their child would have to avoid all contact with anybody else on Christmas Day.

Which is very understandable. I have to say that I'd imagine there are also increasing pressures from the very genuine high levels of staff absence, low levels of pupil attendance, massively re-jigged TTs, and the general quality/effectiveness of the learning experience that can be provided under such circumstances.

But, for the Government to threaten legal action :facepalm:
Is it not a good thing for children who test positive to isolate?, I dont think allowing infections to spread because teachers feel uncomfortable doing the right thing is in any way defensible
My sister teaches in a big school in SE London, she told me last week that no pupils she taught had tested positive, and that she'd been very alert etc.. but just now messaged me to say that the school had tested all the teachers ( regardless of any symptoms) and she's got a positive result. She lives with her high risk husband and my 93 year old dad. So they are all isolating for ten days now. A bit of a worry
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