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AFAIK the Covid marshals will be unpaid volunteers, in the spirit of Hodges from Dad's Army.

It would be more entertaining if packs of vigilantes confronted non-mask wearers, demanding explanations for their behaviour and videoing the encounters at the same time. Surprised Channel 5 havent done something along those lines already.
It doesn't sound like a great job. By this stage pretty much everyone who is not wearing a mask is making an active decision. Its just going to be argument and threats all day long. I know people need a job but I do feel sorry for them.
Absolutely this. That flight i was on on Sunday night which was full of people with their masks slung low under their chins like stupid little blue neckbeards, looking at the cabin crew's (properly masked) faces it was obvious they'd had enough of trying to enforce mask wearing only to be met with a load of utter shite about The Truth from people who've spent a lot of time on youtube. Or worse. In any case they'd given up, none of those passengers was just forgetting to mask up they're entirely convinced that they are right for whatever reason not to. Enforcement of anything at this point in the breakdown of trust is going to be a nightmare.
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Who's going to enforce it? The shops are understandably reluctant for various reasons, and the pigs don't have the resources. I guess this is what the upcoming covid marshalls are going to be for.

In the case of this shopping centre (and others) and some larger shops there are security guards. At the little Sainsbury's I use it'd give him something to do! Tbh I think that shops also ought to give their staff more backing than they evidently do in refusing to serve people who won't mask up, although that's not realistic for small places. Tbh it doesn't need to be rigidly enforced everywhere, but enforcing it more firmly in more places would help to get the message across.

Finally - although it's not enforcement per se - plenty of places have nice, polite signs requesting that people wear masks. If these were more prominent and more firmly worded, as they are on some shops, that might make some difference.
Sure, but the shops don't give a fuck about backing up their staff, they just want shoppers through the door. In the absence of enforcement being mandatory, they aren't going to enforce.

That is true, which is why it ought to be mandatory for all shops above a certain size. Clearly that would leave a problem with smaller shops, but it would be unfair to expect lone shopkeepers to try and deal with potentally aggressive covidiots.
I really think there is a problem with the mask refuseniks. I think we should make them dig graves for the folks who've died of Covid.

Like Indonesia?

Indonesia has come up with a unique punishment for people refusing to wear masks, make the buggers dig graves for covid victims. :thumbs:

In the case of this shopping centre (and others) and some larger shops there are security guards. At the little Sainsbury's I use it'd give him something to do! Tbh I think that shops also ought to give their staff more backing than they evidently do in refusing to serve people who won't mask up, although that's not realistic for small places. Tbh it doesn't need to be rigidly enforced everywhere, but enforcing it more firmly in more places would help to get the message across.

Finally - although it's not enforcement per se - plenty of places have nice, polite signs requesting that people wear masks. If these were more prominent and more firmly worded, as they are on some shops, that might make some difference.

It's a bit difficult to enforce if, like in the shops near me, half the staff arent wearing them.
It's a bit difficult to enforce if, like in the shops near me, half the staff arent wearing them.

That's fair enough, though, isn't it. Masks are uncomfortable to wear for a full shift, can cause skin problems, and so on. But that makes it more important for customers to wear masks to protect them.

That said, quite a few of the staff in shops around here wear visors, which aren't as good but better than nothing.
I went past some crystal hippie shop in town today and a bit predictably it had one of the 'Free Britain' posters in the window going on about 'muzzles' etc. The hippie buy-in to this right wing stuff is really significant. And one bus had about 50% mask wearing in a near full bus. Other one was OK, a few young people not wearing them and a bloke in his 30s looking like he'd kick off given half an excuse.
I went past some crystal hippie shop in town today and a bit predictably it had one of the 'Free Britain' posters in the window going on about 'muzzles' etc. The hippie buy-in to this right wing stuff is really significant. And one bus had about 50% mask wearing in a near full bus. Other one was OK, a few young people not wearing them and a bloke in his 30s looking like he'd kick off given half an excuse.
is that the one opposite the corn exchange?
The hippie buy-in to this right wing stuff is really significant.
Absolutely - my sample is small, but all the hippies I know who're vocally anti-mask / covid deniers regularly share material from far-right sources. They share material from other sources too, but there doesn't seem to be any quality control at all, or any recognition from them when it's raised that it's a problem.
She's putting up a much better fight than her buffoon of a boss did yesterday mind you. She actually has some facts to hand!
Harding saying number of people trying to get tests “three to four times” the number of tests they’re able to give. Assuming we’re about about 3500 test-confirmed cases/day at the moment, and the people who get tests are a random sample of those trying to, that should mean we would get 10,500 to 14,000 test-confirmed cases/day if we could test everyone who wants a test. Taking the midpoint and assuming 65% asymptomatic and non-standard symptomatic cases (ie not trying to get tested) gets us to 38,000 cases/day.

(Yes I’m aware there are implicit assumptions in there, just a back of envelope calculation to see how plausible or otherwise a scenario one has to posit to get to the 38,000 figure from earlier today).
Absolutely this. That flight i was on on Sunday night which was full of people with their masks slung low under their chins like stupid little blue neckbeards, looking at the cabin crew's (properly masked) faces it was obvious they'd had enough of trying to enforce mask wearing only to be met with a load of utter shite about The Truth from people who've spent a lot of time on youtube. Or worse. In any case they'd given up, none of those passengers was just forgetting to mask up they're entirely convinced that they are right for whatever reason not to. Enforcement of anything at this point in the breakdown of trust is going to be a nightmare.
I visited the Intu in Derby on Monday the shopping centre had big signs on the doors saying "You Must Wear a Mask" but there were a significant percentage not wearing (much worse than when I went to Meadowhall a couple of weeks ago)
There were a few older folks not wearing them but the most common offenders were young (more males than females). One entrance had a security guard chivvying folks entering the centre but the rest especially the one from the car park didn't
Thinking about it, these 'covid marshals' will not even have enforcement powers, they'll only be able to offer advice.
Meaning they'll find themselves being advised to piss off and worse. People will still apply for these dismal jobs if they ever materialise because needs must.
AFAIK the Covid marshals will be unpaid volunteers, in the spirit of Hodges from Dad's Army.
We're hoping it's paid positions. The fella works in care and it's the most soul-destroying powerless shitty fucking sector to ever exist. So he's hoping that marshall jobs exist and are paid, cos he'll apply for it. If it's just advising folk whilst being calm, he's your man.

Absolutely - my sample is small, but all the hippies I know who're vocally anti-mask / covid deniers regularly share material from far-right sources. They share material from other sources too, but there doesn't seem to be any quality control at all, or any recognition from them when it's raised that it's a problem.
Yup same here. Boils my piss that they're all hippy-dippy crystal fucking shit, and then sharing right wing bollocks. Point it out to them, and they flat out deny it.
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