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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

It would appear from the article that most of the money is going to big outfits mostly symapthetic to the tories, whilst smaller outlets are missing out.

The link you posted came across as very bias TBH, the government is placing this advertising all over the place, some very small publications maybe missing out, if they are not represented by a national sales house, as it would be a logistical nightmare booking with small individual titles directly.

For example, More Radio in Sussex is own by a very small independent company, one of the few left in the radio sector, but they are carrying these government commercials, because they are represented by 'First Radio Sales' for national advertisers, who can book around 100 small stations with one order & one invoice.
I thought the video discussion I posted above from Byline Times was worth watching for the views from the experts but I wasn’t sure the journalists inspired much confidence.
Let's hope we never hear the lie that the virus is indiscriminate in its effects again (it got to Boris and Charles!): covid-19-deaths-twice-as-high-in-poorest-areas-in-england-and-wales

Also anybody advocating an early easing of the lock down on the basis that we need to take risks to get the economy going (as the Telegraph does today...sorry no link), should step back from their keyboard, should bite their tongue, should shut the f up and think about who is actually taking the risks.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Nothing to add here, I'm just quoting this post because it deserves repeating.
Ffs. This is a fundraiser set up by a multi millionaire living in Monaco who want to sue the uk gov to end lockdown. Some people are just shit.

Sounds like a freeman of the land type: “...contravention of basic Human Rights offered under English Law, that of the right to enjoy your property peacefully.” The capital letters are a big red flag.
Sure I've seen something that says aspirin can increase viral shedding and make you more contagious. Don't give medical advice unless you're qualified ffs
In addition, Aspirin is a VERY bad idea for anyone with chronic gastric issues like GERD (which is quite a large percentage of the UK population, largely due to diet - though most do not even recognise they have the issue, hence the mass market for antacids, the calcium based ones of which have their own knock on effects, and the lansaprazole based ones heavily suspected of having carcinogenic properties if consumed for a prolonged period)☹️
Neighbour had knee operation and took aspirin and (I think) anti-inflammatories as part of healing. He ended up in hospital with severe internal bleeding. Was fucking lucky not to get coronavirus when he was in there tbh.

Peptic ulcer disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the US with more than six million diagnoses annually. Ulcers are reported as the most common cause of hospitalization for upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding and are often a clinical concern due to the widespread use of aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, both of which have been shown to induce ulcer formation.
I actually bought some aspirin recently - I felt the need to explain to the sales person in the chemist that it was for stripping the enamel off of wire when soldering ...
Tangentianally relevant as always though :) . Talking of which I read "asymptomatic infection" as "asymptotic infection" for ages and couldn't quite work out what the fuck it meant.
and the lansaprazole based ones heavily suspected of having carcinogenic properties if consumed for a prolonged period)☹
Well indeed, but as someone who takes the very similarly spelt lansoprazole because I have developed Barrett's esophagus, a condition which also carries a small increased risk of developing cancer, I'm not sure I find it all that helpful to respond to Taphoi's unwanted medico-jibber-jabber factoid bollocks with other uncontextualised statements.

Fuck off Taphoi you useless piece of crap should be quite good enough.
Have we had this one yet? A bunch of mums in Basingstoke occupying a kids playground on the basis that the covid-19 death rate has been 'exemplified' to further the sinister agenda of parties unknown. Precisely which data they're basing their allegations of exemplification on, which analytical methods they have used and what they expect Basingstoke town council to do about it remains unclear.

20 twats hold 'hug-in' to protest against lockdown outside Scotland Yard. One arrested.

Fucking twats. :facepalm:

But, at least they weren't armed, unlike across the pond.
We've got a full house. Anti vaxx and 5G nutjobs!

The anti-lockdown protest had about 20 participants

A man held up a placard objecting to the lockdown

Well indeed, but as someone who takes the very similarly spelt lansoprazole because I have developed Barrett's esophagus, a condition which also carries a small increased risk of developing cancer, I'm not sure I find it all that helpful to respond to Taphoi's unwanted medico-jibber-jabber factoid bollocks with other uncontextualised statements.

Fuck off Taphoi you useless piece of crap should be quite good enough.
Indeed, it is partly because the conditions surrounding GERD and Barrett’s themselves can lead to further illness in a non uniform manner that the effect of the medications being prescribed are difficult to isolate. Speaking as someone who was prescribed Lansoprazole long term for GERD, I know how difficult decisions around which medication or therapy to follow are very difficult and dependent upon individual circumstances and reactions.
And as you say, Taphoi’s confident assertions should be seen in the light of the uncertainties and complicated individual responses to medication that our individual conditions reveal.
(Have a look at Dr Jonathan Aviv’s Acid Watcher diet if you haven’t already tried it - doesn’t work for everyone, but has certainly helped me)
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