Whilst internet fora undoubtedly provides some intellectual discussion and occasional erudite wit, unfortunately, it also provides a platform to a number of insignificant people who in the real world wouldn't even give one a second glance, never mind confront them with derogatory remarks. These people (I'm being kind in using the word ''people'') spend their entire waking lives flitting between so called ''social media'' sites, hiding behind the cloaks of anonymity for the sole purpose of scribing at best, one liner puerile insults aimed primarily at those who don't happen to concur with their narrow minded beliefs. In some cases, there doesn't even have to be a reason for this type of behaviour pattern, it may be as simple as having being bullied at school, or being an underachiever et al.
Then of course there are the ''Politically Correct'' apparatchiks who police the internet in the vain hope they might find some form of minor indiscretion which they can capitalise on to forward their Orwellian agendas. A typical example falling foul of the aforementioned being the ex Essex cricketer, Don Topley, who was dismissed from the BBC commentary team for reciting a harmless cricketing ode at a ''private'' college after dinner speech. Apparently he had incurred the wrath of some feminist drudge, no man would afford a second glance to, who seized upon the opportunity to grab her 15 mins. of fame by walking out and complaining on Twitter, or some other such media platform.
If its any consolation, I think you're right, I should and will fuck off, if for no other reason, I don't subscribe to Mutual Admiration Societies.