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Confess your literary ignorance

I got a B in A level English (back when they were hard, amiright mid-lifers!) without reading any of the books. Thanks Brodie, and yer notes.
I've never read To Kill A Mockingbird
I've never read any Philip Roth, John Updike or William Faulkner.
I've not read a word of Don Quixote
I've never read any Mark Twain, Herman Melville, Ernest Hemingway or Victor Hugo.

It's the last sentence that gets me.....wtf.
I think I've only read 2 books. (off my own back, not counting school stuff, and I never read stuff at school either) And both the books I read were wibble.
I think I've only read 2 books. (off my own back, not counting school stuff, and I never read stuff at school either) And both the books I read were wibble.

Worse than Hitler.

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I love 20th Century fiction, particularly from the deep south and what generally falls into the legacy of Faulkner's The Sound And The Fury, but the only time I tried to read it about 20 years ago I found it very hard going and gave up on it. Keep meaning to try again, maybe this year :)

What about Nick Cave's "And the Ass Saw the Angel"? Now there's some deep south 20th century fiction for ya!
Worse than Hitler.
Books, maan, they trance me out. I remember once at school (aged about 12) We were supposed to be following the book, each taking turns in reading out loud. Well, I'd got bored at some point and was reading the back page, about forth coming releases and shit you could do. The teacher called my name out, and I just stood up and read "Join the Puffin club" out loud and proud. And sat back down. I wasn't being naughty or baying for attention, books just send me off on my own somewhere, to my quiet place.
I've never read To Kill A Mockingbird
I've never read any Philip Roth, John Updike or William Faulkner.
I've not read a word of Don Quixote
I've never read any Mark Twain, Herman Melville, Ernest Hemingway or Victor Hugo.

I have never read any of them either apart from small excerpts from TKAMB
Books, maan, they trance me out. I remember once at school (aged about 12) We were supposed to be following the book, each taking turns in reading out loud. Well, I'd got bored at some point and was reading the back page, about forth coming releases and shit you could do. The teacher called my name out, and I just stood up and read "Join the Puffin club" out loud and proud. And sat back down. I wasn't being naughty or baying for attention, books just send me off on my own somewhere, to my quiet place.
The really fucking odd thing about this, is...I think I'd make a really good writer. :D

The only thing I ever got A's in, was creative writing.
I love 20th Century fiction, particularly from the deep south and what generally falls into the legacy of Faulkner's The Sound And The Fury, but the only time I tried to read it about 20 years ago I found it very hard going and gave up on it. Keep meaning to try again, maybe this year :)
Suttree by the genius Cormac McCarthy might be to your taste - not a lot really happens but (I assume) it paints a good picture of life on the Tennessee river in the 50s.
I've never read any Shakespear. Every time I've tried I've thought it bollocks after a couple of pages.

I think for a majority of people Shakespeare is not really to be sat down and read alone like one would a novel.
The language does not flow in most peoples internal reading voices.
But read or studied as a group and/or listened to read by others, not necessarily performed on stage (although that is where it really wins) it comes alive and (IMHO) is well worth the hype.
The really fucking odd thing about this, is...I think I'd make a really good writer. :D

The only thing I ever got A's in, was creative writing.

That's probably because you have never read any decent literature?

If I was to only heard Bros and Morrisey along with state sponsored songs then yeah I would think Fuck yeah! make a great Musician!!!
That's probably because you have never read any decent literature?

If I was to only heard Bros and Morrisey along with state sponsored songs then yeah I would think Fuck yeah! make a great Musician!!!
In my head, it's because I've got no past influences, and have a new mind, untouched to unleash on the world, spawning film franchises and spin off series. :cool:

unreality fucking rules.
I've read about a dozen of those. Am familiar with about a dozen more. Its a shit list.

20+ but only because I have too much time on my hands and no life. Agreed it's a shit list as well - a disgraceful lack of Sci Fi for a start!
Have you seen the short 70's TV dramatisation of The Signalman with Denholm Elliott?
One of the most chilling things I have ever seen on screen.
My dad and I watch it nearly ever Christmas together :)

Is it as disturbing as...

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