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Confess your literary ignorance

As far as 'To Kill a Mockingbird' goes, read it years ago and found it a trudge but thought it was well written. When 'Go see a watchman' was released last year, i toyed with the idea of reading it....then came to my senses and thought 'I dont want to read this, it sounds boring and i didnt really like the original either.' So i left it.
I love 20th Century fiction, particularly from the deep south and what generally falls into the legacy of Faulkner's The Sound And The Fury, but the only time I tried to read it about 20 years ago I found it very hard going and gave up on it. Keep meaning to try again, maybe this year :)

I'm giving this another go and really enjoying it. I can see why I found it hard going before, but this time I'm enjoying the style. Phew :thumbs:
Books I have never finished

War and Peace - I got it as a school prize and -though I tried and tried - I never got past Anna Scherer's Soiree, the first chapter
Under The Greenwood Tree - When I was growing up, we only had a few books in the house and this was one of them. I tried and tried but it was so-o-o boring....
The Lord of the Rings - I did the main part of the work and read the first 980 pages but it just wouldn't end and I faded away with 20 pages to go.....
Pride and Prejudice - Our English teacher loved it and had us all read chapters together in class. It meant nothing to me, though. A few years ago, I was in Tooting Library and I picked up a copy and wondered 'Am I ready for this yet?' Ten pages in and I decided I still wasn't...:facepalm:
Pride and Prejudice
never had any time for it either. Bourgois regency women and their marraige prospects YAWN. So much more going on at the time than tedious upper middle class society. Although there is a pride and prejudice with zombies now which might liven it up a bit
Books I have never finished

War and Peace - I got it as a school prize and -though I tried and tried - I never got past Anna Scherer's Soiree, the first chapter
Under The Greenwood Tree - When I was growing up, we only had a few books in the house and this was one of them. I tried and tried but it was so-o-o boring....
The Lord of the Rings - I did the main part of the work and read the first 980 pages but it just wouldn't end and I faded away with 20 pages to go.....
Pride and Prejudice - Our English teacher loved it and had us all read chapters together in class. It meant nothing to me, though. A few years ago, I was in Tooting Library and I picked up a copy and wondered 'Am I ready for this yet?' Ten pages in and I decided I still wasn't...:facepalm:
pride and prejudice is on my never bothered pile
2 fucking things. I have probably mentioned this before.

1) In my literature finals, I thumped out a barnstorming essay on The Invisible Man based on the film I saw & the telly series with that bloke out of the man from UNKLE ,david mcallum , as I had never bothered reading the book. a decade later I was told the question was actually about Invisible Man , the Ralph Ellison book. Not the same think I can only imagine, as I had read neither.

2)Same Finals, I banged out another masterpiece on Moby Dick based only on the blurb shite on the back cover of the penguin classics book & half the too long Gregory peck filum I once fell asleep to. I cannot recall what the essay was about

I blame the drugs
I find it impossible to read anything written before about 1940.... Ive never read a book to the end from before 1940 - in most cases Ive stopped on the first page.
I'm almost the opposite. Unless it's science fiction.
2 fucking things. I have probably mentioned this before.

1) In my literature finals, I thumped out a barnstorming essay on The Invisible Man based on the film I saw & the telly series with that bloke out of the man from UNKLE ,david mcallum , as I had never bothered reading the book. a decade later I was told the question was actually about Invisible Man , the Ralph Ellison book. Not the same think I can only imagine, as I had read neither.

2)Same Finals, I banged out another masterpiece on Moby Dick based only on the blurb shite on the back cover of the penguin classics book & half the too long Gregory peck filum I once fell asleep to. I cannot recall what the essay was about

I blame the drugs
yeh. but how did you do?
I need to read some Dickens and some Shakespeare. Ignorant of both but I could do with improving my knowledge for work.
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