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Coldplay and Travis are shit - Change my mind.

Coldplay are middle of the road with added whininess plus it's a bit fashionable to dislike them so I doubt many will be trying to change your mind.
Coldplay, Travis, Doves et al each had their moment and a few good numbers. And...like a lot of bands eventually made a lot of dross too. This is nothing new.

Given the choice though I'd still rather be locked in a room with records from those bands than those from pretty much every other artist in the top 50 right now.
Along with their commercial success I think what elevates Coldplay above their peers in terms of shiteness is Martin's horrible voice. There's a tone to it that really grates, and makes him sound a little like a teenager with only one bollock dropped so far.
As a fan of Nine Inch Nails, Ministry and Grandaddy I'm actually a massive fan of Coldplays second album "A Rush Of Blood To The Head".

It's the angriest they have been. A bit like when Aha released Manhatten Skyline as a single and everyone went "what, wait, Per can play guitar?"

And this Coldplay is still spiky. When the record company wanted a safe second album they had this as track number one.

As a fan of Nine Inch Nails, Ministry and Grandaddy I'm actually a massive fan of Coldplays second album "A Rush Of Blood To The Head".

It's the angriest they have been. A bit like when Aha released Manhatten Skyline as a single and everyone went "what, wait, Per can play guitar?"

And this Coldplay is still spiky. When the record company wanted a safe second album they had this as track number one.

I think if you want to persuade people that Coldplay are okay you're going to have to try something other than playing their music because then the jig's up straight away. Mention their charity work or something.
I'm also a massive fan of Doves "Kingdom Of Rust" album.

Who would have known that they used to be Sub Sub (from the dance classic "If There Ain't No Love Then There Ain't No Use")

Bands evolve. And that's what they should do.

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I think if you want to persuade people that Coldplay are okay you're going to have to try something other than playing their music because then the jig's up straight away. Mention their charity work or something.
It's almost like you didn't even listen to those.

Which obvs is your prerogative. I've no beef here.
I cannot stand Coldplay’s music apart from Yellow which I liked. I dumped a boyfriend in a club because he was a prick and I also got off with someone else shortly afterwards. One of these events happened whilst Yellow was playing, I remember.

What I hate more than Coldplay is that sanctimonious little prick, Chris Martin.

I’d successfully avoided ever seeing him which is hard at Glastonbury as he pops up everywhere and there he fucking was, on stage with Kylie. 😡

Travis, OTOH, I don’t mind. They were never going to be groundbreaking but they’re sweet and Driftwood is a lovely song.

I saw them at my first Glastonbury and was absolutely off my face and confused and just sat in the rain unable to move. They were comforting. 😄
And this Coldplay is still spiky. When the record company wanted a safe second album they had this as track number one.

Enjoying watching the bass player stood there waiting for something to do. Then when he does get something to do, it's just hitting eighth note roots over and over again.

I don't completely hate everything on that album. But the piano ones and the big hits are crap. And The Scientist is ripped off from Sheryl Crow.
I think if you want to persuade people that Coldplay are okay you're going to have to try something other than playing their music because then the jig's up straight away. Mention their charity work or something.
I remember hearing that James Blunt was quite funny when he appeared on Sesame Street.
Both bands came up with some really memorable songs and you don't have to think they're the greatest to have an enjoyable sing-a-long. And once a band creates songs that have collective purchase like that then those songs become cultural touchstones.

So objectively good acts.

I will fix you all.

I've never really thought what I think about Travis but giving it some thought they're good contrasting low key verses with catchy choruses with just enough drama to make them shine.

Coldplay are a better act than Travis though. Applying a similar songwriting tricks while giving much more substance to the arrangements. Their output is varied and their hooks are far from formulaic. It's hard to pinpoint a Coldplay sound there is such breadth in what they do. And they're consistent as well, their lowly album tracks are not just filler. I don't care how annoying you find Chris Martin, they're good at what they do.

I asked a bland colleague about Coldplay and he said he didn't like them until he saw them live. And I bet they make a good live act. Honestly look how good this is when the drums kick in. Lighten up and embrace your bland nature. Bland is fine, bland is cool and I think the people who object to bland the most are the medium bland people. And that's cool too but I suspect it's a case of bland insecurities kicking in.

Personally atm I'm against any song with any chord change ie. almost all of them by almost everyone. The clunk and click of song writing turns me off. The well constructed pop/rock song has been done to death. I take a stand against songs. But that's just philosophy and philosophy is discardable and I don't expect other people to be on the same page as me. It's a weird thing to expect.

More importantly I think it's possible to learn from almost anything, no matter how bland or overspiced or how far it is from your personal aesthetic or political sense. It's much more effective to think, "what's going on here and why is it working" than "I do/don't like it" or "I do/don't want to be associated with this". You can answer those questions for themselves.

The objective question, the subjective question and the social question. The answers to each don't have to all be the same.
In the interest of fairness I Thought Yellow was a great track. Problem is after that "it was all brown" dog shit.
This is a choon, I remember the jealousy negativity that I felt when I was ..like this
you disconnected the phone, but still they never call you..

,The man who came out when I was 11.......
the spell cast didn't last.
Every time Chris Martin lights a candle in his house it smells like his ex wife's vagina. Nuff said.

Travis had a good tune in the form of Blue Flashing light. A hidden track that came on about 40 minutes after you'd taken the knock from their album The Man Who. It's about domestic violence.

I prefer the dulcit tones of...

Take your fucking pick.

Gallagher, Ian Borwn, Gillespie, Albarn etc.

All virtuosos.
Gillespie is awful, and should've stuck to the JAMC drums. However I'd argue that with all of the above the voices aren't the main focal point of their bands' music. You might argue that with Gallagher it was, but Brown and Albarn had pretty good musicians behind them.
:weed: :weed:

Remember Glastonbury when Coldplay were headlining straight after New Order on main stage.. had to do a massive quick reverse to get away from that one.

Each to their own though.. can't stand muso snobs..
"Travis" is a better name that "Coldplay", isn't it? I was thinking it was a Taxi Driver reference, but Wikipedia tells me it's after a character in Paris, Texas.
The guy's voice is just objectively bad though.
also, I seem to remember him saying in an interview that his favourite numbers are 18 and 88, 'Yellow' was originally called 'white' as a reference to the colour of his laces in his combat boots, and 'Coldplay' was really meant to be 'ColdBlood' and play PatriOi!ticore. He was out-voted by his band mates though.
what genre of music is coldplay? theyve got rock instruments but its not rock, alt rock, indie, its not pop...wtf is it? ...if there isnt a word i nominate Drock
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