Robert Goddard's widow successfully sued the US government for patent violation on some of that tech. Goddard had been communicating with Obreth and the Germans had someone reading his mail for a while. Most of the technology was theirs and their rocket was an incredible achievement. But on a vastly smaller scale, the core ideas were worked out by someone who was never funded much beyond a garden shed hobbyist.They all produced more or less identical copies of the V2 in the early stages of cold-war missile development - Have a look at the US's "Hermes" Project" and particularly the A1/A3 and RV-A-8 missiles:
Also, of course a whole lot more early missile designs were based on or even included aspects of German Tech.
Cross Classic Century, it just needs two fucking massive jet engines strapped to either side.
Flying well under the radar!
Meh. A Bucc would have been doing 600kts at that altitude...
That's actually a Russian fighter that the Yanks stole. The Focksiizs Wingzavpdroptov blueprints we stolen during an Avon meeting in California in May 1984.