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Climate Strike / School Strike for Climate

Brixton Hatter

Home is south London mate
Must have been about 10,000 (my estimate) kids in Parliament Square/Whitehall today who bunked off school to protest about climate change. Best and noisiest protest I've been to for a while, the kids were absolutely having it. (Must have been pretty embarrassing for the black cab drivers and the FBPE / Defend Brexit lot who were both protesting nearby at the same time.)

Seems this has grown all over the country (and all over the world) since that Swedish girl Greta (?) started going on strike from school every Friday. Protests also in Brighton, Oxford, Leeds etc.

The kids may have missed school today but will nonetheless have hopefully learned several valuable lessons: 1) protest is good and inspirational; 2) the power of collective action, and 3) the police usually end up being fucking pricks (horse-mounted coppers currently trying to drive the kids off the roads and out of Parliament Square.)

Well done the kids.

BBC report here.







I don't suppose anyone will care if they miss a day's school when the planet is dead and we're living on rats and insects.

Insects are off the menu :(

“A scientific review of insect numbers suggests that 40% of species are undergoing "dramatic rates of decline" around the world.

The study says that bees, ants and beetles are disappearing eight times faster than mammals, birds or reptiles.

The general insect decline is being caused by intensive agriculture, pesticides and climate change.”
Amazing that those attempting to belittle the student's protests are mostly millionaires who will probably be dead in twenty years.
“Young people are so apathetic about politics”
“Ok then”
“Wait not like that”

I’ve seen the “it must be trendy liberal teachers influencing them” thing appear several times from different sources.
Amazing that those attempting to belittle the student's protests are mostly millionaires who will probably be dead in twenty years.

Millionaires tend to live longer than us ordinary mortals.

No, it's not death which offers them the prospect of escape, it's their belief that wealth and privilege will insulate from the effects of climate change, assuming they even believe in it in the first place.

They may come to regret such a position when the mob drags them out in order to dispense summary justice.
This story, or rather the cause of it, can't be allowed to sink into news ether of everything that isn't Brexit.
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