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Chris Kaba, 24, shot dead by police in Streatham, Mon 5th Sept 2022

To me, it’s not the verbosity so much as the fact that it so neatly contains every detail required to exonerate the officers.

When you take that into account it’s actually quite concise. But there’s no irrelevant filler, just what is needed to make the cops look good.
Hence the convenience of the witness, if they even exist.
You don't always post with concision. Do you think that verbosity undermines evidence? I look forward to seeing this convenient witness's evidence tested in court
You’ve read it - that level of detail for a fast moving situation in the middle of the night and then to also give a self defence case to the police is very fucking suspicious.

As I mentioned no detail of whether it was a resident or passerby just described as a witness. The police officers will have been witnesses so definitely covers them as well. A journalistic way of muddying the waters just as they say “sources close to” such and such MP when they mean the MP themselves.
You’ve read it - that level of detail for a fast moving situation in the middle of the night and then to also give a self defence case to the police is very fucking suspicious.

As I mentioned no detail of whether it was a resident or passerby just described as a witness. The police officers will have been witnesses so definitely covers them as well. A journalistic way of muddying the waters just as they say “sources close to” such and such MP when they mean the MP themselves.

Definitely possible.
I’d feel iffy as the police if I was releasing such a perfect exoneration story when the witness was prone to dematerialising. We’ll have to see.
The point is it’s just to muddy the waters from the off - put doubt in peoples’ minds - maybe he deserved it, maybe the police were justified in killing him. Doesn’t have to be true, this shit sticks.
The point is it’s just to muddy the waters from the off - put doubt in peoples’ minds - maybe he deserved it, maybe the police were justified in killing him. Doesn’t have to be true, this shit sticks.

Maybe they were justified in shooting him. No way of us here knowing for sure.

But yeah, initial reports like this really need to be fully justified.
They should learn a thing or one from how the US do things these days and release the bodycam footage, then we can all see how the officer who fired the shot perceived an imminent threat of deadly harm.
The Standard quotes a witness saying he was trying to run police over:
“Armed police jumped out and were shouting at the man ‘get out of the car’. It was at least a dozen times. The guy in the car had a lot of opportunities to stop but he refused. He then started driving forward towards a police car and smashed into it then reversed, he just wouldn’t stop the vehicle. I heard one shot. “From what I could see he could have killed one of the officers with his car. I don’t understand why he didn’t stop. He was trying to ram his way out and could have easily killed a policeman. He was using his car as a weapon.”

The Mirror has this:

An aerial shot shows how the car chase ended

We're told there was one shot through thw windscreen. So perhaps the guy who fired was standing in front of Kaba's car while Kaba was trying to ram the police car out of the way. Maybe the Met will go with the officer being 'forced to defend himself' by killing the driver. Seems like a risky way to defend yourself - you'd have to kill the driver instantly with your first shot. Why not just step backwards?

Family call for a "homicide investigation" after dad-to-be shot dead by officer
The Standard quotes a witness saying he was trying to run police over:

The Mirror has this:

An aerial shot shows how the car chase ended

We're told there was one shot through thw windscreen. So perhaps the guy who fired was standing in front of Kaba's car while Kaba was trying to ram the police car out of the way. Maybe the Met will go with the officer being 'forced to defend himself' by killing the driver. Seems like a risky way to defend yourself - you'd have to kill the driver instantly with your first shot. Why not just step backwards?

Family call for a "homicide investigation" after dad-to-be shot dead by officer
Hadn’t seen that that the the exact location. There’s hardly any houses with good views of that point. Very suspicious witness statement.

They should learn a thing or one from how the US do things these days and release the bodycam footage, then we can all see how the officer who fired the shot perceived an imminent threat of deadly harm.
They can't release what they've lost, wasn't recorded due to equipment failure or never bothered recording in the first place
Anyone know if they’ve changed the rules so that police involved can no longer confer with each other to get their stories straight before giving their statements?

Why would they change that rule? It works out very well for them.

Even when it's later shown that the story they all got straight was a lie, and that instead of just normal perjury they (along with their lawyers and senior brass) are also therefore guilty of a conspiracy to commit perjury, that can all be brushed under the carpet.
Thanks. A good piece by the MP. Gal Dem is a good website but it's not one that everyone is going to notice. The MP article could do with wider coverage.
If you follow Gal-Dem's Instagram link there is a racist comment at the top of the list. It's appalling.
Apparently Brixton Bid been going around warning businesses to shut because there will be riots or something to do with this shooting.

Anyone know any more?

So much knee jerk reaction. It’s embarrassing.

I'd rather not get into it until we know for certain what happened. But it seems a lot of people are already making big assumptions, so here are a few things I would consider.

The police say there was a car chase, which means they had asked him to pull over but he wouldn't. That alone is a crime for which you can be jailed. So it's highly suspicious if you do it....you could be trying to get away with something more serious.

The police also say his vehicle registration was linked by ANPR to a gun incident. If that's true (and it can't be faked) they were right to ram him (which they are trained to do) and to draw their guns in the expectation that he may have had a gun. They would have been in fear for their lives. Stopping a firearms suspect in a car is one of the most dangerous things they do.

This happened at night in a side street, and the car windscreen was almost certainly slightly tinted, because that's standard for modern cars. So visibility was bad. So it's very easy for an officer, when seeing the suspect raise a phone or something, to mistake it for a gun. In these circumstances (failure to stop, ramming, officers with guns drawn, bad visibility, ANPR link to firearms) it's virtually suicidal to be picking up an object and moving your hands. Makes no difference what race you are. You're begging to be shot.

I hate to say all this....a young unarmed man has been shot to death. Some will say he brought it on himself but I know that young black men are right to be scared of the police. If they are stopped they might well be fitted up and/or beaten up and/or die in custody. If I was them I wouldn't stop in a side street, I'd drive slowly, with my hazard lights on (to indicate compliance) to somewhere busy, full of witnesses, for my own protection. Then I'd pull over and sit still.

But maybe he panicked. Maybe he was involved with firearms and threw his gun out of the window during the chase. Maybe the officer panicked. Maybe the ANPR hit was a typo or a glitch. Maybe the car just happened to be seen on video near somebody else's gun crime.

Even if it comes out that he was involved with guns, the vast majority of the black community will say the police are lying, and his death will be added to the tally of murders by racist police. The mistrust will be even deeper and this kind of death will become even more likely to happen.

I don't think relations between the police and the black community will ever recover from all the injustices of the last 50 years. It will just get worse and worse. The only solution is for half the Met to be black. That will never happen.

So much conjecture here. He could have… he might have… if so and so then such and such…. Looks like you’re trying to justify your prejudices to me.

he was a known member of 67 gang who had only just got out of jail, clearly failed to stop when asked and they have witnesses saying he was trying to ram police cars/officers. I don't think the Met will have an issue defending their officers. he was supposedly one of the most 'active' members of a gang who collectively have been sent to jail for large county lines drug operations and multiple murders, stabbings, beatings, so I have trouble with painting him as innocent victim.

Yes the 67 do horrible stuff. And some of them have been caught convicted and sent down. I don’t know what Chris Kaba was sent down for. He did his time and was released. You are making the assumption that because he was previously convicted he remained a dangerous and nasty person. How about the possibility that he decided he didn’t want to stay in the gang, found love, had a child on the way and wanted to be a better person? Maybe he still had some associations with the gang. It would be very weird if he didn’t. The 67 is a complex network round here, not everyone associated with them is criminal. Neither of us know which of these scenarios is closer to the truth. Your automatic assumption that he was still a wrong’un speaks more to your prejudices than it does to anything known about Chris Kaba.

I read it as being a witness on the street cos yeah, if I’d just woken up I’d be useless at saying what happened.

You’re right that the statement contains some pre-baked court-friendly details, though.

The second witness report is much more what I’d expect.

To be fair, whenever I’ve been in a position to witness a serious crime I’ve made sure to note as much detail as possible. When I lived in downtown Brixton there was a murder and an attempted murder within a block of where I lived, plus multiple muggings. I did give statements about the murder and the stabbing, and I was very careful to be as exact and clear as possible, not least because I didn’t want the cops to elide or fudge what I was saying.

On another occasion, with a mugging, they very clumsily tried to get me to fudge and blur what I was saying. It became clear that the person they’d arrested was not the person who had committed the mugging, but because they suspected he had been involved with crime on other occasions they were trying to pin this on him. They tried to change my description (“ when you say his hair was…. do you really mean it was…? the track suit top was grey….could it have been blue…?”) I stopped the interview and refused to sign the pages they’d filled in, and the remaining half a blank page they asked me to sign.

Yeah and I've got lived experience of fucking murderous drug gangs.

And your solution to this problem is to gun down suspects in the street? Your anger may be righteous but that doesn’t justify vigilante retribution dished out by the cops ffs.

if only they could find the gun wrapped in a sock hunderds of yards away from the car


They cordoned off a section of New Park Road across the bottom of Kirkstall Gardens, where there are grassy verges and front gardens. I wondered if they‘d cordoned off such a large area because they were looking for the “flung gun”.

To me, it’s not the verbosity so much as the fact that it so neatly contains every detail required to exonerate the officers.

When you take that into account it’s actually quite concise. But there’s no irrelevant filler, just what is needed to make the cops look good.

Not to say there’s anything iffy about it, but it’s very convenient.

I agree that the statement does seem very convenient but as I said above, when I’ve given a statement about a crime I’ve always tried to be as clear and detailed as I can.

There are upstairs windows.

No there aren’t. In that photo, the houses on both sides of the street at that point have their gable end facing the street. No windows.
ETA Having now seen footage of the scene I’ll correct this and say that there are two small windows on one of the houses at that location. I still think it’s unlikely that someone was in position to witness the entire incident in one of those windows.
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Sky News are reporting the Justice for Chris Kaba march as a tribute walk for the Queen's death.

Fucking hell.

This is just asking for trouble. If the peaceful protest and demonstration is disrespected so brazenly it will trigger further outrage.
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So much knee jerk reaction. It’s embarrassing.

So much conjecture here.


Your anger may be righteous but that doesn’t justify vigilante retribution dished out by the cops ffs.

They cordoned off a section of New Park Road across the bottom of Kirkstall Gardens, where there are grassy verges and front gardens. I wondered if they‘d cordoned off such a large area because they were looking for the “flung gun”.

Conjecture away I guess.
Fucking hell.

This is just asking for trouble. If the peaceful protest and demonstration is disrespected so brazenly it will trigger further outrage.
This is simply blanking. I doubt even the King would approve!
This happened at night in a side street, and the car windscreen was almost certainly slightly tinted, because that's standard for modern cars. So visibility was bad. So it's very easy for an officer, when seeing the suspect raise a phone or something, to mistake it for a gun. In these circumstances (failure to stop, ramming, officers with guns drawn, bad visibility, ANPR link to firearms) it's virtually suicidal to be picking up an object and moving your hands. Makes no difference what race you are. You're begging to be shot.
no one deserves to shot. This is not fucking america!

I'm finding the speculation on this thread really unpalatable. We weren't there and we don't know.
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