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Chris Kaba, 24, shot dead by police in Streatham, Mon 5th Sept 2022

Didn't post at the time - but sort of topical. Saturday morning about 10.00 am I was waiting for the bus home outside Brixton Tescos in Acre Lane and was treated to a prolonged "stop" of two young black men who were standing at the read of a new "MG" whilst about 3 police men and a police woman were fingering their documents and joshing with them.

1. It did occur to me at the instant that this might explain why our flamboyant "first Black council chief executive on £250,000 pa in 1994 etc etc Heather Rabbatts" chose to drive a Chrome Yellow MG. No doubt she could not face constant police stops - and chose a vehicle so unique there could be no doubt it was her and she did have a right to drive into the council car park at the back of Lambeth Town Hall.
2. What is it with the Met Police that they can pull people up and piss them around - even at 10 am outside Tescos - and they KNOIW that their victims have to go along with the charade - it's only a bit of fun haha, we are only doing our job ha ha - thanks for spending 15 minutes with us whilst we do a police check.
These two on Saturday were in shorts - attired for football practice. How many criminals have been aprehended in MG sports cars on their way to footie practice on Saturday mornings?
3. In view of the Chris Kaba killing by a police officer in Streaham Hill - what training do these police have? It is highly appropriate that Cressida Dick got fired - her involvement in the Jean Claude de Menenzes inquiry was a whitewash. The police are currently still going rogue - and police training seems to be the opposite of bouncer training.
Like its all about how can we wind him/them up. How can we get a reaction and GET them.
The hard core version seems to be how can we provoke a mutual adrenaline surge, have a car chase and a shoot-out.
"During the chase, police used a tactic where they collided with the car they were pursuing to force it to stop."

Same thing (presumably) only as few yards from where I live in the early hours of August 21st. Alleged machete wielding hooligan stabbers in Josephine Avenue - then a police chase to Coldharbour Lane
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Here we are in our beds at night, and police "tactics" are turning Brixton into the set of "Escape from New York" (John Carpenter, 1981)right now
And due to Boris Johnson's policies as Mayor of London we can't even go to the Community/Police Consutlative Group for Lambeth to complain about it this police induced anarchy - Boris the libertarian abolished it!
I think you've got this wrong in every possible way. Need a long time to reply, which I don't have right now. May come back to it.
I think you've got this wrong in every possible way. Need a long time to reply, which I don't have right now. May come back to it.
The fact that the police stop and search a disproportionate number of black people is well documented.

Young black people still feel they have to routinely carry all their receipts to prove their ownership of everything from cars to shopping.
Here we are in our beds at night, and police "tactics" are turning Brixton into the set of "Escape from New York" (John Carpenter, 1981)
And due to Boris Johnson's policies as Mayor of London we can't even go to the Community/Police Consutlative Group for Lambeth to complain about it this police induced anarchy - Boris the libertarian abolished it!
community policing has been cut time and again.
Photos from today

3. In view of the Chris Kaba killing by a police officer in Streaham Hill - what training do these police have? It is highly appropriate that Cressida Dick got fired - her involvement in the Jean Claude de Menenzes inquiry was a whitewash. The police are currently still going rogue - and police training seems to be the opposite of bouncer training.
Like its all about how can we wind him/them up. How can we get a reaction and GET them.
The hard core version seems to be how can we provoke a mutual adrenaline surge, have a car chase and a shoot-out.
"During the chase, police used a tactic where they collided with the car they were pursuing to force it to stop."

sounds like the traders would agree, they obviously feared a community back lash today.

Do we really want to live in a city where the police shoot unarmed people? where they shoot first and ask questions after? Have they learned nothing from previous shootings and subsequent unrest? Totally pisses me off.
I await your response with interest
I'd rather not get into it until we know for certain what happened. But it seems a lot of people are already making big assumptions, so here are a few things I would consider.

The police say there was a car chase, which means they had asked him to pull over but he wouldn't. That alone is a crime for which you can be jailed. So it's highly suspicious if you do it....you could be trying to get away with something more serious.

The police also say his vehicle registration was linked by ANPR to a gun incident. If that's true (and it can't be faked) they were right to ram him (which they are trained to do) and to draw their guns in the expectation that he may have had a gun. They would have been in fear for their lives. Stopping a firearms suspect in a car is one of the most dangerous things they do.

This happened at night in a side street, and the car windscreen was almost certainly slightly tinted, because that's standard for modern cars. So visibility was bad. So it's very easy for an officer, when seeing the suspect raise a phone or something, to mistake it for a gun. In these circumstances (failure to stop, ramming, officers with guns drawn, bad visibility, ANPR link to firearms) it's virtually suicidal to be picking up an object and moving your hands. Makes no difference what race you are. You're begging to be shot.

I hate to say all this....a young unarmed man has been shot to death. Some will say he brought it on himself but I know that young black men are right to be scared of the police. If they are stopped they might well be fitted up and/or beaten up and/or die in custody. If I was them I wouldn't stop in a side street, I'd drive slowly, with my hazard lights on (to indicate compliance) to somewhere busy, full of witnesses, for my own protection. Then I'd pull over and sit still.

But maybe he panicked. Maybe he was involved with firearms and threw his gun out of the window during the chase. Maybe the officer panicked. Maybe the ANPR hit was a typo or a glitch. Maybe the car just happened to be seen on video near somebody else's gun crime.

Even if it comes out that he was involved with guns, the vast majority of the black community will say the police are lying, and his death will be added to the tally of murders by racist police. The mistrust will be even deeper and this kind of death will become even more likely to happen.

I don't think relations between the police and the black community will ever recover from all the injustices of the last 50 years. It will just get worse and worse. The only solution is for half the Met to be black. That will never happen.

Very late ETA: I wrote this before I knew he was allegedly driving at an officer. As I posted later, IF that's the reason he was shot it doesn't make sense to me, because the officer would have defended himself better by backing away, not by shooting (because the chance of the first shot killing the driver would be low.)
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he was a known member of 67 gang who had only just got out of jail, clearly failed to stop when asked and they have witnesses saying he was trying to ram police cars/officers. I don't think the Met will have an issue defending their officers. he was supposedly one of the most 'active' members of a gang who collectively have been sent to jail for large county lines drug operations and multiple murders, stabbings, beatings, so I have trouble with painting him as innocent victim.
he was a known member of 67 gang who had only just got out of jail, clearly failed to stop when asked and they have witnesses saying he was trying to ram police cars/officers. I don't think the Met will have an issue defending their officers. he was supposedly one of the most 'active' members of a gang who collectively have been sent to jail for large county lines drug operations and multiple murders, stabbings, beatings, so I have trouble with painting him as innocent victim.
Will it take 10 years for all this to be published in a transparent fashion?
I do rather object to this ramming tactic as well. That's two in two weeks - one with fatal results.
David Clapson I think you underestimate the power of hormones on the suspects AND the police.
Not only that - dig out your copy of "Games People Play" Eric Berne MD 1956.
I feel that these situations are field-work versions of "Let you and him fight!"
That's why I say send the Met Police on SIA courses and de-fund Hendon.
he was a known member of 67 gang who had only just got out of jail, clearly failed to stop when asked and they have witnesses saying he was trying to ram police cars/officers. I don't think the Met will have an issue defending their officers. he was supposedly one of the most 'active' members of a gang who collectively have been sent to jail for large county lines drug operations and multiple murders, stabbings, beatings, so I have trouble with painting him as innocent victim.
I see what you mean How a South London gang supplied drugs across the South East Do you have a link about him being jailed?
Will it take 10 years for all this to be published in a transparent fashion?
I do rather object to this ramming tactic as well. That's two in two weeks - one with fatal results.
David Clapson I think you underestimate the power of hormones on the suspects AND the police.
Not only that - dig out your copy of "Games People Play" Eric Berne MD 1956.
I feel that these situations are field-work versions of "Let you and him fight!"
That's why I say send the Met Police on SIA courses and de-fund Hendon.
Not sure i follow much of that.
If you really want to see it from the other side, you can request a ride along with the met and go out with them. There’s a consent form on the met’s website and there’s a criminal record check, they say having convictions doesn’t necessarily rule it out either, not that anyone on urbs would have such a thing obviously.
If you really want to see it from the other side, you can request a ride along with the met and go out with them. There’s a consent form on the met’s website and there’s a criminal record check, they say having convictions doesn’t necessarily rule it out either, not that anyone on urbs would have such a thing obviously.
I doubt that's possible in the armed response cars
If you really want to see it from the other side, you can request a ride along with the met and go out with them. There’s a consent form on the met’s website and there’s a criminal record check, they say having convictions doesn’t necessarily rule it out either, not that anyone on urbs would have such a thing obviously.
Couldn't you just stay home and watch Taxi Driver?
No more than I followed your description the other day of the Brixton Library steps being obstructed by women on crack. I did pass by this morning at about 9.30 am and there was one old black man drinking Skol Super on a bench on the Town Hall side of the square..
Can you try not to be an idiot on this important thread?
“From what I could see he could have killed one of the officers with his car. I don’t understand why he didn’t stop.

“He was trying to ram his way out and could have easily killed a policeman. He was using his car as a weapon.”

This is such a suspicious quote from a witness in the middle of the night - just immediately making out that any shooting was because officers feared for their life.
“From what I could see he could have killed one of the officers with his car. I don’t understand why he didn’t stop.

“He was trying to ram his way out and could have easily killed a policeman. He was using his car as a weapon.”

This is such a suspicious quote from a witness in the middle of the night - just immediately making out that any shooting was because officers feared for their life.

No street lights in that area?
No street lights in that area?
Yes - there are streetlights, but it’s hardly very well lit. But if your a local resident woken up and looking out of a window or a passerby are you really going to get that much detail.

Also, note there’s no detail of whether the witness is a resident or passerby, why no detail? Sounds pretty much like that’s come from the police tbh.
Yes - there are streetlights, but it’s hardly very well lit. But if your a local resident woken up and looking out of a window or a passerby are you really going to get that much detail.

Also, note there’s no detail of whether the witness is a resident or passerby, why no detail? Sounds pretty much like that’s come from the police tbh.

I read it as being a witness on the street cos yeah, if I’d just woken up I’d be useless at saying what happened.

You’re right that the statement contains some pre-baked court-friendly details, though.

The second witness report is much more what I’d expect.
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