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Chris Kaba, 24, shot dead by police in Streatham, Mon 5th Sept 2022

Unless they overcharged deliberately which was suggestion in the trayon killing and that vigilante kid with the ar15.

Mr Kaba was attempting to smash his way out of a roadblock either because he thought he could get away or panic the coppers defense was he belived Mr kaba was attemping to use his car as a weapon .
The pice aren't trigger happy they have killed 88 people since 1990 hardly trigger happy.

Once faced a stolen car in Cyprus it stopped at a road block if the driver and friends had made any attempt to flee they'd have been hit with over a hundred rounds 8 soldiers with Sa80 and two ferret armoured cars with belt fed machine guns now that's trigger happy!
Florida police in 6 years shot over 800 people including bystanders!
You just make this stuff up after you’ve read commando comic?
The dodgy bit is that the cop didn't know he had a gun history, or that was a leading gangster. And neither did the jury. And yet they still cleared him. Very fishy.

I think the judge was right to withhold his previous from the jury but that makes it even weirder they didnt think the cop was in the wrong. Even the CPS thought he was, or they wouldn't have put it before a court.
Agree with you on that.
Given the individual and the circumstances..don't really have a problem but the inference that could of happened to ordinary Joe public I find concerning
Agree with you on that.
Given the individual and the circumstances..don't really have a problem but the inference that could of happened to ordinary Joe public I find concerning
well you'd have to be in a car linked to a shooting and then be trying to ram your way out of a police stop in the face of a load of armed police... can't imagine many joe public being in that situation.
I think if people on here are going to make allowances for why Martyn Blake had to shoot Chris Kaba in the head and kill him they should afford Chris Kaba the same and not buy the police's line that he deserved to be shot at by trying to drive out of being boxed in.

Another black man has been killed in police custody. Another family unnecessarily left distraught. The police have once again closed ranks and complained about the scrutiny.

There is understandably a lot of hurt and upset and anger about this case. A reminder that there is the demo this Saturday at noon in Trafalgar Square supporting families who have lost friends in police custody over the past 30 years. United Families & Friends (@uffcampaign) • Instagram photos and videos

well he was never in police custody. if he'd gone quietly into police custody he'd still be alive.
Doesn't mean that the coppers shouldn't be scrutinized for their death squads operating on the streets. 88 people is still too much.
Well if one looks at the 88 figure since 1990( figures published by Inquest) includeds other police forces, i assume the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) and the replacement Police Serivce Northern Ireland(PSNI) were every officer was armed. The Met figure is 35 an average of less than one a year be it some years their were more; some years none. The world population review details the top 10 Countries with the Highest Rate of Police Killings (per 10 million residents). top Venezuela .Brazil has the highest number per year around 6000 a year. In 2019 the UK came 57 with sweden, portugal in front of the UK ; in 2022 holland had 44 france had 22 in 2021- in terms of numbers the UK comes no were near anything- Well the evidence does not suggest death squads in the UK.

Well if one looks at the 88 figure since 1990( figures published by Inquest) includeds other police forces, i assume the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) and the replacement Police Serivce Northern Ireland(PSNI) were every officer was armed. The Met figure is 35 an average of less than one a year be it some years their were more; some years none. The world population review details the top 10 Countries with the Highest Rate of Police Killings (per 10 million residents). top Venezuela .Brazil has the highest number per year around 6000 a year. In 2019 the UK came 57 with sweden, portugal in front of the UK ; in 2022 holland had 44 france had 22 in 2021- in terms of numbers the UK comes no were near anything- Well the evidence does not suggest death squads in the UK.
au contraire. the british orchestration of death squads in the six counties is well attested. for example, https://www.statewatch.org/media/documents/analyses/no-221-perfidious-albion.pdf (statewatch document on collusion in the six counties)
well he was never in police custody. if he'd gone quietly into police custody he'd still be alive.

That’s not a guarantee

Restraint and use of force:

  • 11 of the 23 people who died in or following police custody had some use of force against them by the police before their deaths. In one of these deaths there was also restraint by members of the public. Three of the 11 deaths involving use of force included Taser discharge. There were six out of the 90 other deaths following contact investigated that involved restraint or other use of force by police. One of the six involved Taser discharge. The uses of force did not necessarily contribute to the deaths.

We remember Sean Rigg.


You’re not normally an arse cupid_stunt . Why now, on this issue?

You could have made the same point without the derision.

The 'derision' in my post was simply calling him a twat and a crazy bastard, terms I use towards anyone that act in a twatish or crazy manner, including to the face of mates when they act in such a way, as they have done to me too. In fact it's fairly mild compared with fuckwit and crazy cunt.

To start ramming cop cars when you're in a box is fucking mad, especially when you are surrounded by armed police, it's not the sort of thing normal people do, but, of course, we now know he wasn't normal, and had the gang mentality of anything goes.
He had his hands up.
His hands were up.

Hands up. Don’t shoot.

He didn't at the point of being shoot, he was busy ramming the cop car in front, before putting it into reverse, and ramming the one behind, surrounded by armed cops, warning him to stop, he had the chance to give himself up, he chose not to, and instead started ramming cars, putting others at risk of injury, or even death.

Have you even watched the body cam footage?
I don't understand how there was a unanimous verdict in under three hours based on the evidence I can see. The cop is clearly guilty of murder. Scratching my head. Yes the guy was clearly a fuckwit but you can't just fucking shoot people for that. And the cop wasn't even aware of who it was he was shooting? So strange.

Oh, was you in court hearing all the evidence that the jury heard?
Oh, was you in court hearing all the evidence that the jury heard?

Well, no, that's my point. There's clearly something else which hasn't been revealed to the public for them to make such a rapid definitive decision. Because based on what it's been claimed they heard I don't know how they could have found the cop innocent.
In Norman Mailer's The Executioner's Song (and as shown in the subsequent film), after his second murder in two days, Gary Gilmore is fleeing in a vehicle but is stopped after a police chase. The police chief calmly but firmly gives him specific instructions through a megaphone: "Driver in the white truck, put both your hands out of the window so we can see them ... Now slowly get out of the car ... Lie face down on the ground..."

An opportunity to surrender that was not afforded to Chris Kaba.

Yes he was, armed police had surrounded him, shouting warnings and instructions, he decided he could get away by ramming himself out of the situation.

Has anyone actually watched the bloody body cam footage? :hmm:
I do however find it difficult to believe the cop in question didn't know this guy was a known gangster and was quite probably armed. That's quite an operation they've conducted there to pursue and box him in. You would assume everyone involved was fully briefed about it.
Yes he was, armed police had surrounded him, shouting warnings and instructions, he decided he could get away by ramming himself out of the situation.

Has anyone actually watched the bloody body cam footage? :hmm:
still waiting for you to tell me how you'd exit a car with your hands up without at some point having at least one of your hands concealed from armed cops and so getting shot
I don't think I saw any reporting that he had his hands up? He was shot in the face through the windscreen, not a side window. If he had his hands up I reallly don't see how the cop got off.
If I saw correctly in the video there is a fleeting shot through the passenger side front window where Kaba raises both hands towards the sides of his head in a gesture of frustration perhaps. Anyone else see that, I could be mistaken?

You're mistaken, watch from 35 seconds in, there's a brief moment when his left hand comes up, his right hand remains on the wheel, to steer as he accelerated forward, before his left hand then drops to put it into reverse to ram the car behind.

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I don't think I saw any reporting that he had his hands up? He was shot in the face through the windscreen, not a side window. If he had his hands up I reallly don't see how the cop got off.
he didn't. i was referring to this post of cupid_stunt's, relevant part in bold:
I doubt this copper will ever be carrying a gun again on the job.

We don't have trigger happy coppers, unlike across the pond, in the year ending in 2023, armed response attended on almost 13,500 occasions, only 10 times were their guns discharged, resulting in 2 or 3 deaths. It's so rare, which is why it generates so much media attention.

In this case, the car Kaba was driving had been flagged up as having been involved in a shooting the night before, surely we can all agree that needed following up?

The cops, putting their own lives at risk, brought it to a stand still, by boxing it in, then surrounding it by armed cops, surely we can all agree that's the time to get out the fucking car, with your hands up?

This twat decided to ram the cop cars and try to break out of the box, the crazy bastard, and in a second or two, the cop decided the situation was too risky and discharged his gun.

A murder charge was never going to be agreed by a jury, I think they should have been given the manslaughter option, but I am far from convinced they would have even convicted on that, TBH.
The prosecution was flawed. It was never murder, it may have been manslaughter, and that is what should, in my opinion, have been charged.
Yeah, usually the CPS would go for the lesser charge of manslaughter, wouldn't they, to increase their chances of securing a conviction. Murder presupposes a level of intention. Maybe that was the idea, to charge him to satisfy the outcry against an extrajudicial killing, but go for murder so that he wouldn't be convicted and he'd get away with it?
To start ramming cop cars when you're in a box is fucking mad, especially when you are surrounded by armed police, it's not the sort of thing normal people do, but, of course, we now know he wasn't normal, and had the gang mentality of anything goes.
And this is why juries aren't allowed this information, because you've totally constructed an image of this man and a narrative of what happened based on racist stereotypes.
How do you not know that he did this because he was out of his mind with fear?
I doubt this copper will ever be carrying a gun again on the job.

We don't have trigger happy coppers, unlike across the pond, in the year ending in 2023, armed response attended on almost 13,500 occasions, only 10 times were their guns discharged, resulting in 2 or 3 deaths. It's so rare, which is why it generates so much media attention.

In this case, the car Kaba was driving had been flagged up as having been involved in a shooting the night before, surely we can all agree that needed following up?

The cops, putting their own lives at risk, brought it to a stand still, by boxing it in, then surrounding it by armed cops, surely we can all agree that's the time to get out the fucking car, with your hands up?

This twat decided to ram the cop cars and try to break out of the box, the crazy bastard, and in a second or two, the cop decided the situation was too risky and discharged his gun.

A murder charge was never going to be agreed by a jury, I think they should have been given the manslaughter option, but I am far from convinced they would have even convicted on that, TBH.
I suppose in theory he could return to his role as a firearms officer, since he's been acquitted. Unless he's been subjected to internal police disciplinary procedures that have ruled him out?
That's how being boxed in by cops work, it happens all the time, there's nothing unusual in that whatsoever.

Having been 'boxed' and surrounded by armed cops, you have to be a crazy bastard to think ramming the cop cars in an attempt to escape was a good idea.
That presupposes someone is capable of thinking and acting rationally in that kind of scenario. When cornered and panicking, the fight, flight or freeze response kicks in, it's physiological.
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