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Chris Kaba, 24, shot dead by police in Streatham, Mon 5th Sept 2022

Sounds like there wasn't a chase. So he didn't refuse to stop. He drove into a trap without knowing he was being followed Chris Kaba’s car collided with police vehicles before he was fatally shot - inquest:

"Police officers had been briefed about the suspect Audi before they started their shift that day, but Mr Kaba’s name was not included in this briefing. The car was spotted by Automatic Number Plate Recognition, prompting police officers to start following the vehicle at 9.52pm...the officers did not activate their sirens or lights and at 10.07pm the car Mr Kaba was driving turned into a quiet residential road where another marked police vehicle was already waiting. As Mr Kaba made a left turn, the decision was made to perform an extraction”.
Sounds like there wasn't a chase. So he didn't refuse to stop. He drove into a trap without knowing he was being followed Chris Kaba’s car collided with police vehicles before he was fatally shot - inquest:

"Police officers had been briefed about the suspect Audi before they started their shift that day, but Mr Kaba’s name was not included in this briefing. The car was spotted by Automatic Number Plate Recognition, prompting police officers to start following the vehicle at 9.52pm...the officers did not activate their sirens or lights and at 10.07pm the car Mr Kaba was driving turned into a quiet residential road where another marked police vehicle was already waiting. As Mr Kaba made a left turn, the decision was made to perform an extraction”.
That makes sense. Knowing the road as I do, if there were a multiple vehicle chase along any of the roads leading to there, I couldn't see how they could have split up and both come to the same location from two different angles.

Although I guess there is a question as to how the police knew to wait for him in Kirkstall Gardens. You would think that it would be more likely he would drive down NPR.
If you read the actual statement that GarveyLives posted two posts above, rather than the shit Evening Standard article, you will see that they didn't expect him to drive down Kirkstall Gardens, rather they were waiting in Kirkstall Gardens to join the tail going up NPR, however when the target vehicle turned into Kirkstall Gardens they quickly revised their plan.
If you read the actual statement that GarveyLives posted two posts above, rather than the shit Evening Standard article, you will see that they didn't expect him to drive down Kirkstall Gardens, rather they were waiting in Kirkstall Gardens to join the tail going up NPR, however when the target vehicle turned into Kirkstall Gardens they quickly revised thei

The point that there was no chase still stands. And the point that he would have very good reason to panic when he found armed police blocking him from the front and back, when there hadn't even been a blue light. He must have thought his number was up. I'm even more dismayed than I was before. The police made it look like a targeted killing. Maybe it was by accident rather than by design, but they still did it. Given how many black men are killed by the police, it seems entirely reasonable to me that Kaba tried to escape by ramming cars out of the way.

We also learned from the inquest that Kaba was not considered a suspect. Chris Kaba was not a suspect before being fatally shot by police, hears inquest Is that a way of saying that he was not suspected of anything at all? That he was no longer involved with the criminal side of the gang?

We still don't know who the police thought was driving the car, or when they knew the identity of the person they'd shot.
no chase but as was suggested by the eyewitness at the start, sounds like they stop and want him to get out of the car, he instead tried to drive off, which becomes 'using his vehicle as a weapon', so the officer he's about to run over, shoots him.
no chase but as was suggested by the eyewitness at the start, sounds like they stop and want him to get out of the car, he instead tried to drive off, which becomes 'using his vehicle as a weapon', so the officer he's about to run over, shoots him.
No sirens or lights to notify youre being asked to pull over, no chase, no indication he knew he was being followed by an unmarked police car, until suddenly the road is blocked and there's armed police screaming. Who wouldn't panic and want to get the fuck out of there?
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If you read the actual statement that GarveyLives posted two posts above, rather than the shit Evening Standard article, you will see that they didn't expect him to drive down Kirkstall Gardens, rather they were waiting in Kirkstall Gardens to join the tail going up NPR, however when the target vehicle turned into Kirkstall Gardens they quickly revised their plan.
Sorry, it’s a force of habit not to read GarveyLives links.

No sirens or lights to notify youre being asked to pull over, no chase, no indication he knew he was being followed by an unmarked police car, until suddenly the road is blocked and there's armed police screaming. Who wouldn't panic and want to get the fuck out of there?
It’s a very different scenario to what has been presented so far, isn’t it. With it being so local, I have kept a very close eye on this story. I was sure, given what I had read, that this was a ‘chase’, that Kaba had time to weigh up his options and may have become more desperate as time progressed.

It seems he maybe was only aware of his situation for his last five seconds.
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So the insinuation that there was a chase has proved wrong. Another example of the police basically lying to get ahead of the story.

Fine, "wasn't doing anything wrong driving" - but that seems unlikely, if he was being pursued as so many sources state, because drivers who are driving are required to stop immediately if directed to do so by the police.

How have you concluded he was "doing nothing wrong driving"?
"Chris Kaba, 24, died after a police pursuit of a car ended in Streatham Hill on Monday night."

"A man shot dead by police after a chase in south London has been named locally as 23-year-old rapper Chris Kaba."

Newspapers etc. were quick to report a chase as fact which then people use to justify the shooting.
No sirens or lights to notify youre being asked to pull over, no chase, no indication he knew he was being followed by an unmarked police car, until suddenly the road is blocked and there's armed police screaming. Who wouldn't panic and want to get the fuck out of there?

I haven’t seen the video - do you have a link?
Met have retracted their statement about a chase with this poor explanation.

They said: "Our first statement said firearms officers were in pursuit of a suspect vehicle. This was based on information available in the very early stages of the incident.
Yet again the Met are caught releasing false information to cover up their actions with seemingly no consequences.

Met have retracted their statement about a chase with this poor explanation.

Yet again the Met are caught releasing false information to cover up their actions with seemingly no consequences.

after the precedents of eg mark duggan and jean charles de menezes it's clear there will be no consequences for their lying
guessing based on the info in the public domain - just like everyone else on the thread.
strange how your guesses always land the wrong way up. why would this cop - in the scenario you pose - use lethal force instead of just moving out of the way? i don't see how your guesses could be on stuff in the public domain being as we've been told from the off that the car he was in was hemmed in Man shot dead by police ‘was due to become a father’ you're blatantly making it up. so your best coa would be to pipe the fuck down.
No sirens or lights to notify youre being asked to pull over, no chase, no indication he knew he was being followed by an unmarked police car, until suddenly the road is blocked and there's armed police screaming. Who wouldn't panic and want to get the fuck out of there?
you would try to drive away when faced with armed police, even when that includes presumably driving through/at people? fair enough - I wouldn't.
If you're a black guy and you know about all the deaths/killings the Met has got away with, it's "reasonable" in the legal sense of the word to protect yourself by driving at an armed officer.
you would try to drive away when faced with armed police, even when that includes presumably driving through/at people? fair enough - I wouldn't.

So you made a guess. You guessed that he was trying to run over a policeman.

The only facts we had at the time was that a Black man had been shot dead by a policeman.

And even after it became pretty obvious that the police were at the least dissembling about some of the details you continued to guess that the dead man had been trying to escape.

Further, you state that this is something you wouldn’t do.

And rather than extending your assumption and anticipation about your own behaviour to Chris Kaba, you guessed he would do something different, something that you would never do.

Why is that? What is that based in? What clues or prompts led you to make this guess?

And before you say “Well he had these associations to the gang and a prior conviction“ that’s still not enough to give you any certainty that he was intending or attempting to run over the copper.

Chris Kaba did his time, and by all public accounts had turned his life around.

Can you really truly not see how prejudiced you sound?

Prejudiced as in pre-judging based on assumption.

I‘m not going to speculate about what’s underlying your judgement. But you know, don’t you,
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