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Chris Kaba, 24, shot dead by police in Streatham, Mon 5th Sept 2022

Can this be Chief Steward Lee "Meta" Jasper in the first of Bell's twitter pictures? (wearing a MAGA cap)

I hadn't realised until I accidental downloaded Japser's video clip that it was one of those "filming me filming you" type c;lips - rather Steve Coogan I thought.
5,000 plus on the Chris Kaba demo. It was a honour to be Chief Steward and help organise despite the huge pressure to abandon the march in deference to the passing of the Queen.

So far we've secured a homicide investigation and the suspension of the officer. Next demand is to get the IOPC to release the police body can video to the family and secure a timeline for the conclusion of the investigation.

I'll be organizing a Lambeth public meeting on this shortly. The extent of Black outrage and mainstream political support of key allies is unprecedented in recent times.

With the Met in special measures this new Commissioner is now faced with yet another existential and possibly career defining crisis. No one should underestimate the depth of Black pain and anger.

Stay tuned for more info.
I'd like to think that the pain and anger is shared in the wider community.
Is this going to take years, like most police disciplinary matters? Or does the homicide investigation mean that the officer can potentially be charged in a few days, as if he was a member of the public?

No doubt there are lots of officers furiously arguing that the Met needs to bend over backwards to protect the interests of the shooter, otherwise all the firearms officers will quit.
Is this Lee Japser really Lee Jasper? Interested because I last encounter the Met Police hireling when he accused me of being a fascist, at Searchlight's behest. If it is, I would regard his involvement in any campaign to hold the Met to account with great suspicion.
Somehow he always manages to make it all about himself. Shameless self promotion on Mr. Lee's part as usual, but whatever it takes to get the family the answers they need is a step in the right direction. Won't bring back their Son, but I hope they all their requests met quickly and without having to go through a long, painful, protracted campaign.
National Day of Action called:

The Guardian has a piece totting up the UK's deaths of black people in police custody or shortly after police contact. 136 between 1990 and 2021. If we all click on it perhaps it can get on the 'most read' list.

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Oh look, what a surprise:

There is nothing particularly new about such threats from the Metropolitan Police Federation - the following was published days before the inquest into the death of former psychiatric patient, Derek Bennett, who was chased and shot dead (in the back) by Metropolitan Police officers on Myatts Fields Estate:

"No one underestimates the danger of firearms work. These officers make split-second decisions. They are trained to do so. Even so, there will be occasions when they get it wrong, and we have to accept that. But when it does go horribly wrong there must, inevitably, be consequences."

A rebellion of arrogant gunslingers: Firearms officers cannot operate beyond public accountability

Meanwhile, in other developments:

Chris Kaba family to be shown police video of events that lead to his killing
Somehow he always manages to make it all about himself. Shameless self promotion on Mr. Lee's part as usual, but whatever it takes to get the family the answers they need is a step in the right direction. Won't bring back their Son, but I hope they all their requests met quickly and without having to go through a long, painful, protracted campaign.
So it appears this is Jasper? My suspicion is that I would think he will be passing back intelligence to the Met on the campaign itself. A great pity if so but obviously the campaign deserves support
That's kinda why I typed 'what a surprise'.
I understand that Alex Oluwade Movement for Justice has been speaking outside Brixton tube station within the last few minutes and there will be a demonstration ending at the top of Rush Common/New Park Road (proximate to Brixton Prison maybe?).
Sadly, in the all too familiar campaign to demonise the person who they have killed, even the simplest statement of facts is controversial to the representatives of those who carried out the killing:

Chris Kaba: Police Federation of England and Wales hits out at 'divisive' tweets from charity Mind over death of unarmed Black man

The Police Federation appear to be sending themselves here. It's like someone has written a satirical press release by the Cops.

It reeks of self pity. Police are people to and their mental health needs should be met. How dare Mind talk about prejudice when enquiry hasn't finished yet.

Any enquiry into a police action imo takes years. Plus the Met are in special measures due to a series of incidents. The last head of Met lost the confidence of the Mayor. The Charing Cross police station incident showed the canteen culture is alive and well.

Yet the Police Federation who represent Cops whine about Mind. That this charity is divisive.

It's somewhat concerning that the organisation that represents the cop shop floor so to speak has no realisation that the Met has an image problem with significant number of Londoners.

Why the Labour centrist Mayor had to get rid of the last head of Met.

Cressida Dick as head of Met had to go. But this whining from the organisation that represents the shop floor copper shows the rot is firmly rooted in the Met.

Whoever is at the top is going to have to deal with these coppers who feel hard done by. With woke charities not feeling their pain.

Tbf I think calls to defund the police are valid now. The Police Federation outburst shows the ordinary cop doesn't want to know. Whoever heads the Met the Canteen culture Police Federation cops aren't going to change
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Why is this directed at me please?

Because your earlier posts seemed to me to be full of prejudice, as I said.

This is a late reply but I didn’t want to leave your post with no response. however the thread and the story have both moved on so this is probably redundant now.

Mood on NPR is still quite odd but less than it was.
I understand that Alex Oluwade Movement for Justice has been speaking outside Brixton tube station within the last few minutes and there will be a demonstration ending at the top of Rush Common/New Park Road (proximate to Brixton Prison maybe?).

Oh when is that? This weekend or last night?
Oh when is that? This weekend or last night?
The friend who reported it said he followed Alex ro the police station (5.30 - 6.00 pm). Alex had a megaphone but only a few supporters.
I haven't spoken to him today yet - so I don't know if they did indeed go up towards the prison.

Seems like an impromptu Alex demo not connected to Saturday up and coming (except no doubt Alex would have promoted Saturday).
Because your earlier posts seemed to me to be full of prejudice, as I said.

This is a late reply but I didn’t want to leave your post with no response. however the thread and the story have both moved on so this is probably redundant now.

Mood on NPR is still quite odd but less than it was.
So you tell me my posts are prejudiced (again) but you can't actually find any prejudice in my posts (again).
So you tell me my posts are prejudiced (again) but you can't actually find any prejudice in my posts (again).

As I said at the time, I found your post #37 to be full of conjecture, and it’s often the case that conjecture is based in prejudice. The thread was moving fast, and I was angry.

I don’t want to get into an unseemly / inappropriate side show on this thread.

If you want me to retract or something I’ll do that.
I'd rather not get into it until we know for certain what happened. But it seems a lot of people are already making big assumptions, so here are a few things I would consider.

The police say there was a car chase, which means they had asked him to pull over but he wouldn't. That alone is a crime for which you can be jailed. So it's highly suspicious if you do it....you could be trying to get away with something more serious.

The police also say his vehicle registration was linked by ANPR to a gun incident. If that's true (and it can't be faked) they were right to ram him (which they are trained to do) and to draw their guns in the expectation that he may have had a gun. They would have been in fear for their lives. Stopping a firearms suspect in a car is one of the most dangerous things they do.

This happened at night in a side street, and the car windscreen was almost certainly slightly tinted, because that's standard for modern cars. So visibility was bad. So it's very easy for an officer, when seeing the suspect raise a phone or something, to mistake it for a gun. In these circumstances (failure to stop, ramming, officers with guns drawn, bad visibility, ANPR link to firearms) it's virtually suicidal to be picking up an object and moving your hands. Makes no difference what race you are. You're begging to be shot.

I hate to say all this....a young unarmed man has been shot to death. Some will say he brought it on himself but I know that young black men are right to be scared of the police. If they are stopped they might well be fitted up and/or beaten up and/or die in custody. If I was them I wouldn't stop in a side street, I'd drive slowly, with my hazard lights on (to indicate compliance) to somewhere busy, full of witnesses, for my own protection. Then I'd pull over and sit still.

But maybe he panicked. Maybe he was involved with firearms and threw his gun out of the window during the chase. Maybe the officer panicked. Maybe the ANPR hit was a typo or a glitch. Maybe the car just happened to be seen on video near somebody else's gun crime.

Even if it comes out that he was involved with guns, the vast majority of the black community will say the police are lying, and his death will be added to the tally of murders by racist police. The mistrust will be even deeper and this kind of death will become even more likely to happen.

I don't think relations between the police and the black community will ever recover from all the injustices of the last 50 years. It will just get worse and worse. The only solution is for half the Met to be black. That will never happen.

Very late ETA: I wrote this before I knew he was allegedly driving at an officer. As I posted later, IF that's the reason he was shot it doesn't make sense to me, because the officer would have defended himself better by backing away, not by shooting (because the chance of the first shot killing the driver would be low.)
other solutions are available. like not killing black people. like not policing them disproportionately. you're making a number of what are at best unfounded assumptions there, which include a) half the population of london's black; b) that black cops will act more fairly than white cops when dealing with black people; c) that 'injustices' only started happening 50 years ago - as well as, elsewhere in your post, your 'begging to be shot' bit. prejudiced? i'd say so. even if he was involved with guns we used to have a criminal justice system which dealt with that sort of thing rather than appointing cops judge, jury and executioner.
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