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Child in buggy blown on to London Tube station tracks

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Where trains are concerned, yes, you are. A bellend of epic proportions.
Um, no I'm not. It's the rest of you that can't accept the reality of what is and isn't possible the very good reasons why things are the way they are. In fact all you ever want to do is talk shit about public transport. When it's the railways you blame it all on "privatisation", except that TfL and LUL aren't private companies, so what are you going to blame it on this time? It's waste of time trying to explain or argue transport matters here as you're all so pig-headed in your attitudes.
Possibly the chap who attended to the buggy just before this didn't put the brake on. I suppose as it is a level surface that is possibly quite reasonable.
also he pointed the buggy back towards the stairs & was probably not aware of the wind in the tunnels.

Bungle will probably say that the 31 people who died in the KX fire in 1987 were at fault for using the system.

Stick to taking photos of the moon you are not bad at that. When everyone else has a different opinion to yourself, you are not prepared to think that your opinion is flawed but just say that everyone else is stupid. Look in the mirror, you live up to your user name.
Hmm ..interesting..I have no issue with public transport in fact I think there should be more and Im sure that cross rail etc. will add to peoples options. However as a person whom had to spend 6 months on crutches a while back it became really obvious to me how shit the stations are for anyone with mobilty access issues bar a few select stations .and no its not really an option to go to kings cross or other major interchanges and hope you can fit on the bus in between for the price charges its fucking shit.. it annoyed the shit out of me the amount of temporary ramps etc. un used escalators re used during the olympics ..(to give the impression of being fair and easy for access to those whom cannot use the maze of stairs up and down in the victorian built tube system. ) then afterwards were pulled..Also stupid fucking things like level access for wheelchairs at certain tubes..like say finsbury park ...how the fuck are you meant to enter the tube on your wheelchair then what crawl with your hands down or up the stairs...but once you drag your wheel chair and sit back up on it..the doors will be level so you can enter...eh what fucking bollox ..plenty more of examples if you choose to look
The lift at Warren Street station..for staff only ..its on the camden facing side but disabled access is not for that station..eh..why cant the able bodied staff NOT have the lift and use the lift for those with buggies etc.
As a father the effort trying to get out at the station around the national museum and other museums up down etc. with two kids both under 4 so in a double buggy ..its fucking stupid ..period. But I should walk the 12 miles no doubt or take 2.5 hours plus down from other london to central london no doubt ...hmm
What gets me I am working between Stuttgart Germany ..trams etc. and S Ban there only 6 euro 50 cent for any tram S ban or bus and lifts in EVERY STATION FOR BUGGIES WHEELCHAIR USERS etc.
Heck even Berlin quite old as well way more stations have wheelchair aka lift access and again cheap as chips.
Yet London one of the most expensive public transport tube systems in the world let alone Europe has little to fuck all access for those with familes or with limited abilty to move about be it crutches wheelchairs.
ON the other topic ..even been down liverpool street or bank station where the regularly close platforms due to over crowding ..I have seen people pushed almost onto the tracks so comments of ...not being able to fail onto a track ..is not true but its quite likely you could be accidently pushed forward in a rush to hit the doors before they open to rush in..
Okay nothing and nowhere is perfect but I think tube investments should be also about putting lift and wheelchair access into as many as possible stations.
For the price charged its the least that could be done...
Finally there was still schemes within TFL of it being public private partnership ..so no its not entirely public transport in that sense.
Dont one you think there should be some kind of automatic, self-lowering barrier at the edge of the platform to prevent this? I think that's where the whole responsibility issue comes in. Also, a few attendants on every platform to look out for this kind of thing.
It's not practical. And where would the money come from for these "attendants"? Anyway, this sort of thing hardly ever happens. There are very, very few accidents on the Tube.
That's not what they're there for. They're for airflow reasons.
I knew you'd say that. They can tunnel through the middle of London but they can't afford a few barriers? Rubbish. It would save lives.

I also said attendants. But I stand by the barriers too. Well, you know what I mean. Behind them.
If we agree that there were deaths and that barriers/ attendants would help and you're saying that money is no object then what's the problem?
Um, you didn't attendants, you said barriers. 7 "accidental deaths from wind gusts"? Source?

Zero sense, and where is he getting "7 accidental deaths from wind gusts"? Out of his arse, that's where. So tell me who is the "bell end" here.
If you look where the tunnels join the platform at say Camden Town, there is a barrier by the edge of the platform. This is presumably for crowd surge but would also stop a buggy blowing onto the track. It would not cost the crown jewels to install this at every (especially deep level) station.
What are the terms & conditions for having a baby in a buggy on the underground? I expect Bungle will know those. LU or TFL whatever it is called these days can't afford to have staff on platforms but low and behold you go through a certain station ticket barrier & there will be eight to ten revenue protection officers.
Anyone who uses the Tube regularly knows how much wind you get down there, when you've got what are basically pistons moving down long tight tubes. You get it all the time on the escalators.

Yeah, thats right. Everybody who ever uses the tube ever will be a regular user and fully familiar with the gusts of wind you get down there. Do you even listen to yourself when you post? You're ridiculous.
Yeah, thats right. Everybody who ever uses the tube ever will be a regular user fully conversant with the gusts of wind you get down there. Do you even listen to yourself when you post? You're ridiculous.
I've just about had enough with this shit.

When the fuck did I say that everyone would know???? I FUCKING DID NOT. What I said was that anyone who regularly uses the Tube would know.

FFS. I am seriously considering putting in offcial complaint to the admins about the way I am spoken to here. The transport forum has become a place where all people want to do is start shit with me. I have had enough.
Front page of the Metro.
FFS. I am seriously considering putting in offcial complaint to the admins about the way I am spoken to here. The transport forum has become a place where all people want to do is start shit with me. I have had enough.
Don't talk about it; do it.

But remember that the mods may take context into account, and might look at your own conduct, which hasn't been exactly At Home To Mister Charming.
Don't talk about it; do it.

But remember that the mods may take context into account, and might look at your own conduct, which hasn't been exactly At Home To Mister Charming.
My "conduct"? Am I the the one that.....yet again....decided to start shit? I have done zero wrong in this thread.....except thinking that it would be possible to have an adult conversation here without the usual suspects playing their childish little games again.
Yeah, thats right. Everybody who ever uses the tube ever will be a regular user and fully familiar with the gusts of wind you get down there. Do you even listen to yourself when you post? You're ridiculous.

1) what is the distance in metres of your tube journey if done overground on foot?
2) is it ok to get off a stop early?
3) is it ok to get on a stop late?
4) exactly how "disabled" are you? Cite ability to use escalators.
5) what Beaufort-measured phenomena might you encounter on the platform?

Here ends your Transport Worthiness Assessment Test (TWAT)
I've just about had enough with this shit.

When the fuck did I say that everyone would know???? I FUCKING DID NOT. What I said was that anyone who regularly uses the Tube would know.

FFS. I am seriously considering putting in offcial complaint to the admins about the way I am spoken to here. The transport forum has become a place where all people want to do is start shit with me. I have had enough.
you could start by being more reasonable in your posting style -
I've just about had enough with this shit.

When the fuck did I say that everyone would know???? I FUCKING DID NOT. What I said was that anyone who regularly uses the Tube would know.

FFS. I am seriously considering putting in offcial complaint to the admins about the way I am spoken to here. The transport forum has become a place where all people want to do is start shit with me. I have had enough.

You're implying that the woman should've known about it, because "anyone who uses the Tube regularly knows how much wind you get down there'"and I'm saying that not everyone who uses the tube is a regular user so wouldn't have known. If you agree with me, then you can reasonably suggest that she was caught unaware, as would anyone not familiar with the tube.

But you already seem to have made up your mind that she's a 'stupid woman' so we'll just leave it at that.
you could start by being more reasonable in your posting style -
The only "posting style" I have here that appears to be "unreasonable" is that I don't toe the line everyone here wants me to toe.
you assumed it was a woman
I'm not sure why that matters, but I made the comment before I'd looked at the article properly.
You're implying that the woman should've known about it, because "anyone who uses the Tube regularly knows how much wind you get down there'"and I'm saying that not everyone who uses the tube is a regular user so wouldn't have known. If you agree with me, then you can reasonably suggest that she was caught unaware, as would anyone not familiar with the tube.

But you already seem to have made up your mind that she's a 'stupid woman' so we'll just leave it at that.

I didn't imply anything. Someone said are "we" (who ever "we" are, but I assumed Londoners because that's who makes up the majority of users of this forum, and probably this thread seeing as it is about the Tube) aware of the wind. And all I said that anyone who regualry used the Tube would be aware of it. THAT IS ALL. Why there has been such a huge fuss made over such a benign comment I have absolutely no idea.

I also said that it should be obvious that you don't leave an unsecured pushchair in a place where it can roll into danger. I made no mention of the wind.
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