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Change UK: Chuka Umunna resigns from Labour party and launches Independent Group

LSE & the Statesman, I know, I know...but Ypi makes some sound points in her TIG piece (?...whateverthefucktheycallthemselvesthesedays):

Like its moderate ancestors in the 18th and 19th century, TIG is a creation of parliament rather than mass publics or social movements. Instead of offering genuine change, it resurrects a problematic past, displaying the same contempt for ordinary people and the same distrust of democracy as centrist politics in the 18th and 19th century.

Change is needed, but it will not emerge from a group of professional politicians whose democratic antipathies run so deep that they oppose by-elections. To revive democracy we must depart from the trustee model of representation and consolidate radical democracy.
Maybe a useful point in the thread to ask the question...does anybody know what this political party is actually called?

They are a radical, seismic shift in UK politics and therefore have no need for these primitive things we call "party names".

No, they will simply change with the seasons. Never committing to an ideology at any one given time but moving forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!
Another one here...

And another...

Fuck lol this guy is #1 in Scotland...

And, waaaaait for it...


this stuff is all pretty funny, but it's thin - I don't think it's likely to have much purchase beyond left twitter, who were never going to vote for these maniacs in the first place.
The most cringe worthy thing I've ever seen.

Did anyone see them getting called the Judean People's Front on Newsnight last night?
TBF this stuff is difficult - 'pederastic' and 'gary glitter' probably aren't on the list of red flag terms they were asked to consider - I assume a lot of the stuff coming out is from files people have been keeping on the weirdos for years, rather than someone getting lucky on searching their social media.

It's a bit worrying tbh - who needs the stasi when we can all keep tabs on each other?
Widdecombe will be an asset to The Brexit Party IMO - ex-tory big beast, very popular with the tory shires and widely liked in the country. She's a smart choice.
Yep, hard to imagine a more dangerous opponent for the tories in what will be a circus style election. She's both serious and populist and will be a conduit for ex-tory voters who feel they want to vote for farage without ceasing to be tories. Will drag a fair few labour leave voters across as well. Fucking hell, what shit times we live in when all of that might be true. But hey, it does fuck the tories. :)
It's going brilliantly

Joseph Russo, who was announced as the party’s top candidate for Scotland just yesterday, had said: “Black women scare me. I put this down to be chased through Amsterdam by a crazy black wh***”.

In another tweet, he had also said: “I wonder if there’s a c*** / anchovy correlation. One smells like the other.”

In separate comments, whose full context are unclear, he referred to an American woman a “b****”, adding: “i’d burn her as a yule log”.
Second Change UK candidate resigns in 24 hours after 'crazy black wh***' remarks emerge
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