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Champs League Final

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If there was anything to like about Manchester City or Pep Guardiola, I'd be chuffed for them, but as it is, they can go fuck themselves.
Pep and City will no doubt take note of this in the same way as do the unnamed politicians you regularly pressure about assisting Ukraine.
If there was anything to like about Manchester City or Pep Guardiola, I'd be chuffed for them, but as it is, they can go fuck themselves.

Thinking about it I can trace the start of my near-total loss of interest in football to the rise of Man City. They've never been a good team to watch. When Liverpool were clearly a much better side they still won the league out of sheer smugness and spite.

Man City are a nothing team, so basically nobody has won the premier league, the FA cup or the champions league. The titles are vacant, like when a boxer gets his belts took off him for being too much of a cunt even for boxing.
Thinking about it I can trace the start of my near-total loss of interest in football to the rise of Man City. They've never been a good team to watch. When Liverpool were clearly a much better side they still won the league out of sheer smugness and spite.

Man City are a nothing team, so basically nobody has won the premier league, the FA cup or the champions league. The titles are vacant, like when a boxer gets his belts took off him for being too much of a cunt even for boxing.
Lol bitter much
Thinking about it I can trace the start of my near-total loss of interest in football to the rise of Man City. They've never been a good team to watch. When Liverpool were clearly a much better side they still won the league out of sheer smugness and spite.

Man City are a nothing team, so basically nobody has won the premier league, the FA cup or the champions league. The titles are vacant, like when a boxer gets his belts took off him for being too much of a cunt even for boxing.
Thinking about it I can trace the start of my near-total loss of interest in football to the rise of Man City. They've never been a good team to watch. When Liverpool were clearly a much better side they still won the league out of sheer smugness and spite.

Man City are a nothing team, so basically nobody has won the premier league, the FA cup or the champions league. The titles are vacant, like when a boxer gets his belts took off him for being too much of a cunt even for boxing.
You were never interested in football in the first place, you crying middle class wanker.
Friend of my wife watching on tv and as the camera swept the crowd after the whistle it caught her son and husband crying and hugging. They've been going together for 18 years. It matters to them. Congrats to City, a fine footballing side, and anyone saying otherwise is full of shit with a very blunt axe to grind
Thing is, apart from being good at football, they're a club with absolutely zero redeeming features.

Even the football is pretty tedious.
Pfft. Amateur.

Julian Alvarez World Cup winner, Premier League winner, FA Cup winner, Champions League winner. Copa America to come and he will win the Community Shield, Super Cup and Club World Cup in the next 6 months.
Amrul is that you

Thinking about it I can trace the start of my near-total loss of interest in football to the rise of Man City. They've never been a good team to watch. When Liverpool were clearly a much better side they still won the league out of sheer smugness and spite.

Man City are a nothing team, so basically nobody has won the premier league, the FA cup or the champions league. The titles are vacant, like when a boxer gets his belts took off him for being too much of a cunt even for boxing.
You are a teacher I understand? Not of English presumably?
Friend of my wife watching on tv and as the camera swept the crowd after the whistle it caught her son and husband crying and hugging. They've been going together for 18 years. It matters to them. Congrats to City, a fine footballing side, and anyone saying otherwise is full of shit with a very blunt axe to grind

City certainly owe their goal keeper a large bonus. Amazing performance.

Having been the hockey team goalkeeper at school, I have a soft spot for keepers. :)
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