Quite apart from the presence of Jade, Danielle or Jo, and regardless of the media furore concerning racism and bullying, Shilpa - as a character in isolation - has a towering superiority complex and, in tandem with displaying a distinct social prejudice and considerable self-absorption, appears to believe herself to be humble and non-condescending, when in fact she is the complete opposite. So it's really of no surprise that she winds people up.
Those she manages to wind up are another matter. Jade culturally uninformed but I don't believe she's racist. Jo: shaky ground. Danielle is clearly as thick as pigshit and it seems on hand at all times to to spout any random bullshit. The mundane truth is that they are all capable of being particularly unpleasant people. The whole shitstorm has upped the ratings considerably though so, hey, *result*.
However, if it puts the issue of casual racism on the high profile agenda, at least there's one positive in the whole pitiful farrago.