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Celebrity Big Brother 2007

I have decided I quite fancy Donny.
In an abstract TV way only. I wouldn't go near him in real life as I wouldn't want to get spat on by mistake.

By the by, is Ken gay?
zoooo said:
I have decided I quite fancy Donny.
In an abstract TV way only. I wouldn't go near him in real life as I wouldn't want to get spat on by mistake.

By the by, is Ken gay?

ken is onto wife no. 4, so either a definite no, or he's in big style denial :D
Unlike you - I have directed films.

It's a piece of piss, especially when surrounded by experts like he is.

So who's the moron Zed?

pk said:
You have my word for it, and that is all you're getting.

Now that is funny! :D :D You really are a fucking moron aren't you? :D

So let's recap ...

1) Ken Russell didn't make as many critically acclaimed films as Michael Winner.
2) Film Directing is "piss easy".
3) PK is a Film Director
4) Ken Russell is doing BB only to stay in the public eye.
5) He is also "repulsive".
6) We have to trust everything PK says.

Comedy gold. :D

You're like Urbans answer to Alan Partridge. :D Thanks.
Tank Girl said:
ken is onto wife no. 4, so either a definite no, or he's in big style denial :D

Aaah. Thanks!

I just thought he fancied Donny a bit too the other night. And he once made a film with men doing naughties in it! And that's all it takes for me to jump to conclusions, apparently.
If Donny used to work at Sky then how he could expect to remain some mysterious punk persona is ridiculous!

Looking forward to the Buckinghamshire ponce getting taken down a peg or two, deciding that punk posturing is too much like hard work, suffering from depression, then splitting up his stupid little band.

He went into a huge sulk when a fortune teller told him "the music business isn't for you".

I think he doubts himself, as the HolyMoly story seems to ring true.

We're not fighting ..at least I'm not.

I find PK funny ...but sometimes he has to be prodded a bit to show how funny he is. I like the small glimpses he allows into his strange fantasy world.
zed said:
So let's recap ...

1) Ken Russell didn't make as many critically acclaimed films as Michael Winner.

I didn't say that did I Zed? I called him the poor man's Michael Winner on the basis of his publicity seeking. Are you lying again?

2) Film Directing is "piss easy".

It is, and you would know this if you knew what you were talking about.

3) PK is a Film Director

I have directed a few films, which isn't the same thing as being a film director, but let's not allow semantics to interfere with your remedial attempts at character assassination.

4) Ken Russell is doing BB only to stay in the public eye.

Why do you think he's in there - he's not even done TV work for 10 years.

5) He is also "repulsive".

Any bloated posh fuck with millions in the bank and a shit attitude I find "repulsive".

6) We have to trust everything PK says.

No you don't. I just don't have to provide proof to a twerp like you.

Ask around kid, I've made a few films.

Directing them is a piece of piss.... it's the editing that's the real bastard.

Run along now Zed... your infantile efforts to goad me, amusing as they might be to me, are disrupting this thread.

zed said:


Which bit - the fact that you realise I am actually telling the truth - and I have directed a few films?


Let me spell it out for you - It Is A Piece Of Piss.

A good script and a good cast and a good crew, is all you need, apart from the ability to see properly and a loud voice with which to yell "cut".

What makes you the film expert then Zed?

Are you a film director too?
pk said:

But I'll be here long after Zed has gone, you know it, he knows it...


Gosh ...you must be very proud.

Do you have any other ambitions ...you know, like getting your post-per-day average up maybe? Or making lots of new 'Internet friends'?

Priceless. :D

OK, back to Celebrity Big Brother...
It's a fukn CBB thread not the Zed and PK Show (hmm now there's a thought...)!!
Don't annoy me, I'm ill. :(
I may climb through your screen and slap you both. :mad:
zed said:
"A poor mans Michael Winner"?!?!

Wow ...you really know a lot about films don't you?

To recap - yes I do Zed.

A lot more than you. Perhaps we'll take this up another time when I can be bothered to rub your face in it.

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