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Celebrity Big Brother 2007

Orang Utan said:
The first but they are mightily aware of the Spinal Tap thing so they play it up - it's, er, post-ironic or summat.

Fucking students :mad:

Belushi said:
I dont understand this Towers of London thing - are they a serious band made up of dickheads or are they a tongue in cheek thing like Spinal Tap? :confused:

they are a genuine band who take themselves pretty seriously. I set up a load of kit for them at a studio they were recording in and they are the biggest bunch of cocks iv ever met. If you'd been there with me, Belushi, you'd have wanted to smack that Donny Tourette. I didnt meet the one thats on BB.
dirtysanta said:
and they are the biggest bunch of cocks iv ever met. If you'd been there with me you have wanted to smack that Donny Tourette.

Why am I absolutely sure of that entire sentence. :D
There's something quite endearing about the Towers Of London. They kind of remind me of the old school Guns N Roses. However, it won't be nearly as good unless Donny Tourette starts acting more like Axl Rose and starts some fights or smashes the place up, he'll just be seen as a poor mockery.

Just like his 'I'm a twat rock star' entrance from last night. :rolleyes:
skyscraper101 said:
There's something quite endearing about the Towers Of London. They kind of remind me of the old school Guns N Roses. However, it won't be nearly as good unless Donny Tourette starts acting more like Axl Rose and starts some fights or smashes the place up, he'll just be seen as a poor mockery.

Just like his 'I'm a twat rock star' entrance from last night. :rolleyes:

But...but...he just comes across as a complete twat.

Fights? :D Smashing the place up? :D I reckon even the WAG could knock him out.

Wanker! :D
skyscraper101 said:
There's something quite endearing about the Towers Of London. They kind of remind me of the old school Guns N Roses. However, it won't be nearly as good unless Donny Tourette starts acting more like Axl Rose and starts some fights or smashes the place up, he'll just be seen as a poor mockery.

Just like his 'I'm a twat rock star' entrance from last night. :rolleyes:

Guns N Roses Lite. :D
Griff said:
But...but...he just comes across as a complete twat.

Fights? :D Smashing the place up? :D I reckon even the WAG could knock him out.

Wanker! :D

No I agree with you, he really does come accross as a twat. BUT if he did something to warrant his 'I'm a fuckin' rockstar' behaviour then things could get interesting. Lord knows we're not gonna get much car crash telly from the likes of 'H' from Steps or that one from S Club.

It's about time someone wrecked the place and had to be forceably removed by security amidst a torrent of blood, swearing and fighting. Now that's entertainment!

*edited for awful spelling*
Couldn't even watch all of this tonight...Donny was a great advert for reasons why we shouldn't take drugs....just trying to work out what he was on..;)
Rutita1 said:
just trying to work out what he was on..;)
High spirits. Maybe a few beers. But mostly just put on.

His accent is weird - he does fake cockney, but there are north of England vowels in there, too. Is he just a public school boy trying to be working class and getting mixed up between "workin' down t' pit" and "workin' dahhhn the market wiff me barrahw"? Or is he the son on a traveling salesman?

Cleo was cool, looking after him, though.
Loving Cleo. She can talk to anyone. It's a good quality.

Liking Dirk's quips

Donny: Your Dirk fucking Benedict

Faceman: I don't usually use the middle name....

Donny will end up being nice..Just watching it now and you can see that since he's finally realise who Ken is he respects him totally :)

I was annoyed about the WAG last night joking about seeing kens "meat and potatoes" I was so annoyed i posted this on DS...

The WAG is a total idiot. If she ever realises who he is it will still not make a difference. She is so shallow that she thinks laughing at an old man is funny. It's like one of those kids at school that laugh at everyone else because they think they are soooo perfect.

She's got so little to say that to bring a bit of excitement to the conversation she has to reference other people in a bad way.

What's good about it is that Ken seems to be able to take it. He may be old but he's an intelligent man and he's fully aware about what they may be saying about him. He's a BB fan, so he's clued up.

The idiot WAGs problem is that she doesn't credit older people with intelligence. He's no John McCrick. He knows exactly what's happening...

I appear to be addicted already :D
Just watching it 'live' at the mo....

H has just said that he thinks Face was actually 'Dirk Diggler' the porn star from the movie about him :rolleyes:

Edit: That's Boogie Night's i think, but i don't think it was about Face somehow...

These 'kids' have a lot to learn.
Lisarocket said:
Loving Cleo. She can talk to anyone. It's a good quality.

Liking Dirk's quips

Donny: Your Dirk fucking Benedict

Faceman: I don't usually use the middle name....

Donny will end up being nice..Just watching it now and you can see that since he's finally realise who Ken is he respects him totally :)

I was annoyed about the WAG last night joking about seeing kens "meat and potatoes" I was so annoyed i posted this on DS...

The WAG is a total idiot. If she ever realises who he is it will still not make a difference. She is so shallow that she thinks laughing at an old man is funny. It's like one of those kids at school that laugh at everyone else because they think they are soooo perfect.

She's got so little to say that to bring a bit of excitement to the conversation she has to reference other people in a bad way.

What's good about it is that Ken seems to be able to take it. He may be old but he's an intelligent man and he's fully aware about what they may be saying about him. He's a BB fan, so he's clued up.

The idiot WAGs problem is that she doesn't credit older people with intelligence. He's no John McCrick. He knows exactly what's happening...

I appear to be addicted already :D

I agree completely!

I said the WAG was a bit like a 12 year old girl giggling behind her hand at others - she is going to be verrry irritating :rolleyes:

I think even I am in love with Cleo - what a darling looking after Donny like that. When she took his hand to take him to the Diary Room we all 'aawed' :D

I didn't like Donny spitting in the pool though - and weeing in the shower - and not washing his hands - eeewww :eek:
moomoo said:
I agree completely!

I said the WAG was a bit like a 12 year old girl giggling behind her hand at others - she is going to be verrry irritating :rolleyes:

I think even I am in love with Cleo - what a darling looking after Donny like that. When she took his hand to take him to the Diary Room we all 'aawed' :D

I didn't like Donny spitting in the pool though - and weeing in the shower - and not washing his hands - eeewww :eek:

Donny was a bit of a wanker last night, but he was really pissed.

He's been sitting in awe of Ken tonight and talking knowledgeably about films with his new mum Cleo and his Dad/grandad Ken.

They could be a BB family group to be reckoned with :cool:
Orang Utan said:
Why do people like Donny? He's a wanker. Why do people always like the wankers?

I don't. I thought he was a dick last night, but understood he was pissed. I've given him the benefit of the doubt. I'll decide when i've seen more of him. He seems just like a misguided middle class wannabe rebel at the moment. He's had good manners tonight when he was talking with Ken and Cleo.

More to be pitied than scolded...
Orang Utan said:
Cleo Roccos seems to have a magical quality about her - lost of people who have met her/bumped intp her have been charmed by her and even gay men seem to fancy the pants off her. <rubs knees>

I totally agree - except I'm not rubbing my knees :p
If anyone else comes even close to winning it will be a travesty, Cleo is fantastic :cool:

Someone metioned about kids voting for Jo or H? I think even the kids will end up liking Cleo even though she's an 'oldie' ;)
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