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Carlton Mansions co-op, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton - history and news

Anyway - if someone who like to remove these time wasting posts off here, please do. I would prefer this thread to be focussed on the issue of Carlton Mansion. :)
He is not making assumptions. VP has gone into this often here. As regular posters will know.

I am not sure what u mean by being "schooled in lefty politics". If that means one reads and thinks a bit I think your phrase is somewhat dismissive.

I have to say, the "schooled in lefty politics" was quite hurtful, but not because it's dismissive - because I'm not a lefty: I'm an autonomist anarchist, and have very little time for "lefties"! ;) ;) ;)
VP posting style is the opposite of mine. However he cannot be accused of writing his posts using a lot of obscure marxist jargon. He is always to be point and readable. Dont see what the problem is to be honest.

TBF, I don't believe it's even possible to convey much to do with modern politics in Marxist jargon (obscure or not) anymore. That'd be like trying to explain Marxism-informed political theory by referencing the language and thought of Ricardo or another dead white economist from the preceding generation to Marx!
According to Lambeth Heritage Festival booklet - which I was just given, then is a showing of a film called For What We are about to Lose Part one: Carlton Mansions at the Ritzy on 29th September at 6 pm
Price FREE
The booking sire however says sales finished (all taken presumably)
For What we are about to Lose

Anyone know anything about this?

Maybe if the Ritzy put it in Screen 5 and it is indeed booked out the festival organisers should consider another performance or a bigger venue?
According to Lambeth Heritage Festival booklet - which I was just given, then is a showing of a film called For What We are about to Lose Part one: Carlton Mansions at the Ritzy on 29th September at 6 pm
Price FREE
The booking sire however says sales finished (all taken presumably)
For What we are about to Lose

Anyone know anything about this?

Maybe if the Ritzy put it in Screen 5 and it is indeed booked out the festival organisers should consider another performance or a bigger venue?

I didn't know a date was set. I will ask the documentary film maker about this.

The doc is being edited at the moment. I took part in it and persuaded other ex Coop members to take part. It has members from when the Coop was first set up. Also got permission to film in the Mansions. Did two days filming in Mansions.

I wasn't keen at first. Neither were most of the ex Coop members. After how it ended didn't want to go over it. I was also concerned about media.

It's Heritage lottery funded so major part is to have permanent oral history record. Which will be in the Archives. The film will use excerpts from the interviews.

According to Lambeth Heritage Festival booklet - which I was just given, then is a showing of a film called For What We are about to Lose Part one: Carlton Mansions at the Ritzy on 29th September at 6 pm
Price FREE
The booking sire however says sales finished (all taken presumably)
For What we are about to Lose

Anyone know anything about this?

Maybe if the Ritzy put it in Screen 5 and it is indeed booked out the festival organisers should consider another performance or a bigger venue?

Ive emailed the documentary film maker about the showing and tickets.

Personally I wanted to make sure the history of Short Life housing was recorded. These along with the Coop and my archives of S/L should make a comprehensive historical record.

I wanted to make sure that how S/L worked to use buildings that would otherwise be left empty is recorded.

Its still relevant now. Instead its private companies doing it now- "so called Guardians". Making a profit out of it.
I didn't know a date was set. I will ask the documentary film maker about this.

The doc is being edited at the moment. I took part in it and persuaded other ex Coop members to take part. It has members from when the Coop was first set up. Also got permission to film in the Mansions. Did two days filming in Mansions.

I wasn't keen at first. Neither were most of the ex Coop members. After how it ended didn't want to go over it. I was also concerned about media.

It's Heritage lottery funded so major part is to have permanent oral history record. Which will be in the Archives. The film will use excerpts from the interviews.


I was recently aware that it was going in the programme. And I was just about to email the film maker about making sure that we all get to see it before it is made public (this is really important as it took a lot to gain people's trust).

I am slightly concerned that this is quite a short period for any changes.
I was recently aware that it was going in the programme. And I was just about to email the film maker about making sure that we all get to see it before it is made public (this is really important as it took a lot to gain people's trust).

I am slightly concerned that this is quite a short period for any changes.

TBF, digital editing means that changes that used to require a lot of mucking about with razors and splicers, take minutes.
I think it's possible Eventbrite might now be taking bookings. Said 80 seats available just now on my portable device.
I will try again in the morning on the PC (so I can print a ticket - if available)

The problem was that the cut off date for booking had been set wrong. So it's been reset.

It's free event.

I have not seen the rough cut yet.

It should be interesting as it was nearly all filmed in the Mansions.

With people from the early days through to the end.

Little of S/L has been recorded to this extent.

There is also a lady from the pre Coop days who was there in the 1950s.
I was recently aware that it was going in the programme. And I was just about to email the film maker about making sure that we all get to see it before it is made public (this is really important as it took a lot to gain people's trust).

I am slightly concerned that this is quite a short period for any changes.
I am as well. I was very wary of it. Still a bit concerned about final outcome.

The really important bit was getting the oral history recorded.

What interpretation a film maker will put on the source material is there personal one.
I think it's possible Eventbrite might now be taking bookings. Said 80 seats available just now on my portable device.
I will try again in the morning on the PC (so I can print a ticket - if available)

Did you book a ticket? I have had a few people I know asking me about it and it looks like all the tickets are gone now.

Some of us ex Coop members are not happy (boohoo ) with the end result. Despite talks with the documentary film maker over past weeks she is not going to re edit any of it before the showing.
Did you book a ticket? I have had a few people I know asking me about it and it looks like all the tickets are gone now.

Some of us ex Coop members are not happy (boohoo ) with the end result. Despite talks with the documentary film maker over past weeks she is not going to re edit any of it before the showing.
I got a ticket OK - ordered back in July. So waiting to see what the end result actually is.
The building is shamefully still empty and haemorrhaging gallons of water every day into the street:

Lambeth’s shame: Carlton Mansions continues to rot away, over two years after its tenants were evicted
The water has been flowing out of the building for months and it's going to be dangerous when it freezes over. How can they not have noticed?

noticing and doing something about it are not the same thing, I take no pleasure from saying it but I suspect this all points to demolition by stealth.
If the water is coming from inside it does not bode well for the building...
It may be the stop cock on the ground floor, but if it's anywhere upstairs, the building is going to be fucked. It's been going on for months and months too. They can't have not noticed it either as it's been creating a mini-river in the street for 50 metres or so and I've seen workmen around that area several times (but not attending to this).
Looks to me like the water is coming from the clearway between the building and the railway viaduct, rather than through the building. If the butchers(?) that occupy that railway arch have access to the bit at the back then surely they should be the first stop to find out where it's coming from.
The water is coming from Carlton Mansions. I had a look through the gates.

I did offer to help the Council keep an eye on the Mansions after we left and it was empty. I know the building. Elements in the Council didn't want me anywhere near the Mansions once they had got vacant possession. Neil Vokes was keen- he was lead officer then. But it was not up to him.

The leak is coming from the building so is not responsibility of Thames Water.

I am concerned for the building. The longer it's left empty and not looked after the more it will deteriorate.
The water is coming from Carlton Mansions. I had a look through the gates.

I did offer to help the Council keep an eye on the Mansions after we left and it was empty. I know the building. Elements in the Council didn't want me anywhere near the Mansions once they had got vacant possession. Neil Vokes was keen- he was lead officer then. But it was not up to him.

The leak is coming from the building so is not responsibility of Thames Water.

I am concerned for the building. The longer it's left empty and not looked after the more it will deteriorate.

You mention 'it's not the responsibility of Thames Water', but it is as no one is paying for the supply. They have the means to turn of the supply off as it's no longer needed, as the building is no longer occupied.
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