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Earning £40k and receiving taxpayer subsidised rent seems unfair given their are bucketloads of people earning far less whilst paying market value rent in the private sector and bucketloads earning virtually nothing who are desperate for somewhere to live.

Have a look at the other thread. These changes are never just about providing more housing opportunities for those who are less fortunate.

Earning £40k and receiving taxpayer subsidised rent seems unfair given their are bucketloads of people earning far less whilst paying market value rent in the private sector and bucketloads earning virtually nothing who are desperate for somewhere to live.

So you're another of those dismal mugs who can't do the maths involved in showing that the majority of council and housing association tenants don't have "taxpayer subsidised rent".
How very unsurprising.
Doesn't council housing still make a net contribution to the Treasury?

It does, despite supposedly being "subsidised".
What these "subsidy" fools don't/won't "get" is that a body choosing not to set a market rent for their owned assets (and about 85% of local authority social housing is bought and paid for) isn't taking a subsidy to do so, it's merely exercising the same rights over its' property as any landlord, albeit to provide housing at an affordable, rather than an exploitative rent.
So you're another of those dismal mugs who can't do the maths involved in showing that the majority of council and housing association tenants don't have "taxpayer subsidised rent".
How very unsurprising.

No need to be rude. I already understand the majority don't have subsidised rent. And neither did it require maths to work that out
Earning £40k and receiving taxpayer subsidised rent seems unfair given their are bucketloads of people earning far less whilst paying market value rent in the private sector and bucketloads earning virtually nothing who are desperate for somewhere to live.

:facepalm: :rolleyes:
and then there's the question of whether the daily mail definition of "fairness" - as in "everyone - except the very rich of course - should be shat upon equally" is genuine fairness, or whether it would be better to think about the tories creating an artificial shortage of social housing (and new labour doing bugger all to change that) rather than scapegoating those who have got social tenancies...
You have to stop making the assumption that people who post on urban have been schooled in lefty politics and the ins and outs and of housing. Clearly state your case, explain, link to articles that examine the subject.

And be a little nicer (did you not get some cider last night????)

He is not making assumptions. VP has gone into this often here. As regular posters will know.

I am not sure what u mean by being "schooled in lefty politics". If that means one reads and thinks a bit I think your phrase is somewhat dismissive.
I am interested in lefty politics but at times I am quite ignorant on various different things that people talk about on here - especially some of the heavy weight political stuff. There are some very knowledgeable people on here and I am out of my depth!

I think if I followed VP around on the boards then I might have a better grip on his interests and what he is trying to say. and what he has said. But I only get a glimpse into his conversations because I don't read everything he writes.

VP posting style is the opposite of mine. However he cannot be accused of writing his posts using a lot of obscure marxist jargon. He is always to be point and readable. Dont see what the problem is to be honest.
You have to stop making the assumption that people who post on urban have been schooled in lefty politics and the ins and outs and of housing. Clearly state your case, explain, link to articles that examine the subject.

And be a little nicer (did you not get some cider last night????)
can you give that advice to the justifiers nit pickers too please?
you nit pick too - I've seen you. :D

I have said things to people on either sides of the urban divide.
yes in response to the nit picking

not seen you tell Rushy, Spammy or others to be nice publicly, defend them yes
lol teehee, groan
you claimed you were fair and balanced and i questioned it

And my answer is that I have said things to people on both sides. If it makes you feel better, I'll pm VP next time or any of the others. They are all welcome over to mine for a cup of tea.
But you are super brainy about various subjects. And what might be clear to you isn't always clear to others. :)

I normally do what you told VP to do. Be polite and use links to back up posts.

So if one does that one is guilty of being "super brainy"?

This isn’t going well is it.
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