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Here's another clusterfuck coming Cardiff's way:
Cardiff City could be facing a problem when the season ticket price freeze finally melts

During their first season in their new Cardiff City Stadium, chairman Peter Ridsdale launched the ‘golden ticket’ scheme, where fans were given two weeks to renew for the following year. As a sweetener, prices would subsequently be frozen for the following five years, offering the fans the possibility of watching Premier League football at a Championship price.

It was also suggested that a portion of the proceeds would be used in the forthcoming transfer window to reinforce the squad. In the end, the £3m raised by around 10,000 fans was used to clear an unpaid tax bill and the players failed to materialise.

Cardiff lost in the play-off final, Ridsdale departed and the rest is history. The forthcoming campaign is the fifth year of the price freeze and the club could have a big problem on their hands when it finally melts.

A sizeable chunk of the fan base, myself included, have been insulated from any price rises for a number of years and some fans would be expected to pay as much as £170 more if the price freeze were to end this year. That is a significant increase and some will simply be unable to afford to renew. If the club is relegated, as is increasingly likely, a lesser calibre of football is another obstacle to consider.

This is clearly a factor in the club’s accelerated application process for next year. You would imagine that if the club were able to remain in the top flight, prices are likely to increase again next year, or at best remain the same. If they go down, you will be asking fans to pay for an inferior product at an increased price. Either way, there will be financial repercussions for both the club and supporters.


More here:
Cardiff City fans angered at season ticket price increase
Cardiff City supporters say the 15% increase for next season could 'price some fans out of the game'
And from the same piece:
There is enduring dismay regarding the actions of Vincent Tan and the treatment of Malky Mackay. Fans are also still waiting for Tan to convert his loans in to equity, as he promised when the historical debt with Langston was cleared. After so many broken promises, so much damage to the club’s reputation and an ongoing recession, it is only natural that fans are appraising their own priorities and assessing whether their loyalty is being appreciated.

I’m sure the majority of fans will renew for the final year of the price freeze, but next year will be a very different proposition. With mountains of debt, unsustainable running costs and a struggling team, the club have plenty on their plate at the moment, but they can’t afford to take the fans for granted any more.

At some point, they will have to throw the fans a bone, who are sure to seize the opportunity to accelerate their crusade for a return to blue, a simple solution that seemingly remains out of bounds. One thing that can be said with certainty is that they will find it a lot harder to sign up cynical City fans en masse this time round.
Look at the respect Cardiff have earned from their first season in the Premiership. True ambassadors for Wales!
Premier League fans want to see Cardiff City relegated because of season of controversy, claims Neil Warnock
The outspoken former Sheffield United, Leeds and Queens Park Rangers manager was speaking on TalkSPORT with ex-Bluebirds boss Malky Mackay

Neil Warnock has claimed the vast majority of football fans want to see Cardiff City relegated from the Premier League this season because of the off-field sagas involving the club.

Warnock, 65, said 90% of neutral fans would probably prefer to see Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's men fall through the top flight trap door because of episodes dating back to the club's change of colours from blue to red in 2012.
Nutter of the week.

Look at the respect Cardiff have earned from their first season in the Premiership. True ambassadors for Wales!
Warnock is a complete cock tho, most fans I've met are supportive. The Hull fans last weekend were amazingly supportive.
ace logic!

I know Steve West, he is completely bonkers. But not as completely bonkers as his missus who thinks she's a wizard or something and once tried to hold a seance in the Cayo...at 330 in the afternoon and full of drinkers.
Just heard Tan on Radio 5 saying fans need to apologise for the way they've treated him. Seems to me that he's been treated like a massive bellend. So nothing to apologise for.
I heard it too. This high-trousered, caterpillar-moustached, national joke, egomaniac plutocrat ain't for turning!

The Cardiff owner Vincent Tan has said that the success the club enjoyed under Malky Mackay was due to luck rather than good management.

"He didn't do very well at Watford, but somehow our CEO and our chairman hired him and replaced Dave Jones," Tan said. "Dave Jones actually did much better.

"So I think Malky got lucky when he came to Cardiff. I invested a lot of money and then we went up. Do you think that Malky would have got us promoted without my investment?"

Tan dispensed with the promotion-winning Mackay after a dispute over transfers - currently the subject of a legal action - just one of the measures he has taken that have made him hugely unpopular with fans.

"Earlier on I was generous enough to give our football management too much authority and they went berserk," he told the BBC. "They went and did bad business. That was a mistake.

"But now I'm involved, I know the value and I study. Every business I don't know, if I spend enough time – a couple of months – I will know a lot. I know quite a lot about football now. I know the value of players and we won't do stupid things."
Stalinist revisionism.

Tan insisted that the club's colours would not be changing from red back to their traditional blue which prompted Mark Cooper from the Cardiff City Supporter's Trust to say he felt the owner was being purposely divisive.

"I think he's coming out and trying to divide the fanbase when actually the thing that Cardiff City need is them to all get behind the team given where we are in the league," he said.

"Everything he seems to have said today with regards to the club's colours in the future, talking about Malky in the way that he has, is going to divide the fanbase even more than it is already

"I think he's got that percentage wrong before, I think 90% are more likely to be against what he is doing than would be for it."
The guy really really doesn't have a clue when it comes to PR.

Aren't his PR advisors telling him that the best thing he could do right now is lay low?
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Wow. You're finally criticising Tan. Things must have got bad.

When it comes to PR.

Most owners keep a low profile when results are going bad and here he is airing old dirty laundry and answering an alleged minority. If they were that much of a minority he surely be ignoring them is the logical assumption of most people. He isn't so it a bigger problem than he is making out?
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Wow. You're finally criticising Tan. Things must have got bad.

Oh I'm not 'finally' criticising Tan.

I've never said I prefer red. I prefer blue. I just don't think its as big deal as people have made it.

I appreciate an owner who invests in our club substantially and often it's nice to argue the other side or the discussion would be boringly one sided.

He did well to get us promoted.

However, saying that he has really mishandled our first season in the prem. I may list how (and my spin on that) later.
Blimey. If some daft fucker bought Everton and changed the kit to red I would just stop supporting them until said fucker had gone.
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