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wtf?? any fuckin need for that when i've texted for you?

basically i shouldn't have texted them, now they're texting me and asking about you
if you could've gone there and were so concerned then you should've fucking done that or found out somehow, which presumably you would if there was any grief/eviction
wtf?? any fuckin need for that when i've texted for you?

basically i shouldn't have texted them, now they're texting me and asking about you
if you could've gone there and were so concerned then you should've fucking done that or found out somehow, which presumably you would if there was any grief/eviction
Thanx. Have a nice day ! :D
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What the actual fuck is wrong with you ? You Ddraig you ... offered to... send a text from your phone ... then started to act like a prick.
Then you pickmans .. What is going on here:hmm:
What the actual fuck is wrong with you ? You Ddraig you ... offered to... send a text from your phone ... then started to act like a prick.
Then you pickmans .. What is going on here:hmm:
I fucking explained, stop being such a dick ffs
My mistake I shouldn't have offered or bothered my friend but you still went on to act like this, post shit and say i've acted like a prick, charming, any fucking need?
sort it out
Why not just say sorry for that really underhand personal comment?

I really am at a loss to see where I was being so offensive :confused:

So you say you can find out if my m8`s are still there . I`m like .. cool thanks m8e

surely you'd know if they weren't
nevermind :mad:

What does this mean ? I do not know .. at this point I think your probably just in a bad mood. So I ask ********************** ... seriously.

wtf?? any fuckin need for that when i've texted for you?

basically i shouldn't have texted them, now they're texting me and asking about you
if you could've gone there and were so concerned then you should've fucking done that or found out somehow, which presumably you would if there was any grief/eviction

Again :confused: I am completely at a loss as to where your coming from with this . I do not understand why `you should not have texted them` ... of course they texted back :confused: .. what is so bad about that ?

You offered to help me. I am genuinely thankful for it . Why then ... ^ this ?
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I really am at a loss to see where I was being so offensive :confused:

So you say you can find out if my m8`s are still there . I`m like .. cool thanks m8e

What does this mean ? I do not know .. at this point I think your probably just in a bad mood. So I ask you if your on a drug comedown ... seriously.

Again :confused: I am completely at a loss as to where your coming from with this . I do not understand why `you should not have texted them` ... of course they texted back :confused: .. what is so bad about that ?

You offered to help me. I am genuinely thankful for it . Why then ... ^ this ?
there are none so blind as those who will not see
Hang on ... Ddraig you were compromised or offended by this? I did not mean it as an insult. It was a straight up friendly enquiry :confused: I swear on my account !
Because that is the only reason I could think of to explain the grumpiness .
It's not your fucking place to post up such personal and wholly inappropriate comments, FFS. He wasn't talking about drugs, so why are you even suggesting that his posts are impaired by a drugf comedown? It's rude, personal and offensive.
It's not your fucking place to post up such personal and wholly inappropriate comments, FFS.********************** so why are you even suggesting that his posts are impaired by a *************? It's rude, personal and offensive.

OK. I did not realise this at all.

Ddraig I do not apologise for insinuating into aspects of your lifestyle . It was not meant as an insult , in my little world i meant it only as an affectionate enquiry ... another way of asking if you are ok? Like `bad day?`

I`ll edit it out ... you(everybody who has quoted it) will have to do the same though.
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We have an Eritrean cafe on Broadway. They serve coffee Eritrean/Ethiopian style. It has ginger in it, nice! Check out the funky pot. The red stuff in the spout is to filter the grounds.

That was cymraeg you cheeky bastard!

Whatever . All I know is I am not using them on the door again if they have such a narrow minded approach towards drug use ! Pretty glad we stopped them playing a set on our rig to ! I bet he plays handbag house or something absolutely dire ... and now to top it all he got a message back from my m8`s on site and is withholding it ! Just wait till I get back to Wales :D
Whatever . All I know is I am not using them on the door again if they have such a narrow minded approach towards drug use ! Pretty glad we stopped them playing a set on our rig to ! I bet he plays handbag house or something absolutely dire ... and now to top it all he got a message back from my m8`s on site and is withholding it ! Just wait till I get back to Wales :D
What the fuck are you actually on about?? :confused: stop misrepresenting me and twisting suff
what "narrow minded approach towards drug abuse"?? :confused:
I did the door for a bit because it needed doing, you weren't using me ffs
and you didn't stop me playing a set nothing other than techno was allowed due to snobbery
I'm not withholding anything, i've passed your message on and gave you the response, all i've said is that I'm no longer going to help you due to abuse and threats by pm
As I said you might want to try calming down and growing up
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