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My living room was nowt like that. I seem to remember it smelling of the deep leather with proper walnut dash board. It certainly felt and smelt the part.
the back of these babies are rather comfortable. The photographer today said it was bigger than her bedroom inside the back. I guess Limos are quite alot bigger.

you like walnut dashboards? This was yesterdays car...


Wheelers Dealers featured this beaut on Quest TV the other night,a Renualt Alpine,looks fantastic for a 40+ year old car,rare as hens teeth in the UK,only 6 apparently....
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I had forgotten these existed. I followed one on the road yesterday and chatted to the owner of one in a show today. Very simple, classic brit 2 seater ( other models do exist!)
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Was up at Newlands Corner a couple of Sunday's ago and the car park was rammed with them and other Loutuses (Loti?). Was basically a mid-life crisis convention.
Was up at Newlands Corner a couple of Sunday's ago and the car park was rammed with them and other Loutuses (Loti?). Was basically a mid-life crisis convention.
That's how I felt at the PCGB meetings. Full of people who thought that a nice car increased their penis size and turned back the clock.

Wheelers Dealers featured this beaut on Quest TV the other night,a Renualt Alpine,looks fantastic for a 40+ year old car,rare as hens teeth in the UK,only 6 apparently....

I worked in a garage for a bit in the 80's so I could learn mechanics & panel beating/spraying to do my Beetle up. We had one of these in for new electrics so we took it in turns to burn it up round the single track roads in Sussex. I nearly stacked an MG Midget doing the same :D:thumbs:
As a brera driver I'm not keen on saloons but for a new car this is not bad BUT it's really missing some proper Alfa touches though!

The rear door handles don't belong. Not sure about the lights and it does look a bit like a euro saloon to be honest.
But, at least it looks a little mean and has some guts ( my baby is not about guts though!).
1958 Zunndapp Janus
"Built in Nuremberg, Germany, by the well-established motorcycle firm during a downturn in the two-wheeler market, this push-me-pull-you was based on a Dornier prototype and powered by a 250-cc, 14-horsepower engine, giving it a top speed of only 50 mph, assuming you had that kind of time. Its unique feature was the rear-facing bench seat, which meant passengers could watch in horror as traffic threatened to rear-end this rolling roadblock of a car. Soon it became clear — "Ach Du Lieber!" — that the Janus was a disaster, coming or going."

Looks really cosy to me!




only photo i could find of hte rear facing back seats
I too am not a fan of classic cars or the looks of them but this is nice in a retro meets modern way


Classic cars looks classy - most modern attempts at it the classic look are too showy and brash (including that one IMO). I find most modern car design too aggressive full stop.
Figaro's seem to avoid that trap.
1958 Zunndapp Janus
"Built in Nuremberg, Germany, by the well-established motorcycle firm during a downturn in the two-wheeler market, this push-me-pull-you was based on a Dornier prototype and powered by a 250-cc, 14-horsepower engine, giving it a top speed of only 50 mph, assuming you had that kind of time. Its unique feature was the rear-facing bench seat, which meant passengers could watch in horror as traffic threatened to rear-end this rolling roadblock of a car. Soon it became clear — "Ach Du Lieber!" — that the Janus was a disaster, coming or going."

Looks really cosy to me!




only photo i could find of hte rear facing back seats

At least with the rear door it didn't share the early BMW Isetta's major design flaw:


It had no reverse gear, so woe betide the driver who parked it too close to a wall!
Having just watched the Wheeler Dealers episode, a bit of French car porn:


Renault Alpine A310. A handsome beast, although not quite as pretty as its predecessor, the A110:

The Alpina's were quite a car, capable of 150+ which was going some at the time. They never really took off though. Nice to see a pic and stir the memories again.
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