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Ken Block drives very quickly up to things (lamp posts, bins, police cars, bridges, doughnut shops, a hopping car, imaginary things only Ken Block sees) and then spins around them eventually disappearing in a cloud of smoke :facepalm::thumbs:

No, don't like that. Those front wheel arches look the start of Mercedes' passion for unnecessarily phallic motifs within their designs, presumably intended to increase their subconscious appeal to their target market, namely men who wish to compensate for their little cocks.

This is where that design philosophy ended up of course:


...if that's not a big flaccid cock draped across the bonnet then I probably need to contact a psychotherapist of some kind.
No, don't like that. Those front wheel arches look the start of Mercedes' passion for unnecessarily phallic motifs within their designs, presumably intended to increase their subconscious appeal to their target market, namely men who wish to compensate for their little cocks.

I don't think it's any more phallic than most inter-war cars: swoopy mudguards like that featured on everything from an Austin 7 up!


^ Can hardly accuse that of being a cock extension, can you?! :D
I don't think it's any more phallic than most inter-war cars: swoopy mudguards like that featured on everything from an Austin 7 up!


^ Can hardly accuse that of being a cock extension, can you?! :D
About thirty years ago someone offered me one of these for £30!! He was desperate for the money, but, unfortunately I didn't have it on me.
wanted one, found one, couldnt get it insured. good luck with older classics unless you live outa London and have a garage
Depends.My 32 y/o Golf is insured on-street in SW16. Agreed value, unltd mileage, classic policy for <£150 p/a. I had to do quite a ringaround to find an insurer, granted, but avoid any mainstream insuracne company. Footman James came to my rescue.

Oh, and Mercedes? 450SL floats my boat...

footman effectively told me to fuck off / quouted £4K and even then it was on the proviso that they could actually get someone to cover it ( clean record/ full no claims etc )

they are very nickeable & exportable to west africa them W123s though
Il Monstro!

The thing is, that's from 1989 but IMO the closest mass production cars to that kind of brutal design are much more recent, like Bangle's BMWs. The Alfa 159 must have taken a bit of inspiration from it too.
By 159, you are including my brera :)
The narrow wide grill, resplendent with triple lights, though the other were round and spaced. Joy.
From being a child I've always dreamt of having one of these, it is for sale, and the price has been reduced to £475,000! Hoping for a big lottery win.
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