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Car Clamper / Was I Right To Leave Him..

Should I have left him or helped

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PacificOcean said:
Hes a car clamper not fucking Count Dracula!

Thats his job title yes. Does it give him the right to behave the way he does? No.

Hes harrased me almost to breaking/boiling point over a three period and got away it. I hate this man with a passion and thats not word i bandy around off the cuff. I am gutted that a person could get to me so much as to make me hate them on the scale i do which in turn leads me leave them bleeding in the street. Im may well be in the wrong of this occasion but i despair at some the vitriolic, nasty, personal digs aimed at some people on this thread and at the same time claim to be so righteous.

Im not a bad person. Theres plenty people here that know that.

Im fully aware of what i did was wrong. But I stand by fact that i dont regret it.
Dubversion said:
snadge, you're a fucking moron and there are things on this thread that are genuinely upsetting. i'd prefer to focus on those rather than try and explain why you're incapable of actually maintaining a coherent argument.

you with your desire to be right, coming into a thread and moralising to me, all I said was it doesn't make DS a bad person which it doesn't IN MY HEAD, you on the other hand think I'm wrong.

I'm not bothered really, I find Dub amusing now.
dirtysanta said:
Hes harrased me almost to breaking/boiling point over a three period and got away it. I hate this man with a passion and thats not word i bandy around off the cuff. I am gutted that a person could get to me so much as to make me hate them on the scale i do which in turn leads me leave them bleeding in the street. Im may well be in the wrong of this occasion but i despair at some the vitriolic, nasty, personal digs aimed at some people on this thread and at the same claim to be so righteous.

What the nasty digs saying you are a bad man for leaving somebody bleeding in the gutter...? Whining about how badly people are treating you now is just another indication of how low you are...

Why not act like an adult and put it behind you...? And then act like more of one by using the proper channels to complain about this guy.

jæd said:
What the nasty digs saying you are a bad man for leaving somebody bleeding in the gutter...? Whining about how badly people are treating you now is just another indication of how low you are...

Why not act like an adult and put it behind you...? And then act like more of one by using the proper channels to complain about this guy.

Where did i say i was refering to me?

Your a fine one to talk about behaving like adult, Jaed :rolleyes:
Whilst I do think leaving someone who's physically hurt is a bad thing (like evryone here does really), I also think back to times when I've maybe upset people and caused them much more pain than maybe physical pain, because I was upset or angry with them... so I would be a bit uneasy making too harsh judgments.
even if DS had lost his rag with the bloke and twatted him one day after being unfairly clamped, somehow even that is preferable to leaving someone bleeding in the gutter.
Dubversion said:
even if DS had lost his rag with the bloke and twatted him one day after being unfairly clamped, somehow even that is preferable to leaving someone bleeding in the gutter.
maybe that's true... but it's possible to walk past someone in a rage, as well as to hit them in a rage, I think.
Dubversion said:
even if DS had lost his rag with the bloke and twatted him one day after being unfairly clamped, somehow even that is preferable to leaving someone bleeding in the gutter.

Dub, you've also got to remember I been in the boozer for 6 hours and borderline falling over drunk. But ill be honest enough to say that if i had been sober thatstill may not of helped him.
Fruitloop said:
Hitting someone being worse than not rendering assistance seems a bit upside-down to me, tbh.

I'm not saying it's OK, i'm saying it's somehow more understandable. that's spur of the moment anger and frustration manifesting itself, rather than a callous 'serves you right' as you leave the bloke bleeding.
Fruitloop said:
Hitting someone being worse than not rendering assistance seems a bit upside-down to me, tbh.

I disagree, twating someone can be a heat of the moment thing. By leaving someone in the gutter you are making a conscious decision to leave them there.
PacificOcean said:
I disagree, twating someone can be a heat of the moment thing. By leaving someone in the gutter you are making a conscious decision to leave them there.

what about if you'd twatted them?

I'll just add that this is meant to bring a bit of a smile to peoples faces. :)
dirtyfruit said:
enough of this children :mad:

what DS did in the circumstances was understandable

but ultimately wrong :)

glad that's sorted. i'm off for some nice cheap fitou, i can highly recomend it. is the offy's got any left ;)
Indeed, I think that just about sums up what I think too.
I disagree, twating someone can be a heat of the moment thing. By leaving someone in the gutter you are making a conscious decision to leave them there.

I don't see how that makes it any better. Given the choice I would rather be stuck on a desert island with someone who was tardy giving assistance to people they didn't like, rather than one that flew into a rage and hit people.
Fruitloop said:
I don't see how that makes it any better. Given the choice I would rather be stuck on a desert island with someone who was tardy giving assistance to people they didn't like, rather than one that flew into a rage and hit people.

I fail to understand the anaolgy.
i mean, given a choice of spending time with someone with either of these two failings, I would regard hitting people as a far more serious problem. 'Heat of the moment'' is no excuse, IMO.
Fruitloop said:
i mean, given a choice of spending time with someone with either of these two failings, I would regard hitting people as a far more serious problem. 'Heat of the moment'' is no excuse, IMO.

so hitting someone in the heat of the moment is no excuse, but leaving somebody to bleed is ok?
I am with Santa on this one after what the clamper done how can he expect assistance, I mean the world nots fair and what comes around goes around. Treat people as they treat you. I treat people fairly and give them the benifit of the doubt until they prove otherwise and it appears that Santa done the same. You ve gotta have principles or you will be walked all over. Would I help him after him clapping me three time - No.....
Now if I was walking down the road and met this guy lying down, bleeding and asking for help, someone that I did not know then course I would help.
easy innit .....
so hitting someone in the heat of the moment is no excuse, but leaving somebody to bleed is ok?

Actually causing injury to someone is in every respect worse than not coming to their assistance, and heat of the moment is no mitigation.
Mr_Nice said:
I am with Santa on this one after what the clamper done how can he expect assistance, I mean the world nots fair and what comes around goes around. Treat people as they treat you. I treat people fairly and give them the benifit of the doubt until they prove otherwise and it appears that Santa done the same. You ve gotta have principles or you will be walked all over.

No, treat people as you would wish to be treated.

Surely giving someone help, even if they have been a bastard to you in the past, shows that you do have principles? If not, you are going down to their level.
Dubversion said:
so hitting someone in the heat of the moment is no excuse, but leaving somebody to bleed is ok?

you still don't get it do you?

but leaving somebody to bleed is ok

no it's not, and most posters have agreed.

so hitting someone in the heat of the moment is no excuse

no it's not either, control your temper.
How about this, help the poor sod whilst letting him know what people's problem with him is. He could be there bleeding to fucking death. That's a far better way of affecting how people act.
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