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Car Clamper / Was I Right To Leave Him..

Should I have left him or helped

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Geri said:
What a great advert for the police you are.

What do you expect?

When I was a kid in school we used to be asked what job we wanted; it was only the little wankers ever said "I want to be a fucking pig"!

They attract the worst wankers. The only ones I've ever met have either been arresting me or beating the crap out of me. That bloke is typical.
Oxpecker said:
What do you expect?

When I was a kid in school we used to be asked what job we wanted; it was only the little wankers ever said "I want to be a fucking pig"!

They attract the worst wankers. The only ones I've ever met have either been arresting me or beating the crap out of me. That bloke is typical.
You've met me have you? You know all there is to know about me and my attitude to everything?

Or are you basing that sweeping statement on my comments on a single issue?

And as for the posts talking about "leaving someone seriously injured", that wasn't what I picked up from the original post - if they had been unconscious / obviously life-threateningly injured then I would have done something.

And if I had still been a police officer, paid by the people to provide assistance without fear or favour, then I would of course have helped him. But (and it seems to escape lots of posters), I am not and was answering as the private individual I am.
so let's get this straight, this is a guy who you know for a fact has been essentially extorting money from yourself, your friends and neighbours on multiple occassions, abusing his position for financial gain and using threats of violence to back this up... and someone's finally got round to kicking the shit out of him... and now he wants you to help him... cheeky fucker

I'd probably have actually ended up sorting him out while making sure he knew what a cunt he'd been, but i'd probably not have rung the police as it sounds like he deserved a kicking.

I think DS was well within his rights to tell him to get to fuck though.
free spirit said:
so let's get this straight, this is a guy who you know for a fact has been essentially extorting money from yourself, your friends and neighbours on multiple occassions, abusing his position for financial gain and using threats of violence to back this up... and someone's finally got round to kicking the shit out of him... and now he wants you to help him... cheeky fucker

I'd probably have actually ended up sorting him out while making sure he knew what a cunt he'd been, but i'd probably not have rung the police as it sounds like he deserved a kicking.

I think DS was well within his rights to tell him to get to fuck though.

Free sprit is like sort the bloke out while telling him a few home truths
Free sprit is like sort the bloke out while telling him a few home truths
pretty much ay

the guys on the floor bleeding, you've got at least 5 minutes to kill til the ambulance arrives, perfect opportunity to initiate some soul searching in the fucker, make sure he realises exactly what effect his actions have had on people round there, and the fact that because of him being such a cunt i very nearly walked past and told him to fuck off and he's very lucky i decided to help. You never know, he could take it on board as a good kicking can lead to some life analysis in some people.

on the other hand i if i was in a bad mood i may well have done what DS did.

this has no bearing on what i'd do if i came across a complete stranger in these circumstances, known cunts vs complete strangers are completely different scenarios, and i've sorted out numerous complete strangers (and friends) over the years.

Thing with helping a known cunt in these circumstances would be the feling that he might be thinking 'what a fucking mug this guy is, i've been a complete cunt to him, ripped him off and he's still helping me... mug' .

fuck knows what i'd have done, or what anyone else on this thread would have done depending on their state of mind at that precise moment, and i'm not convinced that DS really deserved all the abuse that's been aimed at him in this thread. But that's just my opinion.
snadge said:
that I agree in, it is wrong bit it still doesn't make DS bad.

Yes, but it doesn't exactly make him good either. I could not have walked past this guy with a clear conscience. I would have helped. I would generally help most people if I saw them being assaulted in the street, as I have done in the past, and will do so in the future.

Treat others as you yourself would wish to be treated.
detective-boy said:
Er ... yes ... which was dirtysantas original point really, wasn't it ...
Not really - if you'd been beaten badly, you'd expect a good samaritan to help you out, no matter how badly behaved you might have been to them or anyone else
Maddalene said:

So okay: yes he's a bastard, and yes maybe it's karma, but yes, I'd've still helped him.

How do you know the person who gave him a kicking wouldn't, for example, kick to death an old lady or someone?
Fair point, if the question had been "if you saw the clamper getting the kicking, would you have intervened/called the filth?", but it wasn't. By the time dirtysanta saw this bloke, the damage was done.

Personally, I would have yielded to the temptation not to help him, in the circumstances, but I would (probably) have stopped at the next payphone and called an ambulance for the piece of scum, just to avoid him dying in a pub car park and giving the place bad vibes.
Andy the Don said:
I would have taken one of his clamps & clamped his van as he lay there bleeding..

Ah revenge, how thou art.. :D
Better though would be to call an ambulance thereby fullfilling your moral obligation but then clamp it when it arrived, only releasing it when the cunt had handed over the 100 quid.
Dubversion said:
no, if he fucked you over, feel free to fuck him over back. grass him up, lose him his job, do whatever feels proportional, relevant and fair. this wasn't.

in your opinion....

but then that's the problem with people doign what they beleive is proportional relevant and fair isn't it... it mighten be what you think is proportional relevant and fair... and isn't that the rub....
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