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Canterbury Arms, Brixton to be turned into flats - planning application

Apologies - I was recommended to "upgrade" my veteran Opera all-in-one browser form 12.16 to 12.18 and it now can't view/download pdf files.
I don't think this is an upgrade! [Chrome fine]
I get a bit lost of financial stuff but it looks like the Council will have some kind of profit share with May Developments on sale of private homes that May builds on what was Council land plus part of its original land. As well as selling the land on a lease in a complicated ( to me) deal which the officers are confident will produce a good value for Council.

Presumably another 'profit share' based on accounts provided by the developer.

What are the odds that yet another massive development has the money somehow siphoned off and somehow fails to make a profit?:facepalm:
I do wish the Council would take consultation more seriously. This is important site and the Council officers are ploughing ahead with appointing lead developers, deciding on widening road and disposing of Council owned land for private development.

Its all being decided with little consultation. And this Council is big on doing "Co-production".

One bit of report concerns me as well.

The resulting more "uniform" parcel of land after the swap (2.4) is considered good by officers as it will lead to,

ie more profitable for developer.

Is this what is really wanted? No consultation has been done. Larger unit implies a big chain rather than keeping smaller shops in the market area.

For Lambeth council, consultation does not mean what it means to you and I - for them it's merely an exercise in putting out just enough info to perhaps fulfil their legal obligations to Lambeth residents, it's certainly NOT about engaging locals or the wider public.
Same here.
In my case it is definitely browser related. Maybe Lambeth's website think we are "insecure".
If I use Chrome or my Chromebook (also Chrome obviously) the plans come up fine.

You would think IT would get easier and more compatible as time goes on.......
In my case it is definitely browser related. Maybe Lambeth's website think we are "insecure".
If I use Chrome or my Chromebook (also Chrome obviously) the plans come up fine.

You would think IT would get easier and more compatible as time goes on.......

I use Linux which is similar to chrome. I do remember there were issues with Lambeth website a while back.
I use Linux which is similar to chrome. I do remember there were issues with Lambeth website a while back.
Opera is a bit like Ubuntu - has a following, was particularly popular in China for some reason. The original browser was Norwegian designed and sold as a versatile W3C compatible alternative to Internet Explorer (IE was not standards compatible back in the 1990s, maybe still isn't).

Nokia used Opera browsing software on their phones - but now Nokia has been bought by - guess who - Microsoft. So Microsoft have put a stop to that and Opera was left floundering.

Word now is that a Chinese consortium has come to the rescue of the Norwegian programmers. It would be nice if they sorted it out, because Opera original incorporated an email off-line reader and browser in the same package.

More recent Opera updates have a Chrome - based browser and no email.

Oh - and Opera (both versions) works on Linux.
For those who haven't been following the Pop Brixton thread, this is what the Canterbury Arms looks like now...


For those who haven't been following the Pop Brixton thread, this is what the Canterbury Arms looks like now...


That's not what it looks like now, is it?
That's what they're planning.
Still, some dodgy shenanigans going on at the council, I reckon.
You are right to point this out. This is another piss-take like the arches.

I am sure there would have been quite a dramatic reaction against a 20 storey tower - the demolition of fine deliberately non-listed pub for a nine story tower didn't go down too well as it was.

Those officials appointed to protect us seem more concerned to sell out to the highest bidders - time after time.
Does that include some of PopBrixton as well?
That application is for an environmental impact assessment.
Mr Black, in his wisdom has agreed that this is not necessary as this is not a sensitive location.

Meanwhile you won't know exactly what is involved until a further application is made. but Pop Brixton has at least another 3 years to run - and the Pop Brixton site still belongs to the council AFAIK.
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