I looked at the docs on the link that
Tricky Skills posted up.
The developers who owns the old Canterbury Arms site has planning permission to build flats on that site.
The Council own land surrounding that site. (Pop and to the east of developers site).
Its a bit more complicated than a land swap.
Land swaps can make sense to put together a piece of land to have a single coherent site. Its like me swapping something with someone else - we both end up equal but have something more useful after the swap.
This however is a bit more complicated.
The Council is also doing a deal with May Developments ( the owners of Canterbury site) to so that May Developments become the lead developer of the combined site.
The swap would mean that land next to Popes road owned by May Developments would go to Lambeth to become part of the (proposed) widening of Popes Road. May would get land to the east which is owned by the Council.
I get a bit lost of financial stuff but it looks like the Council will have some kind of profit share with May Developments on sale of private homes that May builds on what was Council land plus part of its original land. As well as selling the land on a lease in a complicated ( to me) deal which the officers are confident will produce a good value for Council.
So its not just a land swap. Its the Council working up proposals with a developer for this important site in Brixton Central area.
Of course this all depends on a new planning application for the combined site which May Developments will put in being agreed. So to answer
clandestino question- if Council and May have there way flats will be built- private ones for sale. No mention of affordable housing in the docs.
May Developments as lead developer for the site will take the risk and apply for planning permission.
From the docs looks to me that May Developments and senior officers have been working up plans and discussing this for some time.
Its a good deal for May Developments. They get there hands on more land and Council support.
The map showing what land is swapped and officers report
There are issues here. I attended the consultation on the Brixton Central Masterplan some time ago. It ground to a halt with Network Rail unilaterally deciding to "refurbish" the arches.
However even the officers report says the consultation is not finished. The officers imo are jumping the gun here. Assuming the next round of consultations with the community will support this land swap. When in fact community will be presented with it as a fait accompli. The officers report (5.3) says as much.
The officers report also says
Yes well that is big a risk I would say.