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Can squirrels get addicted to crack?

Everyone is getting out of their tree IMO.
Poor squirrels, I feel sorry for them. And there I was thinking it was all a big urban myth!
thing is, how many of these news sources are actually taking this story seriously? it's obvious that the guardian doesn't, but what about the others?

from the guardian:

""I've only been released from prison today but I've heard about the squirrels. They are scoffing all the crack, more stoned than me. Have you ever seen cats with hash? Cats always go for hash."

There is no sign of a squirrel half-crazed on Class As along Coldharbour Lane or Rush Common - but, finally, a possible sighting. "I've just seen one jump down from an old sunflower by the Seventh Day Adventist church," said Reg Throssell. "I locked eyes with it and it stared back at me really confidently. It was scavenging and it looked scrawny.""

A housemate of mine has just suggested a new urban 'crack squirrels' t-shirt.

I'm thinking it would have a picture of a squirrel with really bloodshot eyes and a slogan like: "Urban75: home of the original crack squirrels"
or perhaps "Urban75: the fix for Brixton crack squirrels"

Any volunteers to do the artwork? :D
It's got me thinking - perhaps the crack squirrels are a secret police initiative - they've been trained to steal all the crack
not particularly surprising these days to be honest, but apparently the beeb are taking the story seriously and whilst i haven't read them i'd hate to read what the sun and the mirror say about it.. the guardian snippet was lighthearted enough to be vaguely amusing.. i suppose.
i burst out laughing on the tube when i got to page seven of the guardian today. :D the power of a slow news weekend!

i reckon t shirts are a must.

i eat crack squirrels

In the mirror story: "The squirrel raids have led to rival drug gangs blaming each other for the stolen drugs"

priceless!!!! :D
reNnIe said:
In the mirror story: "The squirrel raids have led to rival drug gangs blaming each other for the stolen drugs"

priceless!!!! :D

yeah, that made me laugh too! just goes to show how much is made up in the tabloid stories. not that we didn't know that already of course, but it's interesting to see it in action.

you can almost picture the process. the hack bashing out the original story and then thinking 'hmm, it's missing something...crack...gangs...ah, yes, i know...'
The whole debacle does give you a bit of insight into the construction of a news story doesn't it? :(

I wonder if they'll realise they've been printing shite, and if they do realise, will they do anything to retract the stories?
Brainaddict said:
I wonder if they'll realise they've been printing shite, and if they do realise, will they do anything to retract the stories?
I doubt it, though I can imagine a paper who hasn't covered it (The Independent?) gleefully pointing it out. Perhaps someone should get in touch (I doubt Private Eye would be interested, but you never know)
I've been googling for the effects of eating crack (as opposed to smoking it) but can't find much.

*leaves thread for drugs forum* :D
Remebered me when I was in Palenque and a quirrel like animal called techon or so used to steal peoples weed and mushrooms what they stashed in the palm roof.

He used to drink mushroom tea as well when somebody left it, I know it was a he since he had sex with my trouser wanking all over it after getting high.
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