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Can I legitimately refuse to work in a place I don’t feel safe or well in?

There are other things I’m unhappy with too.
I accidentally took too much leave over a year ago now and they’ve had all this time to sort it and now they’re demanding I make the hours up (about 30 hours I think). And they’ve also recently told me (verbally, not in writing) that when I changed shift patterns in April this year, a mistake was made and I’ve been working half an hour less than my contracted hours. I was too taken aback to take issue with this when it was mentioned but on reflection they can fucking swivel for those missing hours, as it was their mistake, not mine. And they’ve had nearly two years to sort out the leave deficit despite me offering several ways to make up for it on a number of occasions. I have spoken to my rep about this though and they agree that they should just draw a line under it and start from scratch in April with no surplus or deficit in hours.
Aye, my meeting isn’t til the 15th, so I will be pressing for at least a telephone call next week. I really need to update them on a few things as well as seek advice but my rep seems to think they only need meetings when everyone is at the table. They once had a meeting with management without me being there cos of bad communication. I registered my dismay and they did apologise but I often wonder whose side they are on.
Try to contact them tomorrow and if nothing from them by lunchtime Tues say you want the meeting delayed to discuss matters with your rep. And email your branch secretary or chair asking them to suggest someone else as you've had no reply from 'Mr x'
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