the acceptable face
Well either they were or they weren't. Surely there's some kind of independent economic analysis that could answer that.
They were and there is. Try google, I can't be arsed for you.
And why the fuck would the tories close down a profitable industry? What's the explanation for that?
ideology. the miner's needed to be smashed so that the neo-liberal economy could be developed - one where profits could be increased without a corresponding demand from those producing wealth/increasing their productivity for a fairer cut. the miner's union represented the strongest section of the organised working class so the tories stockpiled coal, massively increased coppers wages (to buy them off completely) and organised to smash that union. the last 20 odd years has shown that even with this 'victory' over the organised working class and resulting drive to maximise profits the rate of overall profit has still remained low - the idealogues were wrong in thinking they had an easy solution (even with the fantasy 'wealth' gained from gambling on the stock market). meanwhile those communities still suffer the very real consequences of idiotic decisions made - a generation of people without the skills, training or jobs to go to. all those people get is demonisation from idiots like you.