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Butterflies and moths

Anyone know what moth this is that I saw on my walk this morning?


Otherwise loads and loads of orange tip butterflies, at least twenty, but nothing much else. I have only seen orange tips, meadow brown, speckled wood and a red admiral so far this year. No peacocks, tortoiseshells, painted lady, etc.
I used to get a lot of garden tigers before I tidied my garden up and removed the greenhouse and my folly building.
Now it's mostly cabbage whites trying to destroy my kale :p

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I may extend my bike ride later and go to the nearest meadow / hedgerow .. apart from anything else I need to get my first blackberries.
I had a garden blackberry earlier today .... Spicy! :D the birds are eating them and pooping on the washing though :rolleyes:
I did do a Big Butterfly Count survey the Friday before last when there was a little bit of sun :D

We saw Large Whites, Commas, Red Admirals, and Holly Blues.

When we weren't doing the actual count, we also saw Jersey Tiger Moths and Speckled Woods :D

If the weather improves at all before the 6th I'll do another count or two in our street or in the little park round the corner.
I keep meaning to do the Big Butterfly Count. I get reminded every time I leave the house through my front garden and see loads of them flitting from plant to plant. The only day that looks remotely bright and sunny here is Sunday so that's cutting it fine.
I went looking last week and I think someone’s eaten them all already.

I’ll patrol further afield next weekend
possibly birds, tbh ...
If the brambles [or whatever] have grubs in them, that's an added incentive for our avian neighbours to get noshing !

my "flock" go for almost anything, depending on how much food is out and what the weather's doing {or going to do}
This year, at least for the past month or more, I've seen almost no butterflies, only a few moths at night.
In the dry spell earlier, I did see a few butterflies.
People with no faith in the youth should check out Lindsay Nicole

Also, plume moths. Plume moths are my favourite moth family.
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I found another "Angles Shades" moth caterpillar yesterday whilst I was weeding / grass trimming ...

Once seen that lime green in unforgettable !
Yesterday, I also saw several Red Admirals ...

But a lot less than in previous years.
Must check my nettle patches - I allow these to grow in several areas to feed caterpillars. {Red Admiral, Peacock, Small Tortishell} and small birds will eat the seeds / other i.
Also very young nettle shoots are edible for salads, teas etc [I don't, but I know people that do eat them]
OK, that's would I expect red admiral caterpillars to feed on, but from the photo it looked like something else.

Do you grow stinging nettle in your polytunnel deliberately?
No :D I just don't have time to keep up with weeding because everything else takes ten times as long as it should, because the entire place is falling apart.

Was doing pea shoots in this trough down the side of the squash, but the only thing approaching useable compost at the time was from a manure heap that had been left uncovered so full of nettle, dock, grass and other seeds (I've just started a Berkley heap so should have good compost soon...). I'm still getting a few ripe pods to snack on from the last remaining pea plants and I'll carefully cut back the other stuff to stop it self-seeding but leave the nettles be until the caterpillars have done their thing. There's enough space here though that ideally we wouldn't have any nettles growing in the garden, polytunnel, veg field or campsite areas but there would still be plenty elsewhere for the species that need them.

Photo taken inside a large polytunnel. There are plants growing round orange squash in the foreground, and a low narrow wooden trough on the ground along the edge of the tunnel with grasses and various other plants growing in it.
Also very young nettle shoots are edible for salads, teas etc [I don't, but I know people that do eat them]
Especially good in a soup when wild garlic is in season! We've cut a load to dry and use as nettle hay for livestock feed too.

Dock leaves and seed are technically edible too and I'm determined to start using those somehow since we have an entire field of almost nothing else. Ducks have been eating the seeds but we really want fewer ducks, not more..
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