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Brummie urbanites... directions needed

mr steev

magic thought wizard
Could any Brummie give me some clear directions on how to get to The Institute in Digbeth from New Street station on foot please?
I'm off to see a gig there tonight. I know the way if I was there iyswim, but I've got a lift. My mate who doesn't know where it is is going on the train/walking and he's panicking that he's going to get lost :)
Come out of what is currently the main entrance to the station (but is what you'll have known as the back entrance). Turn right and head along the new walkway (where the Newt & Cucumber pub used to be) towards the bull ring. Go through the bullring centre and down the hill to St Martins church. Keep the church on your right hand side and you will be at the top of Digbeth High St. The Institute is 5 mins walk down there on the left hand side, opposite the coach station.
Could any Brummie give me some clear directions on how to get to The Institute in Digbeth from New Street station on foot please?
I'm off to see a gig there tonight. I know the way if I was there iyswim, but I've got a lift. My mate who doesn't know where it is is going on the train/walking and he's panicking that he's going to get lost :)

Enjoy the Mary Chain?
I did, ta :)

As I said on another thread, I felt they started off a bit flat but soon picked up. Stuff like Never Understand and The Living End was great.

Yeah, not sure I get the encore first ploy either. The Living End, In a Hole and My Little Underground sounded fucking brilliant I thought.
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