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Now they’ve angered Joni Mitchell

I think Joni's got bigger challenges in her life at the moment....
Interesting points raised here by a Cressingham resident:

Sound a major problem on Cressingham Gardens during sound check. Was told this morning by Field Day representative that it was not included in the monitoring / assessment yesterday, even though we communicated to them a couple of weeks ago that sound is a major issue and the way it travels during events that are located in the middle of the park. Very angry that Lambeth fails to require sound checks on Cressingham. Residents super sensitive and are seeing this as simply a further form of harassment by Lambeth in the context of regeneration in the attempt to drive people out of their homes - it doesn't, it just makes them even angrier
If any resident played music as loud as what occurred yesterday during the sound check they would have immediately been slapped with a nasty warning letter / ASBO by the council... double standards.
Well you're part of the admin for Brockwell Tranquillity, whilst also promoting it via Buzz so you should be able to view lots of it, but:

Lido Field - the grass is very badly churned as the tech vans delivering backline stuff didn't use boards. A whole bunch of long and deep tracks where the JCBs have been crossing wet grass. Speeding vehicles - a combination of lambeth's and FD ones across most of the site, and multiple bits where they've not been driving along their internal roadways & are cutting up the grass. It's strange that they were adhering to all of that relatively well, until the fences and gates were closed and they thought no one was looking.

Security Camera's up and not all pointing into the park (it's a regular email chat with Lambeth re. LCS as they know that legally they can't point them towards people's houses, as they have not asked for consent to view) which you give by entering the site, not by living next door. Staff are now getting pissed off with people asking how to access the park and are now swearing at and refusing to share info with park users...

Early morning construction of the barriers by the HH junction, including ones which are impeding the Fire Service access up Station Parade - which is used by Brixton Fire Station about once a week to short cut around the traffic

What did make me chuckle was during the electrical storm last week - the night time security panicked and were desperately shouting to find each other (at 3am) "Geooooooooooffff!" [silence] "Geooooooooooffff!" [silence]

Well you're part of the admin for Brockwell Tranquillity, whilst also promoting it via Buzz so you should be able to view lots of it,
For the record: I was made admin for Brockwell Tranquility without asking. I don't 'admin' anything or attend any of their meetings or get involved in any way at all. I'm not even sure why I was made admin, but there you go. And I've reported on the issues, not 'promoted' them.
If i lived nearby and had a problem with the sound levels of the music, id cut my losses and just go and see what all the fuss is about, assuming they are close enough to qualify for free tickets, which surely they are. it would be much better than sitting at home getting all angry, phoning a pointless helpline and writing stuff on social media about how outrageous the whole situation is. (i say this in an ideal world where no one had any mobility issues, which i know isn't the case)
If i lived nearby and had a problem with the sound levels of the music, id cut my losses and just go and see what all the fuss is about, assuming they are close enough to qualify for free tickets, which surely they are. it would be much better than sitting at home getting all angry, phoning a pointless helpline and writing stuff on social media about how outrageous the whole situation is. (i say this in an ideal world where no one had any mobility issues, which i know isn't the case)
Except it was a ballot, and the estate I live on didn't receive the letters for the ballot...
And to clarify before I come across as all NIMBY - i love living next to the park, I'm missing the noise of the Sunday drummers. I laugh every year as the caller at the Fair gets hoarser as the weekend goes on, and I'm happy with the noise and people that come for LCS. What isn't great is closing the park for loads of days, over half term for a fee paying audience for a few pennies which Lambeth will squander.

And I'll be at the lido tomorrow.
If i lived nearby and had a problem with the sound levels of the music, id cut my losses and just go and see what all the fuss is about, assuming they are close enough to qualify for free tickets, which surely they are. it would be much better than sitting at home getting all angry, phoning a pointless helpline and writing stuff on social media about how outrageous the whole situation is. (i say this in an ideal world where no one had any mobility issues, which i know isn't the case)
And yet you don't live anywhere nearby but are still sat at home writing on social media about what you imagine you might do if you happened to live nearby and didn't already know what a festival was. Oh, and it was an ideal world in which nobody had any mobility issues.
nah, sat at work commenting on something more interesting than whats currently on my plate. but its fine, i've got a free ticket and i'm going tomorrow. hopefully, ill have a lovely day out. weathers looking good! :thumbs:
If i lived nearby and had a problem with the sound levels of the music, id cut my losses and just go and see what all the fuss is about, assuming they are close enough to qualify for free tickets, which surely they are. it would be much better than sitting at home getting all angry, phoning a pointless helpline and writing stuff on social media about how outrageous the whole situation is. (i say this in an ideal world where no one had any mobility issues, which i know isn't the case)
Why should they go along if the festival, the music, the acts, and the hefty food and drink prices don't appeal?
nah, sat at work commenting on something more interesting than whats currently on my plate. but its fine, i've got a free ticket and i'm going tomorrow. hopefully, ill have a lovely day out. weathers looking good! :thumbs:
You don't live anywhere nearby but are still sat at work writing on social media about what you imagine you might do if you happened to live nearby and didn't already know what a festival was.
I felt quite jealous of all the youngsters congregating on Field Day today. They all looked like they were well up for it. I have small children and yes it's a bit annoying from that perspective. But I wonder if all the people complaining about it messing up their kid's weekend or having to explain death metal posters or take an eye out with a flag or whatever it was will feel the same way about this sort of stuff when their kids are teenagers, which they will be in the blink of an eye. Young people need stuff too. I say go for it kiddos. Have a good one :)
Fyi, if anyone Is concerned about litter, there are lots of people picking up at the moment and the whole place is in a pretty good state. I know it's earlyish on Friday, but hoping this keeps up. A good vibe and well organised.
Currently quieter than I expected, but not all the tents are being used - it’s not actually that busy - Erica has the biggest crowd waiting so far. Main stage is the loudest, but the wind is blowing to the west so I’m probably not experiencing the most of it. Bass is getting to floor shaking levels from 200m away as they wind up for her. No one at the food court bit.

Lots of police. Noticed that inside the green/grey walls are fake wood clad esp the vip bit.

No trade for the local pubs / offies in Herne Hill / Railton & Dulwich Rd as all the punter are funnelled through water lane etc but more locals in local pubs that I popped into tonight than usual - all having a bit of gander. Generally most people aren’t upset with the punters but that Lambeth have taken over the park. The regular (less pub using, more street socialising)locals are pissed off from being eyeballed by police and have gone home early.

Not met a happy dog owner yet. Local geese looked more fucked off than usual, but they’re geese.
Turns out my cats not a fan of Erikah’s jazz inflect no soul - whodathunkit? I enjoyed the crowd singalong to On & On though.

Lambeth staff took down the ‘how to complain if you see antisocial behaviour’ posters on the estate
Sound engineer just pushed the master volume control up waaaaay too loud durning her final song -my windows shook. Was turned down in a few seconds with an air of panic - 2 mins to curfew & crowd interaction cliche bit now starting
I don’t envy the bar staff at the hoot right now - 15000 people heading that way with a thirst on... Dulwich Road full of people walking in the middle of the street & lots of people using the estate as a toilet
Went along today, had a great time, agree with earlier points about the event management: thought the difference in professionalism between Field Day & previous festivals was huge. My main concern while there was the lack of bins & ensuing volumes of litter inside the fence, glad to hear that's being dealt with. The reports about noise travelling to Cressingham are very worrying; absolutely the last place around the park where people should be given more to put up with.

Still think the site is too big for the park to accommodate sadly: the last two weeks have been really annoying, as was trying to walk the dog this morning. However, based on today if we have to have a festival of this nature I'd rather it was Field Day rather than anyone else, frankly.
My quick impression: it's a very well run festival site. Very professional. Didn't like having my water taken off me when I came in, but apart from that the security were low key.
They had staff all the way down to Electric Avenue directing punters after it closed which seemed to be them going the extra mile. Loads of roads were closed too.
If the dog gets ya, does this mean security do an additional more thorough search?

So yeah. Dog crawls up my leg. Handler gets a bloke to escort me to tent out back. Security acting the big man but they just search bag, coat, shoes and a pat down. Also went in my wallet and tobacco packet. Found nothing and on my way.

For info I was behind 8 people got by dog, all searched, all let back in.
Sweet, thanks for the info.

If it was police pulling people over for a search after the dog sniffed positive I' be much more concerned.
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