For anyone who is against this development I just received this from the FoBP:
"Please come tomorrow
Lambeth is receiving a delegation from the Friends of Brockwell Park about the proposed road at the meeting of the full Council tomorrow (Wednesday 30th January). Sorry for the short notice, but we were only told yesterday.
Please come along to Lambeth Town Hall to support the delegation: come at around 6:45 and ask for the Public Gallery. We'll try to arrange for a FoBP representative to be at the main entrance, please make yourself known to them. The delegation should have been heard before 7:30 so you'll be able to get away then. Forward this email to everyone you know who loves the Park so they know what's happening.
4,000 objections received
Lambeth has now received more than 4,000 objections to the proposed road across Brockwell Park. If you haven't already sent in an individual objection please do so today - as they are taken much more seriously by the Council. The official deadline for objections was in November, but the Council will continue to receive objections up to the date of the Planning Committee - they wanted this meeting in December, but there were so many objections they had to put it off.
It is vital that Lambeth Councillors know how we feel about the scheme so
Contact Lambeth Councillors to say you object to the scheme.
If you want to do more - handing out leaflets at the Railway or Underground stations, getting signatures door to door, or anything else you can think of, contact the Chair of the Friends of Brockwell Park: "
(The message also contained links to make your own objections as well as a facility to enter your postcode and see your Councillors' contact details and how they voted on the road plan - these links are also to be found on the FoBP website: